A United Airlines Flight Attendant Makes Their Last Announcement Before Tomorrow’s Expected Furlough

Sep 30 2020

A passenger taped this United flight attendant making his last announcement prior to his expected furlough. This crewmember has been flying for United for two years. He chokes up asking the people on his flight to come back to United for their travels “so that we can come back.” And that’s where I really choke up myself.

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The Strange Incentive The Treasury Secretary Has To Push Another Airline Bailout

Sep 30 2020

When airlines gave the government a stake in their businesses, effectively partial nationalization, they created an incentive for the government to continue bailing them out to protect and grow that very stake.

Pumping in another $25 billion makes Secretary Mnuchin’s stock warrants, obtained for bailouts, look better – like he negotiated a ‘win’ for taxpayers.

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Six More U.S. AIrlines Go Back On The Government Dole, Treasury Secretary Calls For More Subsidies

depressed businessman leaning his head below a bad stock market chart
Sep 30 2020

American Airlines closed on a $5.5 billion government-subsidized loan last week. It can be increased to $7.5 billion. Six more airlines though have closed on loans under these conditions: United Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, Hawaiian Airlines, and SkyWest. Treasury didn’t immediately release the amounts borrowed by each airline, or the collateral used.

Both Democrats and Republicans are calling for $25 billion in additional subsidies, under the guise of protecting workers (although that portion costs less than 10% of the total).

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Maldives Launches ‘Border Miles’ Rewards Program

pier on beach
Sep 30 2020

The principles of loyalty marketing can be applied across industries, and the basics are very much the same: recognition (elite benefits) and reward (redemption). While the most successful programs have been in travel – airlines have turned their marketing programs from a cost center into a profit engine – loyalty marketing is important to anywhere consumers make repeated choices.

The Maldives is trying something new with a destination rewards program with three elite levels. Here’s hoping they offer status matches!

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Last Day For New Bask Savings Account Offer

Sep 29 2020

American Airlines has added partners that make their frequent flyer program more relevant to people in some of the largest cities in the country this year. American Airlines AAdvantage® miles with your savings account is an even better deal with low interest rates. And there’s the opportunity to earn an extra 25,000 referring friends for new accounts – that gets them a better offer than is publicly available, too – but that ends next month.

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American Airlines Will Roll Out Covid Testing For Hawaii and Caribbean

Sep 29 2020

Following announcements by United Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines, offering airport testing for passengers on flights to Hawaii, American Airlines today announced they, too, will offer airport testing for Dallas Fort Worth – Honolulu and Maui, and also for Miami – Jamaica. They ‘expect’ to launch testing for Bahamas flights next month, and then expand the program for flights across the Caribbean.

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The Testing Wars Have Begun: Oakland Airport Wants To Attract Passengers With Free Rapid Covid Testing

Sep 29 2020

It was only Thursday that United Airlines announced they would offer rapid coronavirus testing at the airport in San Francisco for passengers taking its Hawaii flights. Testing would be available by appointment, with results available in 15 minutes, and the airline hoped the $250 price point would come down in the near future.

Since then Hawaiian Airlines also announced same day airport testing coming for its passengers for $150. The State of Hawaii plans to allow people to enter the state without 14 day quarantine starting October 15, provided they present a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours of arrival. United says the state will accept their Abbott rapid tests.

Now Oakland airport is announcing that its Hawaii passengers can get rapid tests for free starting October 15.

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