Ryanair CEO Got A Taxi License So He Could Skip Traffic, Drive In Bus Lanes [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I really love Michael OLeary. I think he is brilliant. I appreciate that he is uncensored and authentic.

  2. Just flew united, they paused boarding to check for actual available cabin space. Ended up with everyone needing to check past a certain point but it wasn’t guesswork. They verified.

    Same with plane next gate over or if SFO.

  3. Lotta interesting topics in this Roundup, Gary.

    On AA’s a321LXR, that bad-boy cannot get out there soon enough. C’mon!

    On suing the drunk passenger (but not the airline), that’s an interesting approach since usually it is best to go after the ‘deep pockets,’ so maybe that was a strategic error, but we’ll see how it goes for the plaintiff. It seems to ‘get anything done’ anymore, you have to sue in our hyper-litigious society.

    On Ryanair’s CEO, at least he tried to ‘follow the rules’ while getting creative. Admittedly, that was a clever loophole. Now, contrast this with the tech-bro oligarchs, who ‘move fast and break things,’ which is not always legal, but they get away with it, because we are toothless to defend our rules against billionaires, yet downright ruthless when it comes to practically anyone else.

  4. I think the airlines should equip the FA hand-held devices with an app the they could touch bins when they are full on a seat map that would relay a percentage of open space to the gate agents, then we would nearly never have to gate check a bag unless your in the final group in some cases.

  5. One thing you could say for Spirit and Frontier neither as ghetto as Ryanair. I’d take the train.

    Expecting AA to develop an app to monitor and report on real time bin space is a fantasy.

  6. Somewhat related: does Michael O’Leary have a private jet or does he actually fly Ryanair? (I’m guessing the former.)

  7. O’Leary is a total piece of ummm… work. Being such a disgusting person I’m surprised he’s not in the USA, palling around with the CEO of Uber and Bezos and President Elon.

  8. I suspect we’ll see Sky West end Delta and United EAS for the public charter services.

  9. I understand about suing the passenger. From what I have read, I believe that suing an airline is difficult because a lot of laws protect them. Suing an individual that actually caused the damage should be easier. Since this is a civil case, preponderance of evidence should be what is considered. Further, civil cases usually do not need 100% agreement by all of the jurors in a jury trial. The defendant can always use the airline continuing to serve drinks to a drunk passenger as an excuse to pass liability to the airline. I wonder who would pay an actual judgement against the defendant. Would homeowner’s insurance cover any of it?

  10. @jns — Do you think someone who gets drunk enough to lose control on a flight is even capable of the due diligence required to consider an ‘umbrella’ policy? I doubt it.

    You know who will do well here—the lawyers. I’m happy for them. Spend all that time and money for school, pass a bar exam, keep up with CLE… “for a moment… like this…” (yes, quoting Kelly Clarkson).

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