United Airlines ‘Surprise & Delight’ Move – Even Economy Flyers Now Enjoy Jaguar Rides Across The Tarmac For Connections

United is leaving American behind in the dust at Chicago O’Hare, and competed head-to-head with Delta in the ‘premium lane’ of U.S. air travel across the country. So it doesn’t surprise me that they’re investing more in their product, investing in their technology, and consistently surprising customers with inflight milestone recognition. Well, it seems they have something new up their sleeve.

United, Delta, and American all offer have the capability to offer tarmac transfers to their best customers. On tight connections at hubs, especially when going from a domestic flight to an international one, they’ll pick up Global Services, 360, and ConciergeKey members on the jetbridge and drive them in a car across the tarmac to their next flight – bypassing the terminal entirely. It’s a special moment!

Delta partners with Porsche for this. United partners with Jaguar (from 2014 – 2022 it was a Mercedes partnership). American dropped its Cadillac partnership in 2021 for whatever SUVs Avis will provide them.

United, though, seems to be going beyond offering these rides to their Global Services members on tight connections. Reader Nick B shares that he received one in Chicago as a Premier 1K while connecting between two domestic flights – arriving in United first class and departing on a one-cabin regional jet in economy – and with a 70 minute connection time. Agents there told him that this is “part of United’s continuing surprise and delight initiative.”

They plan to have a premium services agent pick and drive 20-25 pax per day in Chicago and the service is not dependent on connection time but rather aimed at increasing delight with United.

Delta promotes itself as a premium airline, but the narrative regularly outstrips the reality. Their business class product is excellent on some planes, but their workhorse Boeing 767s flying across the Atlantic have ancient seats that lag both American’s and United’s. And much of what they promote is vaporware. For instance, in 2015 they ignited a media storm with claims that they would be using Delta Private Jet empty legs to upgrade customers to private flights only it turns out that wasn’t true. They did do it at least once, but would never even claim to have done it five times. But they got the media they wanted by saying it was true.

Here, United appears to be doing the work. In fact, they haven’t even announced the thing. They’re just doing the thing. It’s not clear how long they’ll be doing it, but it’s still impressive.

Of course, it only touches a very small number of customers each day. And just like many of their premium upgrades – such as top flight business class wines and improved meals – these affect only a small portion of their customers. Perhaps there’s a halo effect from it on the rest of their product (and they are installing free Starlink wifi for everybody and seatback entertainment screens). But most of their passengers fly economy. There’s a budget there. But they do need to pay continued attention to the experience in back.

That’s something that Delta had really started doing for its international flights prior to the pandemic, with hot towels, welcome cocktails, and amenity kits in coach plus course-based meals. Sadly it’s not something they’ve brought back, but that just means there’s an opportunity for a true premium carrier in the United States.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Gary, oh boy, got some bones to pick with on this one.

    “United is leaving American behind in the dust at Chicago O’Hare,” it’s their headquarters, they better be.

    “and competed head-to-head with Delta in the ‘premium lane’ of U.S. air travel,” only if it’s on United’s 787 with the new Polaris, otherwise, I much prefer DeltaOne lounges and seats on the 764 (even without the doors). Even jetBlue older Mint ‘throne’ seats in rows 2 and 4 are better, namely because the food is top-notch compared to everyone else.

    “United, Delta, and American all offer have the capability to…” do a lot, but rarely do. Never got a ‘free ride’ like you described as 1K. Glad to hear ‘Nick B’ did, though. Good for him. How bout the rest of us? Unlikely.

    “United appears to be doing the work. In fact, they haven’t even announced the thing. They’re just doing the thing.” What are you even talking about? I feel like I had a stroke reading that. This is some really old corporate shilling, Gary. I donno man.

    “a true premium carrier in the United States.” It’s called Qatar Airways, Singapore, Emirates, etc. and they each fly to a lot our cities, connecting us to the rest of the world. Doubtful there will ever be a US-based ‘premium’ ever. We’re not ‘into’ that kinda thing here, sadly.

  2. @ Gary — United just dumped a bunch of GS customers, so no surprise they are looking for new ones. During our year of GS, we received a whopping 2 transfers.

  3. Once in the late 1970’s in O’Hare, I was given a personal ride to my Continental DC-10 to LAX from a connecting Allegheny flight. What service!

  4. Lol at incels on here thinking a car ride is surprising and delightful

    You wanna surprise and delight me? Have my Hinge match show up at the gate waiting for me with flowers and a box of truffles.

  5. @Dick — At least you spelled your name correctly: D-I-C-K.

    It’s not just any ‘car ride,’ you uncultured dweeb.

    Also, ‘incels’ are usually younger men, so do you suppose 18-25-year-olds are frequenting VFTW?

    My dude, if you’re going to mock others on here, at least pick better insults.

    Hinge? ‘Methinks (you) doth protest too much’–Hope you find ‘true love’ someday, sir.

  6. Fun! I would never pay (except to impress someone hehe), expect, or ask for this but I think this is a really nice touch of service that helps paint the airline in a positive light and perhaps subconsciously affects where people take their business, using this service or not.

    @Dick Are you the same “Dick” that wrote the letter about positivity the other day? We like that Dick better! Valentine’s Day is coming up, hope you find the one who will make that effort on their own accord without the need for an airline to get involved.

    @1990 Ice cream! Now there’s an idea for a midflight snack I can get behind

  7. Dick is a common name. I am most certainly not the same Dick posting all the previous comments.

    As to love, are any of you doofuses single? It’s basically impossible to find a woman. I’m highly (and I mean highly) handsome, smart, and successful financially. I have a Manhattan penthouse (literally culturally Manhattan, as in the West Village) and a vibrant nationwide social network of top lawyers, high financiers (asset managers, private equity principals), physicians, academics (R1 tenure line faculty). My net worth is sky high. Yet I cannot find a woman.

    I hypothesize the Match Group conglomerate which owns all prominent dating apps is keeping me from meeting women. I’ve previously met some nice women from Bumble, a non-Match Group service, but that pipeline has dried up.

    So, you want to surprise and delight me? Find me a woman who loves me. I prefer 5’8”-5’10” women under age 40 with Juris Doctor degrees and no tattoos.

  8. Perhaps this services flies under the radar. Okay fair enough. However, it’s is time they get on the ball and get a deal with their flight attendants. I’ve had very good experiences with their FA group for the most part. It’d be a shame to see slip because United is being penny wise and pound foolish!

  9. @ “obviously” different dick. Sheesh man I wonder why women aren’t flocking your way with that attitude…

  10. @ DICK
    Dude, I’m a guy. After reading your posts above, even I wouldn’t do you in a dark alley for money. Your personality is a walking ad for celibacy. Take your personal problems elsewhere. We wanna talk about planes.

  11. I wonder if United may include there Million Milers in this Surprise and Delight. That would be a nice surprise to one of there most faithful group.

  12. @Counterdick — I’m surprised you didn’t go with ‘contraDICKtion’ for your moniker.

    @Lester — Hey now, Dick may be struggling here, but we don’t kink shame at VFTW, unless kink shaming is your kink, then I’m really at a loss for that one. You do you (even in a dark alley!)

    @Greg — More like @Dick rising! Seriously, Dick, we wish you the best in your private endeavors.

  13. I’m confused what the big deal is here? I’ve gotten Delta’s gate transfer in MSP as a Diamond traveling in economy, which sounds equivalent to this case.

  14. Not sure how reasonable and feasible it is to provide rides, even in a 1980 Ford Fairlane, to top tier elites with tight connections on a regular basis.(save for Global Services, CK, etc.) During that COVID period when the world decided to hide under the bed and I continued to travel I did get the CK cart a number of times as an EXP. But once travel resumed by June/July of that year I never saw the cart again.

    Maybe more of a once in awhile nice gesture at best.

  15. @George N Romey — It’d be far more expensive to keep old Ford like that alive than to just shove ’em in a contemporary Corolla.

    On the pandemic and its affects on travel: ‘Hide under their bed’? Over 7 million people died–it wasn’t a hoax–real threat, real fear. Glad you still got to enjoy travel during that period–I know I did. Took calculated risks, wore N95s, got jabs, quarantined when required, and did stay healthy, but that was probably more luck than anything. Yes, there were some real ‘deals’ to be had then, too.

  16. @ Dick — You sound like a complete jerk. No surprise you can’t find a woman. When you do find one, I guarantee she’s a gold digger. No one gives a crap that you have a lot of money except those that want to steal it. Maybe trying haging around Virginia Avenue.

  17. @ Dick you win the hearts of women by being emotionally supportive and compassionate. Confidence but not ego or wealth. Gratitude and not selfishness (in yourself and your prospective partner). You do not state your age range but am curious. Also helps if you and your prospective woman have good examples of happy couples, although if someone doesn’t they will need to consciously decide to do things different then any failed examples. But let’s stick to travel on this sige going forward.

  18. I’ve been AA ExPlat and UA 1K concurrently for two years, even though I’m based out of DFW. My 1K experience has been better than ExPlat, hands down. Now that may not be true for everyonbe, but it sure was true for me. I’m reaching a point where I’ll have to flip all the ride to one or the other. With my home airport at DFW that naturally tilts the scale to AA. But I may move it all to UA, or just walk away and be a free agent. I usually buy J or F anyway, so upgrades are meaningless, if they are even available at all.

  19. I don’t understand the comments. I do understand that UA flyers do not like crowded wretched O’Hare terminal; a car ride to avoid the terminal seems a sweet avoidance scheme. Flying AA, I did enjoy the self-serve champagne bar at the Flagship Lounge in the O’Hare terminal; I don’t know If a transfer ride in a cramped compact car (apparently with cupholders devoid of champagne) is competitive. This transfer excitement (transfer silliness?) merits further investigation of the generally sorry state of O’Hare terminal.

  20. I was lucky enough to be surprised and delighted on a recent flight between MDT>IAD>DEN!!! There was one Global services on our regional jet, arriving in the dreaded a terminals at Dulles. His name was at the top of the list, followed by myself and the other 1K customer on the flight. We were picked up in the Jaguar and driven over to the sea terminal close to the United lounge.

    Keep up the great work united!

  21. I fly in and out of ORD 30+ times a year. Always friendly and professional, both UA and UA. DFW is a hot mess.

  22. As for Chicago, isn’t it about to get a major make over and added capacity? Agreed, DFW is a mess.

  23. I got the Porsche treatment in FRA & 1-on-1 passport screening. We walked up a back staircase to my domestic flight and the entire group of passengers were at the top of the stairs facing me waiting to board. Wish I could get the “surprise and delight initiative” on UA.

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