Woman Takes Revenge, Paints Toenails Of Rude First Class Passenger With Feet Propped Above Her Head

A first class passenger was passed out in his seat, with his legs propped up againts the cabin wall beside him. He wasn’t wearing shoes, and his feet were right above the head of the woman seated in the window seat directly in front of him. She and her seatmate spring into action – with toe nail polish. The man doesn’t wake up.

The man starts to move his feet, and toe nail polish-apply woman ducks back down into her seat while the woman seated at the aisle beside him can hardly contain her laughter.

She flags down a flight attendant, who taps the man on the arm and tries to wake him. Eventually he rustles and she asks him to take down his feet. He does – and he realizes his toenails have been painted. He looks at the woman beside him for explanation, and she dismisses it with ‘nope’.


♬ orijinal ses – Mayko

This is almost too crazy to be real, and the video quality is too good. Invariably when these videos are staged, the cabin windows are closed though. Cabin mockups on the ground aren’t going to have outside light coming in, and you don’t want to see whatever is going on outside the mock up. Here the cabin windows are open, and another passenger can be seen filming with their phone – not just the one taking this video. Nonetheless, the video seems too high quality and there are cabin elements I do not recognize.

I can’t speak to the provenance of the video, but it embodies the desire we all have to take our revenge on passengers who impose themselves on others within the confines of a tightly-constrained metal tube.

Whether it’s pulling out gum to deal with a passenger who drapes their hair over the seat back behind them (covering your seat back video screen) or the man clipping his toenails beside you while you try to eat, sticking it to those people is something we all at least think about every once in awhile – so can relate to when we see someone executing their petty revenge, even if you shouldn’t ‘try this at home’.

(HT: Jonathan)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. My only comment would be that I was so hoping he was wearing sandals, flip flops, or open toed shoes so when he had to deplane at his destination he would have to walk through the terminal showing off his newly painted toenails in red. Better yet that he would have an ongoing connection and had to endure strange looks from a new set of fellow passengers or a new seat mate having to endure his new artistic looking feet. YUK!!

  2. The numbers in the bclass rows are 1 and 2 and start from the second row. Also when has a FA ever shown up that quick to a call button? If the attendant could have shown up that quick, they probably would have prevented the nail polish.

    Either way definitely what ppl want to do

  3. Observe the row number and seat quantity located above the passenger on the runner. 1(□□□). Plus there is a group of seats in front of her. Definitely a mock up.

    Also, I cannot think of any US carriers that have narrow body service where those types of wall panels are used.

  4. Ya’ll ever smell that stuff? One would get flexi cuffed for just taking the cover off.

  5. Deliberate placement of chewing gum in the hair can constitute a form of assault in some circumstances.

    Much the same with painting someone’s toenails without consent of the toe nail owner or choosing to spit a goober on someone.

  6. Thought leader on travel still can’t tell when videos are fake? Took me 30 seconds.

  7. Clearly fake. The camera person seems to know exactly when the woman is going to do what. Very rehearsed.

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