Travel Alert: This State Dept Extreme Warning Will Have You Redrafting Your Will NOW! [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. @Gary

    The warning for Somalia has been that way for awhile.

    Does no one remember ‘Black Hawk Down’ (movie from 2001, based on actual events in 1993)?

    Friends don’t let friends go willingly to Mogadishu.

  2. Small tangent on United recognition — just thought I’d randomly share as I boarded my UA flight the other day the GA wished me a happy 30th anniversary with United which threw me for a loop seeing I’m in my early 30s…turns out it’s true! Thanks for getting me started early Mom and Dad. Didn’t know it showed that in their system and a nice touch that they passed that along.

  3. I’ve done my fair share of traveling to countries the State Department says not to. Most of the warnings were things that could just as easily apply to parts of the US. but this is on a whole different level, it would sure make me rethink any travel plans.

  4. Interestingly, it’s my understanding that Somaliland (which is basically run as a separate country but not recognized by most states as such) is actually pretty safe. It’s the 2/3 of Somalia that’s parallel to the Indian Ocean that is horrifying.

  5. @L737

    Congrats! How thoughtful of the gate agent (and of your parents for creating your frequent flyer account). Keep flyin’–soon enough, you’ll be at 40, 50, +60 years, hopefully.

    By contrast, some of the regular commenters on here (not gonna name names) occasionally boast about giving ‘the staff’ a hard time for no good reason. They ignore that GAs, FAs, etc., are all human, trying to get by, doing their best, and it’s often the ‘thought that counts’.

    Lest we forget that ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ (maybe a smile, too) go along way.

  6. Well done, United, with a cannon salute for reaching 2 million miles.

    Reading the comments on Chris Fowler’s post, it’s astonishing that a loyal Southwest passenger based in Denver has reached 4 million lifetime miles without ANY recognition along the way…she only knew once an agent mentioned he’d never seen that many.

    Great job by Bob Jordan for doing absolutely nothing to recognize your highest revenue and margin flyers! Guess his SMT doesn’t keep such a list to know who are SWA’s most valuable customers…

  7. @AngryFlier

    Somaliland doesn’t sound like a typical ‘beach’ holiday. The closest I’ve been is Kenya, Tanzania, and Egypt. Connecting through Addis Ababa still seems fine–otherwise, that’d be shame for the sweet-spot of Star Alliance point redemptions on Ethiopian. Most of the other ‘neighbors’ are really ‘off-limits’ to ‘tourists’ these days–with the crisis in Sudan, I wouldn’t recommend Eritrea or Djibouti, either. Of course, Yemen is a big no-no. Really hope for better days in that part of the world–most people are hurting there. If things ever improve (and it’s not looking good), I’d like to tour the Pyramids of Meroë (Nubian Pharaohs), but I’m not holding my breath on that. Certainly bigger problems over there than our silly travel plans.

  8. @1990 Thank you! Definitely not something I take for granted and hope to reach all those milestones and beyond. Wish I could do more in recognition of the gate attendant, but put in a detailed shout-out in the post-flight survey for now.

  9. Most people flying business couldn’t even afford PY (never mind business) if their corporate overlord wasn’t paying for their tickets.

  10. @Bob

    Woah. Nothing wrong with business expense travel, sir. Gotta make the most of things, ya know. I get what you mean, but it really depends on which airline and the route, though. Some premium economy (PY) is a recliner, like domestic First in the US, and others are just extra legroom or a blocked middle seat, like in Europe.

  11. Inert explosives seems to be an oxymoron.

    Are the Chris Fowler miles butt in seat ones or are some of them credit card miles and/or bonus miles? Do any airlines actually keep track of butt in seat miles these days?

  12. @ 1990. If we’re talking about you, I certainly wouldn’t recommend Djibouti to anybody. It’s nasty!

  13. I doubt the airlines would let us know, but I’d be curious to find out what proportion of people in international business class are on award tickets or miles upgrades as opposed to paying in cash. I believe that out of 4-6 international business class trips a year for 20 years I have paid full freight only twice, and those were unusually cheap fares. I just spend a lot of time well in advance looking for saver award tickets to fit my travel schedule, and am willing to take connections.

  14. @Arthur — You, sir, are ‘doing it right’. Many of us here strive for that as well (seeking affordable long-haul lie-flat, or using points/miles to get it). This is ‘the game,’ and it’s served us. I would imagine those ‘business expense’ travelers and ‘full fare’ passengers do subsidize our fun. Yeah, I doubt the airlines are ever going to willingly provide that proprietary data to the public.

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