In the fall, I was first to report that Southwest Airlines would end onboard service earlier, and make passengers stow their laptops earlier. They argued that requiring passengers to prepare for landing when a flight descends to 18,000 feet instead of waiting until 10,000 feet promotes safety. United has moved to requiring passengers put away laptops away earlier, too.
This means less time where service is available on board, and as a result Southwest is cutting drink service entirely on some flights.
As a result, the airline has now decided to class a slew of new routes as ‘express service’ flights, in which a full beverage and snack service is scrapped and only coffee or water is offered.
Traditionally, Southwest has offered its ‘express service’ on flights less than 175 miles in duration but we are likely to now see this extended to all flights with a flight time of less than 40 minutes.
Paddle Your Own Kanoo offers flights that lose service, but that would have had them in the past:
St Louis (STL) | Chicago (MDW) | 40 minutes | 251 miles |
Kansas City (MCI) | St Louis (STL) | 35 minutes | 237 miles |
Las Vegas (LAS) | Los Angeles (LAX) | 40 minutes | 236 miles |
Las Vegas (LAS) | Santa Ana (SNA) | 40 minutes | 226 miles |
Las Vegas (LAS) | Burbank (BUR) | 45 minutes | 223 miles |
Baltimore (BWI) | Pittsburg (PIT) | 40 minutes | 210 miles |
Houston (HOU) | San Antonio (SAT) | 40 minutes | 192 miles |
Austin (AUS) | Dallas (DAL) | 40 minutes | 189 miles |
Southwest began as an intra-Texas airline, flying routes between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Drinks are part of the airline’s DNA, stemming from Wild Turkey-drinking co-founder Herb Kelleher.
They were allowed to operate and set their own, low fares, prior to deregulation by not flying outside the state’s borders. Just as the carrier was gaining traction, the Civil Aeronautics Board began allowing ‘experiments in price competition’ ahead of deregulation. This let national airlines match and even undercut their pricing. Southwest had to innovate, and in 1977 became the largest liquor distributor in the state of Texas, rewarding customers on expense accounts who paid higher fares.
So while not offering drink service on 40 minute flights seems like a modest change, it’s still a significant shift for an airline that seems to have largely lost its roots. To me, though, the loss of work time onboard is the more significant passenger effect of this change.
Having flown 40 minute flights before, principally YUL to YOW or the reverse, I can say that I really don’t need a service at all. Water is a nice to have, but that’s it.
I fly a lot of 45-minute flights on a Delta Connection route operated by SkyWest. Almost always in first-class. Tight connections have always kept me from going to a Sky Club. Now, I’ll visit less with the access changes. So, it’s really important to me to get the required pre-departure beverage and then another drink in-flight. It never ceases to amaze me how many flight attendants are lazy and don’t make an effort to serve a pre-departure beverage or an in-flight drink. Air France and KLM, among other European airlines, can serve a whole meal (albeit a cold meal) on flights of 1 hour.
Go to an hour flight. We will all survive or hand you a water and bag of snacks when you board.
Delta went to the Skybus service on 1 hour flights and others.
On Delta shorter flights with the Skybus service: Water or coffee in back. C+ can get alcohol but not a Coke. FC usually gets a drink and snack.
Smaller planes got full service in the past. They are flying larger 737-900s and have up trying to provide full service. That would mean larger cabin crews.
No more meal and upgrades to first class?
Then die of thirst for 40 minutes I’m out
Agreed. The smaller 8 oz. bottles are perfect for this. Hand them out at boarding, or pre-place them at each seat. For those all concerned about ‘efficiency’ these days, this is it.
Unless you are crossing a body of water, like a flight from FLL-NAS, flights under an hour save about 4-8 hours of highway driving, so like FLL-TPA.
@FNT Delta Diamond
You poor fella. I hope you get your two ‘required’ drinks.
Blame ‘lazy’ flight attendants? *deep sigh*
Based on your comments here and elsewhere, I can only imagine how you hoard (or simply discard) your Diamond/Platinum ‘job well done’ certificates (they’re only worth about $5, but still).
My dude, as a fellow Delta Diamond, you give us a bad name. ‘Do me a favor, please–will ya–would you do me a kindness’…treat people better!!
Let’s distinguish between beverage service and prepare the cabin which means FAs need to ensure passengers are prepared for landing, including storage of laptops, tray tables/seatbelts etc.
UA has the same “prepare the cabin at 18k feet” as standard process as WN does. Other airlines do not but may on an operational basis.
WN has added a number of new short-haul spokes similar to what DL operates out of ATL and AA does from CLT or AA/UA/WN have from ORD/MDW – which means that drink service won’t happen – that is just a function of the flight length.
Many coach passengers won’t get a drink or snack on those flights. Only carriers that consistently give pre-departure beverage service help first class passengers. WN doesn’t give PDB service and AA is known for a low rate of compliance.
All of that is still different from storing seatbacks/seatbelts etc
Anyone can bring their own beverage including water. You cannot choose to recline, use your laptop on a tray table etc past the “prepare for arrival” unless you want to risk getting in trouble.
No biggie. I fly a short route from Minneapolis to Milwaukee after traveling Delta Airlines from Montana connecting in MSP. There is nothing served and the flight is short enough that it does not matter. If one can’t go 40 minutes without a drink or snack then it is a personal (psych) problem!
40 minutes? This should apply to any flight under two hours.
The only “whiners” about alcohol drink service will be the alcoholics. If you can not go without alcohol for 40 minutes – you have a problem.
I personally don’t mind this either — I usually try to fill up my water bottle before flight(s) for emergency thirst purposes.
Co-sign the water bottle idea. Would be nice if you could grab one upon boarding like you do alcohol wipes. In general I feel small bottles are better as you can take them with you and they deal better with turbulence.
I personally likely cannot be productive in any meaningful way on such a short flight so I usually try to relax, take a nap and decompress, maybe watch an episode of a TV show.
Year ago when I lived in NYC I flew ISP/BWI ($29 fares) to visit family. There was always a beverage service. FAs often passed out the peanuts ahead of time but always got the service done. This is cost cutting dressed up as something else.
This has been implemented due to the numerous of injuries the flight attendants have had due to turbulence. Over the summer many were hurt and sent to the hospital, so this is strictly for safety, and safety comes first, ALWAYS. This is the reason all airlines are on the same page with securing the cabin at 18,000 feet. So to the complainers, are you gonna pay my hospital bill for a broken back or concussion from hitting the cabin ceiling in turbulence? I didn’t think so….
I am not sure if anyone else had noticed, they have also stopped a lot of Non-stop flights and take you around the world. Example they use to do Non Stop Atlanta to Philadelphia, now you have different pit stops so the approximate 2 hr flight is almost 6-8 hrs and Atlanta to Las Vegas no longer have Non stop.
Speaking as Flight Attendant.
We are there for safety.
During a SHORT flight, if the conditions are safe, there is not a lot of time to serve a drink. Understand, many passengers have a difficult time, even trying to decide what they want to drink. Then we need to collect the drinks and do compliance checks which takes time. Last night I spent four minutes with one passenger, trying to explain why he had to put his bag under the seat. We are trying to wrangle 50 to 150 people who have their ideas of what airline service should look like.
I just shake my head, reading the entitled comments here. In the name of safety think about your flight attendants.
@22yr Flight attendant
Thank you for sharing here. Agree with you wholeheartedly.
Regardless, please do send your hospital bills to @FNT Delta Diamond
I’m sorry All of you people are so poor, poor people poor people!! Lolll buy a damn coke,, poor ass
@Jack Bebout
“All”? No. Some, yes… *cough* FNT Delta Diamond *cough* …But, not all. Let’s be clear.
I haven’t experienced a full WN bev service on anything less than 75 min since pre COVID.
22 yr
ALL airlines do not require that the cabin be secured and FAs seated at 18K
This is nothing new on SWA, it’s just making it official. “Service” is long gone.
I get it on short flights, but service on long flights has declined. Sometimes the flight attendants pass thru the cabin one time for drinks and on over the water flight for meal service, then you don’t see them again for 5 hours. They are in the galleys visiting and complaining about their work schedules.
No problem — won’t fly Southwest, problem solved. I’ll take my business elsewhere to airlines that show they want it.
It’s Pittsburgh with an H.
I fly AC quite a bit between Vancouver and Seattle – and when I’m up front, I get a *FULL* service, including a freaking MEAL.
the flight is barely 25 minutes in the air. You spend more time taxiing on the ground than actually flying.
So yeah, this is a cost savings measure. Just like Alaska/Delta/United claiming no service due to turbulence.
Haven’t taken SEA-YVR, but I see its duration is closer to 35 minutes, which probably leaves about 5-10 minutes to for them to throw something at you after climbing and before descending. Oof, and it’s often on a Dash-8. Are you sure those even have Business class?
I have flown LGA-YUL, which is about 45 minutes, also on Air Canada (Express/Jazz), usually operated by a CRJ9, and in Business they efficiently provide linens and offer a cheese plate, with about 15 minutes to enjoy it, and it is nice, but I wouldn’t call it a ‘meal’
The legacy Canadian and European carriers seem to still care about service, though I am sure there are exceptions; whereas, in the US, it really feels like ‘profits over people’ and ‘too big to care,’ though I know we are capable of so much more and better.
This is such old news. Didn’t really have time to enjoy it anyway on a 40 min flight. Actual serving time is less than that. Bring your own!
SW, why are you taking away a simple pleasure? There are better ways to save money than removing the drink, which costs 25 cents a can. Remember, your customers pay an average of $400-500 a ticket. So you should be able to afford a small cup of soda. It’s not going to break the bank.
Thank you for all your improvements, such as Charging more for boarding and making the seats extra tight for no real reason.
Thanks for sucking SW!
It drives me crazy when airlines try to do drink service on short flights. They block the aisles trying to rush around and then rush around trying to pick up all the trash. It is not very relaxing. I think we can survive for 40 minutes without a diet coke or cup of water.
I guess the cheese and wine flyers are now the geesh and whine flyers. Since you are so upset with inflight service levels and so self important why not use a private jet?
Zing! For those actually upset over this *cough* FNT Delta Diamond *cough* they simply cannot afford the private jet. It’s a shame…for the rest of us that still have to deal with them onboard.