She Missed Her Alaska Airlines Crush—Then A Commenter Shared A Genius Trick To Find Him [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Alaska Airlines ‘missed connections’ but how is she going to find her dream beau? Clever:

    [G]et an old wallet or phone or something, put a message in it with your contact info. Call the airline, tell them the item belongs to the person sitting next to you and accidentally ended up in your bag. Airline might contact them to ‘return their item’. The airline knows who sat in which seat

  • Pay Per View in the United Club on the screen:

    SFO United club is wild @8am
    byu/luouixv inunitedairlines

  • Always check the math on the checkout page, folks.

  • “Dance like no one is watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like no one is listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.”

  • A 16-hour flight delay and two $15 meal vouchers, January Jones puts United Airlines on blast as she posts herself sleeping on the ground in the airport.

    On Sunday, March 23, the Mad Men alum, 47, shared a screenshot on her Instagram Stories of flight-delay details that showed a 16-hour-and-25-minute delay for her trip.

    Alongside the image, Jones tagged United Airlines and asked the company to “do better.”

    “A couple $15 food vouchers isn’t gonna cut it,” she added over the image. “Our 7:30p [flight] last night still hasn’t left.”

  • Comedian Steven Wright once said that he was kicked out of a movie theater for bringing his own food. His argument, he said, was that concession stand prices are outrageous. And besides, he hadn’t had a barbecue in a long time. Something tells me he’d appreciate passengers bringing this on board:

    Food reheater through tsa
    byu/Remarkable_Drop7414 inamericanairlines

  • Flying Frontier Airlines is one way to think about the problem of illegal immigration.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. You know what’s ‘wild’ about SFO United Clubs, welp, it’s not that salacious TV screen. Nope. That’s to be ‘expected’ somewhat. What is actually wild is that United doesn’t open its United Club in the International Terminal (F) until 7AM, so, if you have an 8AM transcontinental, Polaris, lie-flat to EWR, you practically cannot access the lounges beforehand, because, boarding starts around the time it opens. To me, that is ‘wild,’ and seems to be purposeful for United to skimp out on actually serving its consumers. Most other United Clubs around the world open like 5AM. Not SFO, where apparently, United feels it has a monopoly and doesn’t have to care. Anyway, that’s my rant on that.

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