Rush to Exit: Man In Middle Seat Climbs Over Aisle Passenger in Spirit Airlines Debacle

Footage captured a Spirit Airlines passenger climbing over the man in the aisle after the plane landed and taxied to the gate. He didn’t want to wait to get off the plane, and the man between him and standing and waiting to deplane wasn’t moving fast enough for his taste. Matters escalated quickly.

The middle seat man, in black hoodie and mask, was visibly agitated and in a rush to exit the aircraft. Most passengers were still seated, but some had already gotten into line to stand in the aisle. He climbed over the orange shirt passenger in the aisle that wasn’t moving yet.

As the man in the hoodie maneuvers over the seated passenger, a tense exchange ensues. The standing man is heard shouting provocatively, challenging the seated man to react. The seated passenger, in turn, points out that there wasn’t much benefit to standing in a cramped space. Of course then the man who’d been in a Spirit Airlines middle seat would at least be standing!

Successfully into the aisle, the middle seat passenger is then standing awkwardly next to the man he’d climbed over. And words are had. Not safe for work (and not safe for work from home) words. The video caption: “Only on Spirit.”

Normally you stand up when the seat belt sign turns off. The passenger at the aisle seat walks into the aisle either right away or when the row in front of you starts walking off the plane. And then when the people in front of you are on their way out, you proceed down the aisle yourself. (Standing up as soon as the seat belt sign turns off is also the correct thing to do.)

Politely ask the passenger in the aisle to move to give you more space, especially if you’re flying Spirit which offers less space than most other airlines, but don’t climb over that passenger!

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. What do you expect. Typical thug behavior. He’ll probably play the race victim card if anyone says something. And they wonder why people look down on them lolz

  2. Had something similar happen on a China Eastern flight. Was way back on row 30-something. My friend had the aisle, I had the middle. Seat belt sign goes off, we don’t move because aisle is full and there’s nowhere to go. Window passenger wants to climb over us both to get to the aisle. I won’t let her. She was not happy. Once she did make it to the aisle she pushed her way to the front. We were flying into Tibet; there was no connecting flight so I have no idea what her issue was.

  3. The offender is a person who should be banned from flying for life as he cannot interact nicely with others. He would be completely out of control in an emergency situation.

  4. Only everyday thugs wear masks now because they know, every day they will be doing thug stuff and they will likely be filmed. This guy probably knocked down an old lady with a walker before exiting the airport.

  5. At this holiday season we all need to be truly grateful to Spit Airlines
    Spirit helps take much of the slime of society by keeping them off legitimate carriers
    I will be sending them a donation

  6. I think the comments bashing on Spirit are unwarranted and through over 250 segments domestically this year I’ve seen plenty of less than desirable behavior on every airline and cabin, even somewhere as holy as a Delta First Class cabin with swearing matches over who “owns” the overhead bin.

    Curious what was said before the video. Obviously doing acrobatics up over the other person isn’t going to win anybody a Miss Manners ribbon at the pageant but who is to say the person in the aisle didn’t refuse to move? I had a four hour long flight on Alaska, sitting in the window in Premium/Coach, last month where after landing (and this was in row 6) the folks in the middle/aisle said “we like to wait until everyone is off before we get our stuff together.” I told them let me out, because I’m not interested in sitting another ten minutes and have an American flight to catch. I think I offended their midwestern values as I said that I WAS going to be deplaning as the aisle opened up to our row.

    Not excusing this horrible behavior, but the man in the aisle shouldn’t be sitting there still watching a video on his phone either.

    I had someone in a middle seat next to me years ago on AirTran decide to go up and over me. It was during flight, my tray table was down, and I was having a cocktail. However, he did not say anything, bolted awake out of his sleep, stood up, grabbed the handrail at the overhead and tried to up and swing over me. The F/A was a long timer (who had actually been a surviving crew member of Eastern 401) whose response was “I didn’t figure him as much of an athlete.” I wore my drink as did the person across the aisle.

  7. Spirit Airlines flies to spots where I go, but their clientele, their Management and their unabashed pricing nonsense makes me avoid them. Thankfully, they’re there and I am not.

  8. Airline tickets should not be priced too low. Some people make a conscious decision to purchase an airline ticket when they owe rent and the electric company.

  9. “I think the comments bashing on Spirit are unwarranted and through over 250 segments domestically this year I’ve seen plenty of less than desirable behavior on every airline and cabin”

    Well, I suppose if you’ve flown over 250 segments this year, you’ve got a bigger pecker than the others here.

    Perhaps all of us should unzip our pants and display how just many segments we’ve flown so that you can decide which opinions are valid.

  10. At the very moment the idiot was straddled me going across, I’d have punched vertically just as hard as I could. Then grab, twist, and step over the body!

  11. Triggered much? No Joe, of those about 40 or so were Spirit and 20-ish on Frontier. I’m curious if those who are bashing those airlines have ever actually flown them, or just base their knowledge on TikTok. For a more civilized experience, check Delta where you can apparently use a battery to cook shrimp in the lavatory sink. Every airline has its share of revolting behavior.

  12. I often think the big carriers, e.g., AA, DL, UA, et. al., are only marginally better than Spirit airlines.

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