Operator Of Austin Airport’s South Terminal Sues Over The Most Insane Eminent Domain Case Ever

Aug 05 2022

Part of how the Austin airport has handled growth is opening a separate, privately-funded terminal for low cost carriers. They gave a 40 year lease to a company to build it, that company has invested tens of millions of dollars, and Allegiant and Frontier currently operate out of the terminal.

The South Terminal has only been open 5 years and the Austin airport has changed its mind. They want the land back .

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You Don’t Need To Worry About Monkeypox When You Travel

Aug 05 2022

Here’s how to think about monkeypox. If you have it you should isolate. Take precautions if engaging in close contact within high risk groups and absolutely get vaccinated if you can. But if you don’t have monkeypox and aren’t engaging in high risk activities with people who might have monkeypox then you don’t have to think much about it. That could change, it could cross over into other communities, and if that happens you should update your priors.

Right now I am taking zero precautions against monkeypox. I hope that doesn’t change. But any change that I make will be based on scientific evidence.

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American Airlines Has A New Design Template For Its Admirals Clubs, And That’s Fantastic

Aug 04 2022

The current ‘new design’ of American Airlines Admirals Clubs feel very institutional, from the lighting to the furniture. The perfect example of this is the A concourse club in Dallas which I think of as having hospital lighting. The smaller club in Charlotte follows this same motif.

Great news – they’re walking away from that design in upcoming new builds and renovations with a much more attractive template!

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Department Of Transportation Proposes New Rules For When Airlines Must Provide Refunds To Passengers

Aug 03 2022

The Department of Transportation has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would codify circumstances in which a passenger is entitled to a refund for their ticket, and rules for a future pandemic making passengers entitled to a voucher if it’s inadvisable for them to travel for public health reasons. DOT even wants to pre-write customer refunds into future pandemic bailouts of the airlines.

Mostly the rule would formalize current practice, after several airlines broke with convention during the pandemic and held their customers’ money hostage. There is much to like here, as a result of bad actors among the airlines and how tilted the law is in favor of air carriers. But there’s also some overreach as well.

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