United Airlines Makes Printing Boarding Passes Harder: Push To Digital Could Frustrate Flyers [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Paper costs money. Maintaining printers costs money. QR codes that change every 30 seconds is harder to forge.

  2. I lost my phone while traveling last week. I was glad that the kiosk at IAD on Tuesday was still able to print out a paper boarding pass.

  3. On the Grand Hyatt Grand Cayman:

    Any idea what ‘category’ this will be? I searched but could not find; though, I doubt it would be a category 4 or less. Just saying, it would be nice to use the free nights with the Chase Hyatt cards for a stay there.

    On timing, their website says ‘expected 2025’, but they are not taking reservations yet, so not a great sign. Reminds me of that Ritz-Carlton in Portland, Oregon, which kept getting pushed back, again and again. Or, like how IHG’s Six Senses brands promote new properties and destinations, then scrap them altogether without a peep. A lot of ‘hype’ these days.

    Grand Cayman already has a luxurious alternative with the relatively-new Kimpton Seafire. I’d stay away from the Ritz-Carlton as its become dated. But at least those two are actually on Seven Mile Beach; whereas, this new Hyatt is not really on that beach–look on a map, it’s further south, on the rocks, not directly connected–I suspect it will be hard for Hyatt to overcome that negative.

  4. @ Denver Refugee

    Stop defending these greedy companies. If you’re standing in front of a kiosk and need a boarding pass there’s no reason the kiosk shouldn’t have a big box highlighted that says “Print Boarding Pass.”

  5. Stop defending these greedy companies

    Stop defending passengers who apparently can’t be bothered to prepare before going to the airport.

  6. I am shocked that Hyatt is allowing a Grand Hyatt to be operated by a third-party, especially one with the reputation of Aimbridge. Aimbridge just lost the Westin and Buoy House, Autograph Collection properties on St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands because they are awful.

  7. Yes, Marriott seems to often charge more to its members than to 3rd party reservations. I’ve booked several via 3rd party this past year, as the points aren’t valuable enough to overcome the difference in cost. I can only assume they believe their loyal customers are OK paying more for not much extra out of the program.

  8. Airline tickets used to be paper. It was like cash- if you lost it you were screwed.

    Some people just don’t like change. For me, it’s just one less piece of paper

  9. Curious to see how they expect those without smart phones to fly? Yes there are those people, my father (80) and father in law (77) do not have smart phones but still are capable of traveling. What if you lose your phone or it dies while traveling? Will next up be you need to carry a “backup phone” just in case?

  10. Does the Marriott lowest price guarantee not work with “hotel tonight”? I used it a couple years ago with a booking.com price and was very happy to get the diff plus 25%

  11. I want a paper boarding pass if I have a connection, especially a short one. I can leave my phone in airplane mode in my backpack and it’s one less thing to get lost while deplaning. Paper boarding passes are folded in my right rear pants pocket, where they have been for the last 30 years.

  12. With airlines, hotels, etc. relying so heavily on our phones these days, I’ve begun carrying two iPhones while traveling.

    One is a backup—an old iPhone I no longer ruse—kept in my carry on in case if I lose my primary phone, and I have the wallet, calendar, email, etc. synched w/ the primary phone, so I can retrieve any reservation details using my old phone…just in case.

  13. I always have a paper boarding pass. Electronics can fail for a number of reasons. Maybe if enough people have trouble finding the print button and require assistance, United will change their interface to make it easier.

  14. Anybody else hoping to see someone kick one of the kiosks to pieces like it’s a middle seat? If it happens, I’m a vote for jury nullification in that case as long as no people (or pets) are injured.

    (To be clear, “my phone is dead” is a sincere issue at times, dead zones and cell issues can happen, and I’ve had far too many flights where I couldn’t get the at-seat charging system to work.)

  15. An open request to all future presidnts. You have to travel a lot for business. And, yes, it is a darn tough job. But, how about stay home more often (i.e., the White House)? It wastes our money, disrupts our travel, and isn’t a good look when you fly off for just a weekend.

  16. BTW, I wounderstand think airlines would find an ADA issue if they said no paper boarding passes. NAL.

  17. I always stop and get a paper boarding pass, particularly for connecting flights. Why require phone juggling when passing through TSA… where you must place your hand carried phone in a bowl. Spotty cell coverage as you change cities or go overseas is eliminated, as is possibly dead batteries interfering with your travel.

  18. I still wear a sport coat, so that I have a pocket for boarding passes. My wife typically has me carry her boarding passes, until boarding starts.

    I have found that sometimes, when I use the AA app, it takes several swpies to get the boarding passes to scan. Boarding passes printed on my five-year-old printer only need one swipe.

  19. It is a love hate issue
    You either like technical improvement or you don’t
    For me airline apps don’t work on my phone or they are glitching when I need to use it I tried with delta but got rid of the app because it doesn’t work I just print the ticket at home same with hotel reservations

  20. I always, if possible (that is, at home and not in a hotel without a printer), have both a printed and electronic pass as I’ve had a couple experiences where one won’t scan and having backup prevents me from having to go back to the gate and get a new one. Besides that, I find that most agents reprint your boarding pass whether you have an electronic one or not, and even if you have one printed at home.

  21. Those defending this policy clearly don’t have any elderly relatives. If they even have a smartphone, figuring out how to get a mobile boarding pass is going to confused them.

    If you don’t want to deal with this, just tell the agent “I don’t have a mobile phone.” They’ll figure out how to print one for you. As of now, there’s no legal requirement to have a smartphone to fly.

  22. I get paper boarding passes for 4 reasons:

    (1) I can have my phone packed away through the security screening process. (I.e., one less place to accidentally leave my phone behind or to put it in a filthy screening bin.)

    (2) I put that little luggage receipt sticker for my checked baggage on the back of my first boarding pass of a journey then put it in my travel documents folder once I’m on board. I only look at it again if I need to make a claim, but at least I know where I can find it.

    (3) For extensive foreign travel, boarding passes can be helpful for country/region entries and exits for purposes of proving visitor or resident visa compliance without having to produce any other records. Most of the time now our passports are not stamped and reconstructing extensive travel records from multiple airline online records would be a nightmare. The paper boarding passes go into one file and I shred them when they are no longer needed.

    (4) I keep the most recent boarding passes on my desk until the mileage earnings show up in my FF accounts. They are useful for easily proving missing flights, especially on code share parter flights. Then the few remaining passes that may be needed for my purposes in (3) above go into that folder. The rest are shredded.

  23. @ InLA

    Sorry, I forgot a fifth reason:

    (5) The passes for cancelled or delayed flights can be useful when filing a trip insurance claim, particularly if you did not save screen shots of your e-boarding passes. (I also keep those for a while as backup in case I lose a paper pass.)

  24. My experience with AA’s ticket counter agents in general bad mouthing of digital BPs and always print out paper ones ,unsolicited.

  25. Just think about putting the screen of your phone on top of hundreds of others and the scanner hasn’t been sanitized for weeks. People’s COVID laden breath on this screens in front of you. I’ll do paper boarding passes every time.

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