Uber Now Lets You Rent Cars, And Will Soon Deliver Them

phone with uber on it
Apr 29 2021

When Uber started letting you order food and eat it at the restaurant it seemed like something out of The Onion. But they saw themselves as a platform for food, and an opportunity (they thought) to monetize eyeballs.

Now they’re introducing a new service that should make Uber’s drivers furious: encouraging customers to book rental cars in the app as a substitute for ride-sharing.

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United Is Giving Elites 3 Promotions To Choose From, Makes Status Easier To Earn

airline seat with teddy bear
Apr 29 2021

United will let elite members earn 25% of their status requirements with 3 trips, or members can choose a bonus of 10% of their status requirements or bonus miles instead. That’s on top of the 25% credit towards status United has already given.

While some people will earn elite status this year, 2021 is mostly a wash out for an airline’s best customers. And that means airlines need to take steps to extend status again and start over next year or they’ll risk pushing these members into free agency.

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Flight Attendant Is Suing Southwest Airlines For Killing Her Husband

Apr 28 2021

It’s amazing that lawsuits over Covid-19 haven’t been nearly as significant as feared. At one point Covid-19 legislation was being held up in Congress over disagreements about including lawsuit immunity for employers (predictably Republicans favored this on behalf of business, and Democrats opposed on behalf of trial lawyers).

Yet there’s a new lawsuit by a Southwest Airlines flight attendant who says she contracted Covid-19 during recurrent training, gave it to her husband, and he died.

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