‘Sorry, Not Sorry’: Delta Gate Agents Skip Processing Upgrade Lists While Only 12% Of First Class Seats Go To Elites

A Delta Air Lines elite member reports that they were flying out of Detroit, 5 empty seats remained on the first class upgrade list (they were number one of the list and should have been upgraded), but the gate agent didn’t bother with upgrades.

I walked to the boarding door and called for the [gate agent] on the jetway, and said look, there’s 5 empties in first and 12 people on the list, are you just going to leave them hanging? Without hesitation they said “Yes,” but then said to me, “feel free to take any open seat in F.” What about the other 4 people? “Sorry,” and they walked away.

I hear from readers all the time that this happens with Delta, and I don’t hear about it the same way with United, American or Alaska Airlines.

Occasionally I will see U.S. airlines with first class seats empty with the doors close, with passengers still on the upgrade list. However, this is usually because:

  • The cabin was full, but someone didn’t make the flight at the last minute. Usually this means that they misconnected.
  • And the gate agent doesn’t come on board to bring someone up from coach, worried that the time it takes at the last minute could make the flight late by a minute or two (or they’ve simply chosen not to bother with it).

Either way, “D0” exact on-time departures is the excuse. But here, with Delta, it seems to be something different.

Readers tell me about first class cabins going out with empty seats with passengers still on the upgrade list – starting at empty seats up front that they’re entitled to.

Delta says only about 12% of their first class seats go to upgrades, while 15 years ago, 81% of first class seats went to upgrades, awards and employees.

American, Delta and United have all become adept at selling coach passengers upgrades to first class for tens of dollars, sometimes as little as $40. Delta will even sell long haul business class for as little as $299 more than coach.

For the most part, upgrades have been tough to get because (1) premium demand has grown while the supply of premium seats hasn’t kept up, and (2) airlines have shifted their merchandising to take less money for those seats from any willing buyer rather than honor frequent flyer upgrades.

However part of the reason why Delta’s upgrade percentage is so low, it seems, is because gate agents at Delta just don’t process upgrades as reliably as they do at other airlines. Last month I wrote about several instances.

1st class seats sitting empty despite my husband putting in a regional certificate?
byu/a-a-a-ronica indelta

Meanwhile, another flyer wrote:

As if upgrades aren’t terrible enough this year, the flight I’m currently on I was number 1 on upgrade list, 2 open seats available in first and they boarded everyone and did no upgrades…

It’s from Miami to Atlanta so it’s not that long… but what’s even the point of this status if it’s so junk. Decided I’m just fully canceling my reserve card at the end of the year.

And I recently pointed to one Delta gate agent who confesses that they won’t bother to check if passengers traveling together want to be split up when there’s just one first class seat available – and just skips over them instead.

Delta promises unlimited complimentary upgrades into available first class seats. At the corporate level they hate upgrades and maybe that flows down to the rank and file?

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I would rather see them upselling the seats after the plane is in the air than gate agents being lazy to clear the upgrade list.

  2. I had purchased first class seats for myself and my little one (a 7 pound cat). Yes, I purchased a seat for the cat. I have too much to carry on if she was considered “luggage” and she is absolutely not luggage. We were flying to visit with my wife for the holiday. After getting off duty 2 hours late, and driving 4 hours to the airport, I had noticed that everyone traveling on Delta with pets was being denied boarding. I thought to myself, at least she is a ticketed passenger. Nope. We were denied boarding too, but for different reasons than the other people. Delta’s “pet policy” has a lot of unwritten gotchas to deny boarding, and when the agents are called out about that the default answer is “FAA regulations” – it happens that I am also a pilot and know that excuse was just as much BS. I have driven over 130k miles instead of flying to work over the past 5 years. At first, it was necessary, if one remembers what happened in 2020. Well, apparently it is still necessary, since my cat goes everywhere I go.

    The other issue is that Delta would not refund the fare in cash, only in miles. How am I supposed to use miles if I can’t travel with my cat? Since I had adopted her as a kitten, we have been apart from each other for less than 2 weeks over 4.5 years.

  3. I have to disagree with people saying you aren’t entitled to FC just because you’re a medallion. It’s a huge part of the reason people become medallions, and they have to pay more than ever..

  4. On the other hand, business travelers who do not buy their own tickets get ff miles, while when we crew stay at a hotel on a layover, hotels rarely give us points. How is that different?

  5. I had a upgrade out of sea last year Never made the cleared list asked the gate agent was told your already in comfort told her I wasn’t had to block the line to make her check. Got on board a delta pilot sat down next to me his buddy went to the back. Bottom line if you don’t pay attention they will screw you over

  6. I was a flight attendant with another US carrier but flew Delta a lot once out of the industry and I’ve rarely seen an abundance of first class seats available. Even trying to purchase a premium seat out right is getting tough much less an upgrade.

  7. @skygirl86

    As a DM, I’ve seen it more than it should happen. I fly almost weekly, and last year have seen it about 7-8 times. 1 time is too much. Heck, on one flight, there were 3 open FC seats, with at least 2 dozen on the upgrade list.

    As far as hotel points, guess you need to work that into your next contract then. I’m pretty sure your company gets a very cheap rate, much less than everyone else has to pay.

  8. I can understand people wanting an upgrade.
    Wouldn’t it be better to just book a first class seat. If that is not available, go to a different airline.
    When it is a case of an individual deciding if you can or can’t have your upgrade, it makes it risky to go on a waiting list.

  9. I hsbe seen peo0le on the upgrade que and the open FC seats go to crew. A gate agent told me that once you board the plane you have given up your option to ge upgraded. I only learned this as I was waiting to board. I was hanging out to see if they needed my volunteer seat. We’ll of that theory was treat, I should have cleared FC as I was incthe upgrade que. Nope two DL pilots got the upgrades. Frustrating

  10. I am a gate agent and upgrade all the time! I also split 2 or contact them before moving to next person if only 1 seat available. I rarely have empty FC seats. However, we do have to pay attention to on time departures.

  11. Gate agents should clear the upgrade list and with technology you should know if a seat becomes open. That being said if you want first pay for first. Cash upgrades are usually very reasonable if you monitor.

  12. Sadly many of you sound entitled and misinformed. There are so many factors that go into this. Some of you can only see your situation when in reality there are so many other things to be factored in. Sometimes those overworked agents do not have the time to process upgrades. Not to mention, most of you who qualify act super picky and entitled. Many people love delta for their promptness and on time flights. Your upgrade is a perk but unfortunately not a high priority. I get your frustrations but to act as if they are not upgrading you on purpose or they are being lazy is insane. Boarding is very chaotic. If you want an upgrade do not board until the end!!!!!!! On a full flight an agent would have to physically come to your seat and give you new assignment and then assign your MC seat to someone else. If you all hate delta so muc, go to AA or UA! please!

  13. I don’t have status on any airline. The closest I come are my 2 “free” lounge passes I get with my United credit card, LOL. I almost never fly FC so I don’t have a dog in this fight. I see a lot comments that status holders should just suck it up and buy FC instead of complaining about a flight leaving with empty seats and an upgrade list that a GA didn’t clear. I don’t understand those comments.

    Fliers who hold status earn it by doing something the airline currently believes is valuable to the airline. The airline chooses, again currently, to reward those fliers with certain benefits, including space-available upgrades under certain circumstances. That isn’t an entitlement, it’s a benefit or a reward. Airlines should follow their rules for upgrades, not bend or break them without a contracted reason. Airlines almost never bend or break their rules for passengers.

    To me, it seems like there are a lot of commenters who lack status and are either jealous of the benefits earned by status or are really hoping those $200 upgrades become more available.

  14. I’ve been a frequent flier for nearly 30 years. A million miler on another airline before moving to Delta. I’ve earned another 1.5 million with Delta, and until 2020 I received upgrades and other perks on nearly every flight. Starting in late 2020 I stopped receiving any form of upgrade. I’d often receive a seat change ticket at the gate, but it was usually to move me to a middle seat in main cabin. Many here have mentioned entitlement, but when one spends in excess of $50,000 per year, it has a new name. “Loyalty”. Delta doesn’t seem to reciprocate that loyalty…in many ways. A year ago I decided to leave Delta and moved to another airline, and shortly after earning status, I found myself regularly receiving upgrades and other perks. If you’re not happy, as mentioned above…just don’t give them your business. It costs a few months to a year to re-earn status on another airline, and it becomes a relationship built on mutual respect and loyalty.

  15. I feel those on the upgrade list should pay for the seat ahead of time – if they want to. It is nice not to have a second person next to you in first – unless they pay for it.
    Do you have issues with another person sitting next to you in coach- then pay for business plus.
    I would rather see Military, Fire Fighters, Police, Hospital workers, volunteers and others that help others everyday in those seats over those that feel entitled.-

    Start your own airline if you can do it better but those that are working hard each day deserve thanks not a negative story.
    Just a point of view-

  16. American like Delta has no loyalty to status customers. After becoming Platinum last March I’ve flown 3 times RT And if I haven’t paid the cost to upgrade, it didn’t exist.
    On a short haul flight in Nov, Eight of 20 seats in FC were available. Rules were that I would be upgraded 48 hours before flight.
    That didn’t happen nor did I get upgraded for the flight And their pathetic chat department told me it was because the seats were in the hands of the airport 48 hours before the flight? BS
    I will never try to attain anything more than gold , just not worth it.

  17. Hopefully the planes carrying you entitled rich morons crash directly into the nearest mountain.

    Give me a break.

  18. I flew Delta back in November. I bought a Delta Comfort seat. My first flight was cancelled due to mechanical problems with the plane. I caution anyone who has to rebook to be careful because it seems they will automatically book you in basic economy and expect you to call a number to get the refund of the price difference. I understand that if you want on the very next flight out and all that is available is basic economy seats then that is fine. That wasn’t the issue in my case. I asked them to find me the next flight to my destination that does have a Delta comfort seat as I wasn’t able to fly out that day anyway. They stated they didn’t have any future flights with Delta comfort seats so every agent I spoke to said. I did some searching myself and realized if you are able to choose your seat and look at the available seats, there are several seats that are marked with an X that state unavailable. They did not state occupied like many of the other seats were. I discovered that those seats that state unavailable are not sold seats, they are for potential customers. I had an agent who attempted to avoid my question about the difference between unavailable and occupied. Finally after continuing to press the issue in the chat, the agent verified that the seats that were marked unavailable were in fact unsold seats to potential customers..That wouldn’t have been a problem except I kept getting denied a Delta Comfort seat though some were marked unavailable. Now, they already had my money that I paid for the Delta Comfort seat and kept trying to tell me they don’t do upgrades. I told them it wasn’t an upgrade and that I already paid for Delta Comfort and they have my money yet they are not allowing me to sit in the seat I paid extra for. To me, they should have put an already paying customer first and taken care of me than “ potential customers “ which was obvious on both my flights they didn’t even sell to any potential customers. I still had to explain my situation to each of the gate agents to get the seats I paid for. Everyonof the agents I spoke to were friendly and courteous to me. After I explained they have my money already for my Comfort seats, they did finally accommodate me. However, Delta needs to care for their existing customers before they worry about any potential customers. I still lost a day with my family over Thanksgiving and a day of leave from work.

  19. It is tough especially with pressure from local management for an one-time departure. I am a Delta retiree. I worked at LAX. An issue we didn’t have was having a single gate agent working the majority of the flight only assisted in the final 15-20 minutes prior to departure. There is only so much a single person can accomplish. On occasions that I do fly and rarely witness any unoccupied seats in first class. Gate agents are empathetic and spend many of the final minutes attempting to accommodate couples or families that were split up. It has been mentioned upgrades are a perk, but they are an incentive and enticement to keep your business. I think it is a perk that is well deserved. I would advocate establishing a cutoff though. There is no need to have 30 people on an upgrade list contending for 3 or 4 open seats.

  20. Diamond Medallion here, they pass us over as well. I have had to press the gate agent to upgrade me. And in some cases they just give a verbal, don’t assign a seat and leave multiple other seats empty. Delta has lost its way. Sad decline

  21. To the “experts” who claim frequent fliers are elitist and self entitled, apparently you have never been an elite flier. Your company hand in hand with American Express hard sell elite fliers and the perks that are available. That’s how they make money.

  22. I fly several times a year on Delta mostly overseas so I will never get any kind of higher level status or airport longe visits. But I enjoy flying Delta because the gate and flight attendants are always so nice and friendly! I wonder how many Medallion people have taken the time to write a compliment for a Delta employee? I gave done so on almost every flight where someone did something extra to make it a great flight!

  23. This too has happened to me. I am a diamond medallion member and was blown away this happened. It never happens on United. I typically book First Class but was traveling alone and thought.. hey why not. Well I found out why not. I also find the gate agents frequently less than friendly especially in Atlanta. My husband now prefers United because of multiple reasons.

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