Video Surfaces: NYC Mayor Confronted In Tight Middle Seat On American Airlines Flight Back To New York

New York City Mayor Eric Adams was confronted by a woman boarding an American Airlines flight from Miami to New York on Monday. His Honor was seated in an exit row middle seat, and the woman approached him, first asking whether he was in fact the mayor – and then began to launch into a wide-ranging tirade.

The anti-Israel activist, headed to New York as well, recorded herself lambasting the mayor over a litany of issues.

She began “F-you” and moved on to criticizing his support for “genocide in Palestine,” then homelessness and poverty in New York, followed his social calendar for which he’s well-known: “You’re always partying! You don’t actually care about the citizens of New York.”

But she still couldn’t stay focused on any core message, moving onto his support for police funding. “You keep cutting the education budget so that you can fund the police. That’s all you care about, funding the police! Everything is underfunded because of you,” she shouted, as other passengers on the flight began to react. The Mayor just sort of looks at her, and she moves on because everyone has to move down the aisle to their seats in order to depart.

The Mayor’s office claims that other passengers jumped in to support him. This was… not captured on video. Adams was headed back to Manhattan following the 2024 Concordia Americas Summit.

Meanwhile, the FBI is investigating the mayor over taking free flights and upgrades from Turkish Airlines. In contrast, Adams in his middle seat is apparently not doing enough for American Airlines.

My advice to guerilla protestors, videotaping yourself filming a politician on an airplane, is to stick to single, coherent message or else people will not remember you for that message and it will not be reported clearly.

(HT: Paul H)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. This passenger should have been booted off the plane. Verbally assaulting anyone on a plane is unacceptable and not something others should have to tolerate either. It also created a situation that could have escalated to others getting involved and a potential physical altercation.

    It’s great you believe in “X,Y, or Z” but as a passenger trying to get from point A to point B, i could care less what you stand for.

  2. All activists are at their core narcissists. The think their beliefs and wishes are the most important thing in the world, and of course if you disagree you are nothing. Protest has it’s place, but in a democracy we vote to determine policy. You activists are just being selfish bullies. STFU, vote, and then be a decent citizen instead of seeking attention all the time!

  3. She should have been removed from the plane. That created a tense situation, which could easily escalate.

  4. Mayor should fund budget to stop unprepared people from having kids that they don’t have the money and time to raise.

    Crime will go down, and schools will be less crowded.

  5. There’s a time and place for everything. As other people have stated while on a plane let’s just get from A to B in an orderly safe manner please

  6. She should have been deplaned. No telling up front if she would control herself in the air. The rest of the people on the flight were put in greater risk because of her.

  7. I’m far from an Adams fan (he’s possibly the worst mayor any major city has had in the last few decades, and that’s a *low* bar), but this was ridiculous.

    The lady is clearly unhinged, and regardless of your views about anyone, there are just certain minimum standards of decorum that sadly don’t seem to exist anymore. Nobody in public deserves to be subjected to this type of vitriol from anyone (nevermind the fact that the two of them probably see eye to eye on most political issues, she’s probably just rage blinded by her agenda that she heard about in passing from an MSNBC segment).


  8. To Wow:
    Adams is not the worst Mayor now or ever. The present Mayor of Chicago is at least tied for that title with his predecessor.

  9. MY “advice to guerilla protestors, videotaping yourself filming a politician on an airplane”:

    Don’t. Just shut the f*** up and take your seat.

    She should have been thrown off the plane for harassing another passenger. I don’t care if they’re Governor Dimwit of Dodo state, Republican, Democrat, whatever. Shut. Up.

  10. If I see a politician at the airport and decide to talk with them, I do two things:
    1. get their autograph
    2. Summarize one issue and what I want them to support in about 5 sentences.
    (state the issue, state the problem or unintended consequence in 2-3 sentences, state a possible resolution in a sentence or two)

    They often ask if I am a constituent in their district or state, if a US senator.

  11. Shes lucky. If she was a conservative she would have been labeled a racist, xenophobe, mysogenist and been fired from her job. In addition to being kicked off the plane. Left wing privilege is harassing someone like that and only being told its simply the wrong place and wrong time.

  12. @derek … I stay away from all politicians because I do not wish to hear their equivocations .

    For the most part , they are all phony-baloney and stupid-dumb .

  13. If it had been the mayor of New Orleans, the encounter would have been in 1st Class!! 😉

  14. She should have been escorted off the plane. This could have turned very ugly with other passengers. The Mayor is a person first and he shouldn’t be hassled on the plane. This wasn’t the time for a public forum. He should be able to have peace and quiet like the rest of us on a flight. By the way, I have no clue who he is and I have no idea what the issues are … I’m just saying that he deserves privacy too.

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