Self-Checkout Demanding Tips: Machine Rejects $0 As “BAD TIP” [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I am beyond tired of U.S. tipping culture.

    Just charge me more for the meal and then pay your wait staff properly. In countries where they do that, service is universally better…and I still have the option to toss them a little extra if I think they deserve it. Which I usually do, especially if they’re having to help me with the foreign language menu or the like.

    It might look more expensive, but it’s not, and then I don’t get staff who are stressed out, trying too hard or judging me on the likely value of my tip. I don’t get slighted as a solo diner (happened to me in an Italian restaurant in New Jersey to which I will not be returning).

    Pay. Them. A. Living. Wage.

    Yeah, I have real strong feelings about this. Probably makes me a socialist ;).

  2. I ordered some replacement grill parts online and the website asked for a tip at checkout.

  3. Too bad about the serenity of Grace Bay being ruined by this monstrosity. I wonder who Hyatt had to bribe to get this permit.

    So sad for such a beautiful place

  4. It’s a very sad commentary on current U.S. culture that TikTok “influencer” Charlotte Muller should feel shame for doing the right thing.

    It’s clear that whoever reared her fumbled the ball when it came to teaching her proper etiquette for acknowledging personal services and what constitutes shameful behavior: “… tip(ing) if I like sit at the establishment or, like, I’m actually using their thing”, whatever “their thing” happens to be, is no reason to leave a tip because “things” don’t render personal services.

    I find it bewildering that people take something as simple as tipping, which really has one rule, i.e., one tips for PERSONAL non-professional services, such as one’s waitstaff, barber, doorman, hooker, drug dealer, etc. One does not tip for professional services such as one’s doctor, attorney, CPA, etc. or in situations where no personal services are rendered.

    And most certainly not in situations where interactions are not with real people and no personal services are rendered, such as an airport kiosk, a website, grabbing a takeaway order from a rack at a no-service “restaurant”, etc.

    At least she did the right thing in the end and I hope that her feelings of shame are short-lived and that she gets with the program and rights her thinking regarding tipping (and what constitutes shameful behavior).

  5. If the airbnb is in calif you are to turnoff and unplug all electric and gas devices from 4 pm to 9pm or you get charged tier2 or 3 meaning double the regular price!!!! craziness but reality !!and only charge your EV car between 12 midnight and 3 am….

  6. @ Gentleman Jack

    Hookers are professionals. It’s someone you met at the party doing it for their own interest & not charging you that are non-professionals.

  7. Just so no one forgets…. Civil Asset Forfeiture is China joe biden’s “brain child”.

    ANYONE who votes for that d-bag AGAIN is in serious need of an attitude adjustment.

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