Hotels have eliminated daily housekeeping in many cases. All except the top luxury brands won’t automatically clean your room every day, or if they do it’s a ‘light service’ making the bed and swapping out towels on the floor. That means they don’t need to hire as many housekeepers, and a single housekeeper can service more rooms.
American Airlines Messing Up Itineraries Because They Didn’t Notice One Computer Setting
Scott Chandler, who is American’s Vice President of Revenue Management, explained why customers who purposely book longer connections – not wanting the stress of running from gate to gate, especially when their first flight is delayed – wind up losing those longer connections when the airline runs a schedule change.
United Airlines Working Behind The Scenes To Stop Competition For Washington Dulles Flights
The issue here is what is best for passengers, not United’s shareholders which received nearly $10 billion in taxpayer cash already during the pandemic. United’s efforts at Washington Dulles have been subsidized for nearly 40 years. That’s too long rather than a justification for more subsidies at the expense of passenger choices and competition.
American Airlines Snatched Sewing Machine From Wheelchair-Bound Passenger, And Broke It [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
Delta Wants To Change How It Serves Tokyo Haneda Airport. That Shouldn’t Be Allowed.
DOT’s rule on these slots was that, once service commenced, none could go dormant for more than 90 days or the route authority could be taken back and awarded to another airline.
With Japan late to re-open, and traditional managed business travel still depressed, U.S. – Japan flying hasn’t recovered nearly as much as domestic travel or flying between the U.S. and Europe.
Marriott Guest Arrested For Booking A Room With Stolen Bonvoy Points
A man booked a room with someone else’s Marriott Bonvoy points. The member received the confirmation email from Marriott, contacted the police, and that man was arrested on the spot in Naples, Florida!
United Airlines Passenger Didn’t Like Their First Class Seat So They Attacked A Flight Attendant
In the wee hours of Monday morning, a passenger who had boarded a redeye United Airlines flight in San Francisco bound for Houston became enraged when they found a passenger sitting in the seat they thought should have been theirs. They were supposed to be in first class but demanded to sit in coach.
American Airlines Forces Two Women To Change Into More Revealing Clothes In Order To Fly
Two comedians wrapped up performing in Las Vegas and were headed to Dallas on American Airlines. They report being forced to change their clothes at the gate because staff claimed what they were wearing was too revealing. They were mortified, they say, that they were stuck changing in front of everyone. And what they changed into – which the airline accepting – was even more revealing!
Delta Air Lines Passenger Unleashes On Anti-Seat Recline Vigilante In The Row Behind Her
A Delta Air Lines passenger reclined her seat, and the woman behind her – she says – began pushing her seat back throughout the rest of the flight. In response, she didn’t ask for help from a flight attendant. Instead she… began yelling at the woman behind her. And another passenger caught it on video.
The passengers behind the woman denied pushing her seat and that just drove the her to the brink, publicly defending her right to recline. It was the end of the flight though, so the battle went on silently until she just couldn’t take it anymore.
Two Women Brawl At Atlanta Airport Gate – Neither One Of Them Is Making It To Miami
Two women tussled and brawled before a Spirit Airlines flights with one eventually being pinned by the other, larger passenger. Blows were traded, kicks were unleashed, and they tumbled until they just couldn’t tumble anymore.
It looks to me like this is the gate area for a Spirit Airlines flight from Atlanta to Miami. This looks like the Atlanta airport, and Spirit does use gate D2 there. Atlanta to Miami on Spirit almost guarantees this result.