Why I’m Especially Grateful This Year

Every year on Thanksgiving I offer a reflection on the good fortune I’ve had in travel, mile and points and to be able to interact with so many wonderful readers over the course of the year. And as difficult as the past several years have been for so many (it was a dumpster fire, and we thought nothing could match 2020 and 2021) – and as tough as the coming year may be, I’m even more thankful than I’ve ever been.

I’m thankful for my family’s health. I’m also thankful for the way I’ve been able to grow through challenging times. Covid kept me home more to grow as a dad, and I think I’ve been able to keep that up even while traveling again.

And I’m extremely grateful for my readers. I get to interact with brilliant and thoughtful people through this blog. Sure, the comments on posts often descend into madness (it’s the internet, and I’ve been forced to delete more comments than I used to and still don’t delete enough) but I’ve gotten to know so many people. I’ve been practicing at it since the start of this blog in 2002 (and really going back to my BBS days in the mid-1980s).

If there’s one thing I think I have to offer writing for 20 years here, it’s a memory. I remember when things have happened before, been promised before, and how they worked out. And I try to offer some of that context to the day’s developments. I remember most of the people I’ve had the good fortune to get to know since I began in miles and points, and it’s sustained me throughout the years and throughout both good times and difficult times.

I thought I’d take the Thanksgiving opportunity to express my thankfulness for each of you that reads my blog and interacts with me throughout the year. I’ve said this many times before but I really do consider myself one of the luckiest people, and certainly much more fortunate than I could have ever imagined.

I’m deeply shy, which some people can find off-putting when I meet them (thinking that by not being outgoing with them I must not be interested, or somehow aloof). The written form has allowed me to connect so well with many. And I’m grateful for those connections, although I don’t share nearly as much detail that’s personal many of you know me very well from my writing — certainly my opinions, my quirks, my sense of humor. This hobby has enriched my life in so many ways, including less obvious ones.

In many ways this is still the same personal blog I first started, I write and share what is interesting to me. I usually write as though no one is reading, and I’m shocked when I get a call from an airline’s or hotel’s communications shop because a C-level executive is unhappy with something I’ve said. (Or when one of those C-level folks comments here or drops me a note, as happens so often too.)

Now there are just a whole lot more people reading the blog than when I started and I appreciate each and every one of you. Even the ones that are trying to insult me! I don’t always have as thick a skin as I should, but I try my best, because each and every reader has something to teach me or challenge me. And the positive feedback touches me deeply.

So thank you. Thank you. I look forward to continuing to share this journey together, and I appreciate this opportunity to reflect — and to acknowledge.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving Gary! Thank you for what you do. All the helpful posts over the years! Health, wealth and the time to enjoy it!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Gary. I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years, keep up the good work.

  3. Thank You Gary. Since I retired I don’t travel as often as I used to but I still read your blog as if I’m still working. Learned a lot too.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Gary. Blogging is often a thankless job: A combination of herding cats, appealing to a wide range of people with all sorts of views and opinions, generating tons of material — often in slow news periods — and dealing with armchair quarterbacking from your readers.

    I’m personally thankful for the news, humor, and community you have provided me over the years.

    Hope you and your family have a great holiday season.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Gary. The very best to you and yours.
    I am very grateful that we “happened” to run into each other in an unnamed airport and then ended up sitting one room from each other on a flight this fall. The 30 minutes we got to chat in person was a great opportunity to get to know in a way the internet can’t allow. I’d still consider it an honor to be able to treat you to a meal at some point.
    Thank you for the thought-provoking work you do and for letting us interact w/ you.
    All the best, my friend.

  6. You’re welcome!

    Happy Thanksgiving Dude!

    Thanks for showing me a whole new world!

    I’ve even come to treasure the occasional typo/awkward transition.

    My brain salivates with the thought: “can I decipher this!!??”

    Be best…..

  7. Always thankful for the info and help you provide … here’s wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Gary. I’ve enjoyed some interesting articles. Thank you for your very nice comments today.

  9. Sharing the same thoughts as many of you here. I enjoy and learn from the post and I always appreciate the time Gary takes to respond when I need advice or support in resolving an issue. Happy Thanksgiving to all !!

  10. Gary
    Thank you for all I’ve learned from you over the years and for answering my emails so promptly when I’ve written you.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and all the best for a joyous holiday season, with health and happiness in the new year.

  11. This brings my best wishes to you and yours, Gary. I am grateful for the insight, humor, and news you work brings to my inbox, and your personal responses when I’ve asked for advice.

  12. Love the picture of the ugly (but tasty) turkey in tandem with the headline. Keep up the good work. Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. Gary- Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I have only been reading your blog for a couple of years but it brings me enjoyment to hear your ideas and the ideas of others. I don’t understand all the ins and outs of points and miles but I enjoy learning and dreaming. Have a great holiday.

  14. Flying all over the world for business most of my working life, I always made it back for Thanksgiving, and the pleasure it brought our family.

    Now happily retired in Malta, we still fly by the gallon full. Just for the pleasure.

    Reading your blog keeps me up to date on what’s happening in States and the comedy that is air travel in the States.

    Turkey day is not a thing here. But fenek (rabbit) Is. And just finished off thumper for dinner.

    Keep on persevering Gary. Not all your readers gobble,

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