Two Men ‘Bully And Assault’ Woman Trying To Deplane Quickly

Jul 20 2022

When a flight is delayed, and finally arrives at its destination, crew may announce that passengers without a connection should remain seated to let those with a connecting flight get off first, to give them a running chance of making their connection. Almost no one complies, ever.

Passengers in a hurry trying to get off as quickly as possible, ahead of passengers in rows in front of them, can be a source of conflict too. Here’s a woman trying to get by other passengers as they deplane – and the other passengers are having none of it. I’d bet the woman looking to get off wasn’t as polite in asking as she might of been, but they appear to be acting like real jerks.

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Woman Filmed Naked In Her Room After Hotel Gives Man The Key, What Should She Do?

Jul 20 2022

A woman reports in multiple places online that last Thursday she was staying one night in a major city at a chain hotel. She showered, put her towel on the rack, and was “standing in the middle of the room completely naked, [when] another guest opens the door suddenly.”

What happened next is what’s really striking. The man didn’t leave. Instead, he started filming her.

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Alaska Airlines Is Introducing Permanent Electronic Tags For Do-It-Yourself Checked Bags

Jul 19 2022

Alaska Airlines is introducing permanent luggage tags you can affix to your bags that speed up the check-in process. Passengers with these tags won’t have to print bag tags at the airport. Instead they will “activate the devices from anywhere—their home, office or even car—up to 24-hours before their flight through [Alaska’s] mobile app.”

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Hyatt Hotel Charges Every Guest For Damage They Haven’t Even Caused Yet

Jul 18 2022

With all the fees that hotels you’d think there’s nothing left to unbundle. However Hyatt’s Destination Residences Mauna Lani Point resort in Waimea has come up with a creative new fee I haven’t seen before.

In a move sure to impress Monsieur Thénardier himself, the hotel actually charges guests for damage they haven’t even done to the room yet through a mandatory $79 damage waiver fee on each booking.

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