Woman Checks $12,000 Worth Of Goods On Flight Leaving Cancun, Of Course They Were Stolen

This seems like one of the more ill-advised passenger moves I’ve seen lately. A New York and Philadelphia-based influencer claimed she checked $12,000 worth of stuff on a flight back from Cancun, including a valuable bag and ring. And she says that the airline’s staff stole it by breaking into her bag.

Even if she’s on the level, she has no idea who took her stuff. She… put $12,000 worth of stuff in her checked bag in Mexico? In Cancun..?

Don’t check things that are super-valuable, forget theft an airline can lose your luggage. You can insure your valuables separately. Remember that for international flights checked bag liability is limited under the Montreal Convention. And good luck proving you had checked those items in the first place without having separately declared them (if you’re a TikToker at least videotape the items in your bag as you check them in, the lack of video documentation here makes me somewhat more skeptical of the story).

Of course putting items in your carry on bag, above you in the overhead, can also entail risk especially on long haul flights when everyone in the cabin goes to sleep but there’s still less risk. You can keep truly valuable items with you, under your seat, or at least concealed.

(HT: JonNYC)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Happened to my Mom years ago coming back from Mexico City.
    Clothes all rumpled, no jewelry.
    It wasn’t even that valuable, mostly sentimental stuff. Sucks…..

  2. Anything for clicks, eh, Gary?

    I doubt we would have heard about this if she looked like Margaret Thatcher.

  3. Tik Tok influencer? How about she was undr the influence when she made such a bone head move!!!

  4. It makes me happy when bad things happen to these “influencer” idiots….assuming that this really happened anyway.

  5. “she doesn’t want her things back but wants to be compensated…” Of course she doesn’t want her things back because….THERE WERENT ANY THINGS TO BEGIN WITH! Give me a break. Then again, we do have a bunch of first time flyers… her things were probably next to her medication, car/house keys and passport..

  6. Did you hear about the blond who…

    Gotta love morons like her. Do something really stupid and then announce your stupidity to the world.

  7. How incredibly sad … she’s the poster child for the current social media insanity. “Influencer” … hilarious.

  8. Serious doubt she had any items written that much in her bag. I think she’s trying to get a payout from the airline to STFU and go away.

  9. She checks a purse and a ring, one that she can carry on for free and the other that she can wear (for free). This claim reeks of BS.

  10. Sad. Once she works through denial she will realize that she made some really dumb mistakes as a traveler. American has an excellent way to report lost items on line. Just used it. Took only a few minutes. While I can certainly think of some snarky things to say I agree with her that it would be hitting someone when they are down. I hope she learned a valuable lesson and doesn’t spend a lot of time waiting for a check from the airlines which is clearly not responsible to her issue.

  11. Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid can’t! While it’s difficult to “tell a book by its cover”, her picture spills the beans on the “book’s” content. The light’s on but there’s no one at home!

  12. I’m an old airline supervisor. I used to work baggage service, too. My advice has always been to never check anything in your baggage that you aren’t willing to risk losing.

    Bsgs pop open, some people are thieves, i.e., s–t happens. FWIW, I never saw anything in anyone’s baggage worth a federal rap.

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