Unreal Scene: British Airways 777 Parked in Dense Delhi Fog Becomes a Global Sensation [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Choice points+ cash are a good value sometimes, personally in the Caribbean I’ve used it where they have some decent properties

  2. Have been through DEL a few times between November-February, and wow, the smog is intense! Automatic sore-throat, itchy-eyes, cough. It’s not just the coal–they burn the crops post-harvest, and the surrounding mountains trap in that air. Very dry, little rain, many problems.

  3. I have been to Delhi a couple of times in the past few years during the November to January. Yes it was a lot of fog or smog or whatever you wanna call it and I personally did not feel any discomfort none of the sore throat or any other symptoms that people are complaining about. Nor did I run into anybody that was experiencing any issues. So it must be the handfull of people on social media.

  4. @Bbt

    You must have gotten lucky then, and no it is most definitely not ‘just social media’ — New Delhi’s highest AQI level was 795 in November 2024; that’s the scale usually between 1-500, but was so bad it was way off the chart. They say it was comparable to smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day at those levels. Maybe you are already a smoker, so you don’t notice the difference. For those of us used to non-toxic air, it is like drowning.

  5. It is not fog – it is horrible smog. Air quality index was 411 yesterday, which is unsafe. I was just in DEL the other day and I am still hacking.

  6. The sardines sound delicious, especially if there were pickle slices with them in sandwiches. If airlines want to control what people eat, they will have to start providing it. I brought three tuna salad sandwiches with me on a two segment cross country coach day flight in October. They were great. I could have packed sardine sandwiches instead but tuna salad sandwiches are common where sandwiches are sold and I wasn’t planning on giving a lot of money to airport concessions.

  7. I was Delhi based for a nearly a year . . . and I had “kennel cough” for over a year. The air is always bad and one can smell it when descending through 10,000 feet. To quote my then wife when she came to visit in Delhi, “you must really love your job more than me to put up with this sh*t”.
    Separately, the ground handler did an excellent job of waiving in the 777. I can appreciate the little tweak to AC right at the end of the procedure. Made me smile. Guess it’s a pilot thing.

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