Someone Left Their Emotional Support Goldfish Behind at TSA

CNN contributor Ana Navarro reports:

Unlike Spirit Airlines the TSA apparently doesn’t require flushing emotional support animals down the toilet. Leaving behind the goldfish may have been done in hopes of finding them a new home if the passenger was flying United or Delta amidst their crackdown.

Want I want to know though is how this passenger managed to get the goldfish through the checkpoint in the first place in more than 3 ounces of water that would have been necessary to keep them alive. I can’t imagine the water was frozen to become a solid, either.

Goldfish aren’t the only thing left behind at a checkpoint today. (HT: @pir8z40

By the way Ms. Navarro is also apparently not a fan of American Airlines streaming inflight entertainment.

American’s fairly anodyne response appears to have been deleted.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. First, a small goldfish may not need more than 3oz of water. And apparently, if a fish alive in water, it is not considered threatening, although they may swab it. I know this from personally bringing 4 (small) fish through security in the last year.

  2. Between peacocks, flushing hamsters and abandoning goldfish I don’t know how much more weird this can really get.

  3. @Steve: Easy: My 10 emotional support cloned dogs. One for each of my psychiatric disorders (one of which is obviously having my dog cloned. It’s in the DSM somewhere ).


  4. Hey, Steve, it can get much weirder! After channeling my inner Al Yankovic (an old classmate from my Cal Poly days), I have decided to bring my ten dozen three inch long emotional support hissing cockroaches with me on my next flight. If TSA or the airline won’t allow them to board, I will just leave them behind and take their empty cage to console me.

  5. If someone truly required an emotional support fish to fly, wouldn’t this situation have resolved itself anyway? As in, “I can’t get on this plane without my fish – dang, where is that fish?”

  6. Not very significant to the article however , goldfish can be gradually frozen then gradually thawed and survive as proven by Andrea Dickey .

  7. TSA allows live aquaria with more than 3oz of water. Supervisor has to give a verbal ok, but has never been a problem for me. Even coral, which looks dead when being transported.

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