United Airlines Seems To Be Letting Its Interiors Go Ahead Of Planned Retrofits [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Why would Delta do this? Because it’s a day that ends in a “Y” Pretty much the most Delta thing ever:

    Mileage Upgrade Awards (MUA) from Premium to Upper Class on [Virgin Atlantic] operated/[Delta codeshare] are showing as 85,000 miles each way now under a new guide the agents have that took effect on 23 August as well. …unless someone knows of another way to try to get the old 25k miles award…

  • United Airlines really seems to be letting its interiors go, in advance of planned cabin retrofits. I keep seeing United and Delta interiors looking sad more often than American, even. Not what you’d expect.

  • No big deal, I mean, when was food on United Airlines ever ‘best’?

  • Holiday Inn on “reservations” – just because a reservation was made, doesn’t mean a room was reserved. Walks happen when hotels overbook, the hotel is responsible for accommodating you, not making stupid statements.

  • Rumors of Northern Pacific’s demise grossly overstated?

  • Prioritize family vacations once your kids have grown, if you can. 80% – 90% of the time a parent spends with their child happens before the child turns 18, but you can shift that at the margin.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. On the expired food. His other tweets indicate he was probably returning from a Mediterranian Cruise. The date would be backwards there so expiration would be Sept 4th. So still fresh, not expired.

  2. Interior cabin replacement parts are hard to get these days from aircraft manufacturers making it difficult to repair interiors…it’s not like your automobiles where there are ample parts available.

  3. About the expiration of the sanduich, expires today, Sept 4th. It seems very fresh to me.
    The US is not the center of the world. Not everyone follows these strange measures (“bananas for scale?”) that people use only in the US.
    Actually, only three nations do not use the metric system today: Myanmar, Liberia and the United States.

  4. @Ricardo. I don’t consider our U.S. measurements to be strange. I was brought up on them. Metric seems hard to me and I’m glad we kept our own measurements. The English language is considered a difficult language but not when you speak it from birth like me. You may not consider the U.S. the center of the world but our food and eating establishments are worldwide. I heard some years back the young people in Tokyo only wear kimonos on special occasions. They wear t shirts and blue jeans and go to McDonalds. We put the month first, then the day, followed by the year. It can be and is confusing to see the day first. An honest mistake.

  5. @ Carol – we live in a global community, so if something is found to be convenient, sensical, and/or better, it gets adopted by this community – much like your example of t-shirts & jeans vs kimonos. In this way, we should adopt SI units – it has already been widely adopted by the U.S. science & engineering community, because it facilitates communication and is based on rigid standards rather than crude representations of physical objects. Even the English have mostly abandoned the English/Imperial units that we stubbornly (along with Burma & Liberia) hold onto.

  6. Regarding family vacations, just because you want your family to travel with you doesn’t mean THEY want to travel with you.

  7. Best before dates are suggestions, not absolute drop dead dates. This looks like bread and if it is soft, looks good and smells good it should be ok. Probably the complainer misreading the date. Much ado about nothing.

  8. If this is a United flight, I think it’s safe to assume that they’re using US style dating, since they’re a US airline.

  9. @Concerned mechanic… Right, I am 9 months into waiting on a bumper cover for my 2022 A7 where someone rear ended me.

    Everything else is fixed I just don’t have a cover for all the stuff under

  10. Commenters seem a little agitated today. All this bickering back and forth is fun to read. Although none of it pertains to the subject of this blog, it is such a pleasure of mine to read. Some day I too might start an argument about nothing. Boys & Girls this is your life. Reallly.

  11. Cálmate Ricardo.. those pathetic lines full of resentment (inferiority complex most of the time, and that’s the common way to exteriorize it) clearly confirm that the US is indeed the center of the world.

    You are the very same ppl that believes it’s ok to force another culture to your standards, and i’m absolutely sure that if Americans were fleeing to OUR countries, they would just learn and adapt to OUR system back there.. Because it would be super RACIST if they insisted otherwise right?

    And as Jake said ‘the order of month/day/year has nothing to do with SI vs English units’.

  12. @Brian L. How dare you imply that common sense should prevail! how racist of you LOL!

    Ricardo is constantly fed CNN, Univision y Telemundo so it’s totally OK to hate on everything American.

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