Racist Karen Slaps Flight Attendants, Throws Cups After Husband Changes Seats Mid-Flight—And Crew Duct Tapes Her Mouth Shut

A 69-year-old Australian woman was forcibly restrained by flight attendants on Fiji Airways flight 871 from San Francisco to Nadi, Fiji after becoming abusive inflight.

About six hours into the 11-hour trip on January 18, she began screaming, throwing cups, and slapping a flight attendant.

She was using racist and vulgar language directed at Fijian flight attendants. She complained, “I have done nothing wrong. You ugly people—get your hands off of me” when being subdued. Eventually, two members of the cabin crew used duct tape on her mouth to silence her.

She’s being called a “Karen”. Apparently the incident began after her husband asked to be seated away from her. Maybe moving seats wasn’t enough?

The flight continued to Nadi, where law enforcement met the aircraft. She was determined to be intoxicated and faces charges for her unruly behavior. She’s being held by immigration in Fiji and is scheduled to appear before the Nadi Magistrates Court.

According to Fiji Airways, “We are cooperating fully with the relevant authorities to ensure a thorough investigation.”

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. This is just sad. Hope this lady gets some help, and stops taking out her problems on others.

    Somewhat related, Fiji’s a350 from SFO-NAN is excellent, especially if you can snag business class using AA points. Highly recommend the Six Senses Malolo Island.

  2. We have an undiscussed problem, mostly in Western Culture and even more particular to the US (although this was outside of the US) with hysterical, toddler like Cluster B adults. Youtube is littered with videos. It’s both sexes but seems to skew more women.

    My guess it’s the result of over use of prescription drugs, culture, upbringing (indulging children doesn’t seem to create stable, mature adults) and the education system.

    The Medical Industrial Complex doesn’t seem to want to touch mental health with a ten foot pole, presumably because they’ve help create the problem and profit from it.

  3. @George N Romey Well said, sir. No notes. You win.

    @Gary You can close this thread now. George got a 10/10.

  4. If she’s Australian she would not have said ‘off of me’. She would have said ‘off me’.

  5. Everyone on the flight got drink vouchers to compensate them for the inconvenience. Because, you know, alcohol solves everything.

  6. Pro tip from a former paramedic: Duct taping someone’s moutth shut, especially someone who has been drinking, while tempting, is ill-avised. Obstructing the airway (yes, I know you can breathe through your nose) is not ideal, and causing someone who vomits while gagged to aspirate (channeling vomitus into their airway) is possibly fatal.

  7. I had no idea that Fiji Airways: a) flew within Florida and b) had a code share with Spirit.


  8. 1. I can see a movement to ban alcohol sales on board commercial aircraft. Maybe non alcoholic sales only?
    2. People are boarding intoxicated. Will airlines want to breathalyze passengers before boarding? Maybe at Security?

  9. Deport her back to where she came from, revoke and cancel her passport , forever! People like that deserve NOT to enjoy life.

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