99% Of Southwest Airlines Pilots Vote To Authorize Strike

May 12 2023

99% of pilots casting a ballot voted to authorize a strike. This was largely pitched to members as negotiating leverage: vote to strike so you don’t need to strike. It’s a threat to the company to get them to give more in negotiations.

Once a union calls for strike authorization, members have to go along – otherwise the union’s credibility implodes and the company knows there isn’t a strike threat looming in the background.

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Man Shoves Flight Attendant, Demands To See The Captain Over American Airlines Meal Choices

May 11 2023

Retired British hedge fund executive Robert David Croizat mentioned in the Panama Papers scolded an American Airlines flight attendant, saying they “should have addressed him in a better way when giving him the choices for his meal” and demanded to see the captain because there were only vegetarian options on board flight 1192 from Bridgetown to Miami on on March 8.

After his aggressive behavior towards crew, including pinning one of the flight attendants against the cockpit door, the man was overpowered by another passenger and forced into his seat.

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