Passenger At Washington Dulles Confronts United Gate Agent—Says ‘Who Wants It First?’—Then Drops Him Instantly

A passenger walked up to a gate agent at Washington Dulles airport United Airlines gate D12 – apparently planning to board while the previous flight was deplaning – saying things like “who wants it first?” and then punched the agent hard enough to knock him down.

The reportedly well-liked, kind gate agent was taken away on a stretcher and hospitalized. The passenger was arrested on the spot. The assailant is presumably being added to United’s list of banned passengers. It’s unclear whether he was intoxicated, as some have reported, and what exactly triggered him.

(HT: H.G.)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. he’s obviously another deranged psychopathic Trump-zombie – so Trump will simply pardon him, do a photo-op with him and give him a job in Homeland Security…

  2. Classic morbidly obese POS who looks like every young person today. America now produces generations of these uneducated fatties, who will be the death of the nation.

  3. I had a situation happen to me at Idlewild airport (aka: Kennedy airport) many years ago. 1959 to be exact. A man came rushing down to the gate where I had been boarding passengers for a flight going to Washington D.C. The plane was already taxiing away from the gate. I told the male passenger, I was sorry but the flight was already leaving. The man became angry and threw me across the cement aisle and headed out on to the tarmac. I landed upright but my landing broke one of my high heels as well as twisting my ankle. Meantime, the aircraft marshaller saw the man running toward the plane on the tarmac, grabbed him by
    the collar escorted him back to the gate. Naturally, I was a little shook up
    but I walked back to the main terminal with the man and
    reported the incident to my supervisor. No sympathy from the supervisor as all he did was ask me if I had another pair of shoes and, if so, take the man to another airline terminal and book him on another flight to Washington, D.C. No sympathy from the supervisor, no punishment nor apology from the man who did this to me. …and that’s the way it was in 1959.

  4. @bill ganas
    You didn’t really just assert that the gate agent deserved to be punched, did you?

  5. Tie the perp with a rope to the back of the plane and then take off. Perp won’t be a threat anymore.

  6. Should be banned from all modes of transportation for Life! No flights, Amtrak or Greyhound!

  7. Wow, that was quite the incident at Dulles! It’s shocking to see how things can escalate so quickly in public spaces. I hope the gate agent is okay and this doesn’t become a trend.

  8. This incident at Dulles shows how stressful air travel can be. It’s concerning to see passengers act out like this. Gate agents deserve respect, especially during such hectic times.

  9. $10 says the attacker was an entitled POS MAGA who will be expecting Trump to pardon him because…. RED HAT CLUB

  10. Ten bucks says the attacker was a MAGA MORON who is expecting a full pardon from Trump because… RED HAT CLUB!

  11. If you’re hoping to take a peaceful journey with fellow guests of all political stripes, please consider Delta.

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