Your Airline Seat Preference Reveals Your Value As A Customer

airplane seats
Jan 23 2021

When you’re in an aisle seat you direct your own destiny. You get up to use the lavatory whenever you wish and don’t need to worry about waiting on other passengers to gather their belongings to let you out, or your seatmates falling asleep and needing to be woken to let you out. I find window seats claustrophobic.

It turns out that the preference for an aisle seat over a window seat also means you’re a better customer of an airline’s loyalty program, based on data.

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Hotel Housekeeper Was Stealing Guest Underwear, Leaving His Phone Number And Demanding Nude Photos

Jan 22 2021

Las Vegas police are sharing details of a hotel worker, hoping they’ll get additional information from other guests who may have been victimized by the man.

According to reports the 20 year old would steal guest property and demand nude photos from them in exchange for having their belongings returned. He also is accused of stealing female guest underwear and leaving a note with his phone number ‘call me to get your underwear back.’

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Delta Passenger Arrested For Rioting At The Capitol – Because Of A Dirty Shirt

Jan 22 2021

Two days after the protests and riot at the U.S. Capitol, John Lolos had boarded a Delta flight at Washington National airport. The plane was taxiing out, but the pilot decided to return to the gate because he was reportedly yelling “Trump 2020!” Airport police met the aircraft at the gate.

The man was rebooked by Delta, but police later arrested them because something of something they saw on Instagram: the man’s shirt.

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