This is probably the ultimate first world problem sort of complaint, but American has replaced the first class warm cookie of deliciousness with one that isn’t worth eating, and that I decline now every time.
Perhaps that’s good — I don’t need it anyway — but I share my experiences and thoughts on this blog both large and small, I compliment the little things and criticize them too.
Meal service isn’t just about whether there’s a meal, but what’s served. When I first started flying for work in the mid- to late-90s, lunch on a cross country flight might be a steak, served in courses after an appetizer of shrimp. I remember how controversial the ‘gourmet’ burger was on United in early 2001, and it was much better than the cheeseburger on American and Continental in the late 2000s.

Goodness knows there’s an uproar when airlines cut ice cream sundaes from first class.

Back in August, American sought to reassure us that they were keeping warm cookies.
But as I wrote about six weeks ago, it’s a different cookie.
smaller, no choice of kinds, and not nearly as gooey or delicious.

The Forward Cabin agrees with me, the new cookie is a true devaluation.
[T]he cookie is more dense. The center is more “cake” that gooey, and it looks to be more pre-packaged than before. I was only offered one flavor to choose from – chocolate chip – and no milk. The “original” cookie was more moist, had an outer “crust” and was less sweet than the new cookie.
American is adding meals back to some flights where they were cut this coming Saturday. But they need to bring back the old cookie.
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An FA told me two weeks ago that the old, baked-on-board cookie was coming back as part of the latest catering “revision” — it was the first I’d heard that but we can only hope that it’s true! After that, I’d really like the baked on board biscuit to come back — it’s my favorite item in the bunch. For what it’s worth, the FAs seem to want them back too . . .
yes God yes. The cookies have been such a let down.
Overall agree with the coverage here on meals and I have been providing feedback via Twitter on a running basis. Last week I chatted with a FA on my way back from London about this. Apparently JFK int’l catering is still AA but LHR is LCC and you can seriously tell the difference. The FA was not a fan of the new menus and neither are his customers. His crews have been writing it up after every flight, but haven’t heard any feedback.
There was no advance notice of this devaluation either.
Second GloverParker’s post – I overheard discussion to this effect too.
But strangely, despite all the complaints, I find the new cookie to be fine. That said, I never really warmed up to the old ones anyhow. Whatever happened to cheesecake?
@CW I ate way too much cheesecake on United in the late 90s (“Eli’s”). Can’t even touch the stuff anymore.
@Rob P true dat! In fact, think of all the people who had purchased or confirmed upgrades into first, shouldn’t they have some sort of detrimental reliance claim or cause of action for American’s failure to warn…? 😉
Cookie? We don’t need no stinking cookies! 🙂 Bring back the “old (and comfortable) airline seats”!
@GloverParker – I sure hope that’s true! We’ll know soon enough I suppose.
Personally I’d be more than happy if the lame cookie disappeared altogether along with the infantile sundae and they actually catered edible food.
The new cookies are disgusting! They taste like warmed up store branded cookies. Are times that tough that they can’t even bake a cookie onboard anymore? If they’re cutting things like fresh baked cookies where else are they cutting? I don’t know about Doug Parker running an airline like AA.
Rumor is that sundaes in intl J go away on 11/1
Cookies are just the beginning
This is Doug Parkers wife’s personal recipe
You are all walking on thin ice insulting her marvelous cookie! 🙂
Doug has Plans to make AA the most hated catering onboard in the sky.
Give him a chance! First he has to eliminate food off as many flights as he can. Americans starting to make a profit now’s the time to keep hacking at the hard product and eliminate first class check in
Then he will make the food as much or more disgusting than US Scare. Why should folks fly American because they want to? Just be a monopoly and let em eat slop at sky high premium prices
Just finished 4 AA segments. 3 out of 4 meals were horrid. Parker is making a big mistake here.
Amen, fix the catering and the damn cookie.
I wish people would stop complaining about not gooey since now they keep undercooking the bad new cookie to make it seem gooey when it does just what Gary said–changes me from yes thanks to no thanks
He’ll with the cookies…WHAT ABOUT A DECENT SIZED CUP OF COFFEE? The new coffee cups are the size of kids kitchen set.
“I compliment the little things and criticize them too” Well said. With that, I will tie in a comment I have with a salad served in F class on United on Monday. It had a kalamata olive on it! Now, it was only one, but it was nice to see (I do love olives). On the other hand, is it just me, or did I notice that baked on board cookies are gone on United in first class?
@Vicky – There is no trade-off between the cookies/sundaes and edible food. I will gladly be called infantile if they serve sundaes. And bring back the good cookies….
When I started flying cross county in the 80’s, it was not uncommon to find a whole Prime Rib on the service tray of a United flight, cut to a size that you would specify. A lot has changed in 30 years, and the people making the call’s on what is served have no memory or knowledge of what can truly differentiate domestic first class service.