United Airlines Pilot Pulls Out Ax In “Bizarre” Attack At Denver Airport

Aug 18 2023

United Airlines pilot Kenneth Jones was arrested in a Denver Airport employee parking lot after a “bizarre ax attack” against the lot’s exit gate. He says he got tired of waiting for the arm to go up. The uniformed pilot is shown on video taking an axe out of his trunk and swinging the axe at the gate more than 24 times and finally got it up.

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It’s Time For Tourists To Return To Maui

Aug 17 2023

West Maui is in shambles. Lahaina has largely been destroyed. 111 people are confirmed dead, with as many as 1,000 still missing. Over 2,000 structures were damaged – most of them residential. But slowly life is being put back together. Verizon cell phone service was just restored. Yet Maui already needs tourism back.

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World Of Hyatt Member Charged $5,500 To Cancel An Award Stay When His Father Died

Aug 17 2023

He paid 63,000 points for a stay at The Grand Victoria Hotel in Lake Como. His father passed away, and the funeral conflicts with this stay. So he can’t go, and he’s been charged $5,500.

That’s how Hyatt’s (and Marriott’s) rule works. It’s also unacceptable. Most people assume that they’ll lose the points, not the cash, but that isn’t the rule!

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American Airlines: Passengers Aren’t Entitled To Fly In Seats, Can Be Kicked Off For Any Reason

Aug 17 2023

An American Airlines passenger bought a seat for her 18 month old child. A flight attendant refused to allow them to use it, saying children under two weren’t allowed in seats without a car seat. This was wrong. The passenger is suing, because American wouldn’t refund the seat they’d purchased but weren’t permitted to use. And One Mile at a Time reports that the airline is making two claims in response to the suit, They’re only required to transport a passenger, not to transport them in a seat. Since the toddler flew, they got the full value of their ticket. The flight attendant, who threatened to kick the passengers off the flight and who denied use of the seat all based on a misunderstanding of policy, was within their rights to do so even though…

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American Airlines Explains Its Strategy Picking 5 New International Routes

Aug 17 2023

While this is a buildup in seasonal Europe, it’s a way to give transpacific winter jets a place to go as Senior Vice President of Network Brian Znotins explains. Philadelphia gives more single connections to competitors than other Copenhagen, Nice and Naples flights. Philadelphia – not New York – gets growth with this announcement, and that follows moving New York JFK – Doha to Philadelphia. Znotins describes Philadelphia as a connecting hub, versus New York as a focus for local traffic.

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Flight Attendants Hate Passengers Who Are Traveling Standby

Aug 17 2023

One of the major complaints I see from flight attendants (and other employees, but mostly flight attendants) is that standby passengers make it difficult for them to fly free as nonrevs. All they see if passengers filling up a flight as a standby, ahead of them on the list to get onto a flight. They do not ‘see’ the flight the passenger comes off of, freeing up more seats for nonrevs.

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The 5 New International Routes American Airlines Will Announce Tomorrow

Aug 16 2023

I think this is the best guess we’ve seen that puts it all together. Philadelphia to Copenhagen, Nice, and Naples; Chicago to Venice; and Dallas to Barcelona. It’s good to see American viewing itself as more than just the airline that connects Tulsa and Indianapolis, but they’re not doing anything nearly as ‘exciting’ as United launching routes like Manila (American will likely pride themselves on this, to be fair).

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Surprising New European Hot Destination Is Albania

Aug 16 2023

Tirana is going to feel like a European city. The northern part of the country will seem underdeveloped. It’s a highly seasonal (summer) destination located in Southeastern Europe on the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. It is both relatively safe and affordable. You’ll see castles and other architecture in addition to beaches, and you’ll eat soured milk casserole and drink coffee. There are more coffee shops per capital in Albania than anywhere else in the world. Albania does seem to be having a moment.

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