Wild Mid-Air Brawl Captured on American Airlines Flight [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Speaking as a physically disabled person , service animals ought to be permitted for only those who need a true assistance dog , for example blind persons . No other animals ought to be permitted , and no extra large bird cages with a giant parrot .

  2. @Alert – don’t disagree but you are wrong to use the example of a blind person. As I’m sure you are aware there are many legitimate disabilities that aren’t apparent. My daughter (mid 20s) has had a service dog for years and flown with him. She has horrible migraines along with some other health issues (like 15-20 pills a day to address all of them). Her dog with specially trained to assist her in a number of ways. That being said, AA at least requires you to notify them if you have a service animal and provide certain information in advance which she has done and has a permanent reference number for her dog.

    Doesn’t dispute you point but feel it is unfair to only see a seeing eye dog as a legitimate service animal. Also, as long as airlines can make money on pet fees (and the FAA doesn’t prohibit it) they will continue to allow dogs, cats and other animals to be in the passenger area if people are willing to pay the $150 or so pet fee (service animals are exempt from this fee).

  3. I notice there are Lowes and a Home Depot near Kent, Washington. Why don’t some of the able bodied Venezuelans try working as day laborers and pool their money to pay the bill at the Quality Inn Hotel? The minimum wage in Washington is over $16 an hour.

  4. Wow, even First Class isn’t a safe bet anymore. Whack jobs everywhere. (The AA flight). I’m guessing she was drunk, although seemed she was ticked off that her favorite didn’t win. Eesh

  5. @jns +1 . I agree with you , ( but doing work is asking a lot from the able-bodied ones ; sarc. ) .

  6. There’s plenty of money in Seattle. Why aren’t the better off chipping in for hotel rooms for these migrants? After all, these are their lawn care/child care that they’re going to be hiring on a cash basis so as not to pay extra SS taxes. Plus, they can pay well below the very high minimum wage in Seattle.

    Opps, I said the quiet part out loud, didn’t I?

  7. What an incredibly exaggerated headline, you didn’t have to stoop to click bait, people would’ve come to watch of you jad2 just been honest about it being a Karen caught in HD/4k in the wild. That definitely was not a brawl lmao.

  8. Fist a video of nothing purporting to be a brawl on an airplane. Then a senselessly illiterate post about a birthday cake and United. Doesn’t anyone have any kind of education at all any more?

  9. Maybe Isom just had a sudden attack of conscience and agreed to the truth about him being inserted into his Wikipedia page.

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