It’s been a rough fall for celebrities running late to catch flights.
- showed up too late for his United flight to China. He wasn’t allowed to board and took to social media…
- Jeremih showed up for a flight after the jetway door had closed. His entourage members already on the flight proceeded to open the door themselves.
Now it’s New York Yankees’ pitcher “CC” Sabathia’s turn. (HT: Alan H.)
Yankees ace CC Sabathia allegedly went ball-istic at Newark Airport over the weekend when he and his entourage just missed a flight to Jamaica.
And by ‘just’, he apparently turned up at the ticket counter 15 minutes prior to departure.

He had booked 12 first class seats on the plane and ‘freaked out’ when he wasn’t allowed to board. Cops responded to the scene and ‘helped him cool off’.
Despite the rhubarb, Sabathia didn’t end up in hot water with the law.
Cops who came to the scene helped him cool off without putting anyone in handcuffs, according to the report. No summonses were handed out.
I think there’s some missing details about the flight in question, and the one he and his group eventually took to Montego Bay.
- The report identifies a 7pm United flight, I didn’t think there was such a late Newark-Montego Bay flight and it’s certainly too late to connect. (Although I’m not up on United’s Newark-Caribbean schedule.)
- The paper suggests that the group took a later flight. Later than 7pm?
- Did some of his entourage have to fly coach? I’d be surprised if there were 12 first class seats open day of departure on any flight.
- Unless they flew private…
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this is what happens when all these imbeciles start making money. it’s a proof that money can’t buy you class… even if you buy first class.
it’s sad we live in a society where these mentally underdeveloped idiots earn millions and teachers with degrees barely make ends meet.
Another pax probably showed up for the flight to see they were #12 on the upgrade list and lost all hope, only to have the Christmas miracle come through!
Money can’t buy you class
Mentally underdeveloped … wow!
I agree that we (society) values sports and entertainment more than teachers – btw our fault, not theirs – but that comment was below the belt. Stereotyping does nothing but build walls in society.
Wow- no amount of money seems to be able to buy commenters any class either. Do you happen to know Mr. Sabathia? Or do you just know he’s a black athlete and therefore you know you are of superior intellect? It would be nice if comments like these were linked at least to people’s public Facebook accounts, but perhaps all of your friends think exactly the same way you do. I’d probably think I was pretty intelligent myself if I spent all my time around such classy individuals.
@Ms.M, Eric
are you two implying that a a person who shows up for an international flight 15 min prior to departure and then throws a fit when denied boarding is particularly clever?
Don’t care whether he’s black or white, dumb or clever. The rules are the same for everyone. Show up late, and you’re not allowed to board. And the fact that you’re making $23 mil/ year and a role model to young kids everywhere means you better not throw a fit when you think the rules don’t apply to you.
Not at all, just implying that someone who knows nothing more than some secondhand report from a blogger and feels entitled to declare that a black male athlete is “mentally underdeveloped” probably has some developing to do himself or herself. But feel free to declare others classless in ways that show yourself to be the same.
I judge it more likely that Sabathia lives in a large enough bubble, where most of his needs are taken care of, such that he is not used to the routine of commercial air travel.
However, if he shows up T-15 minutes to his *return* flight back to the NYC area, then I may change my initial judgement.
Isn’t that the pitcher that used grease on his neck to cheat, then got caught, thrown out of the game, suspended, and now he wants 12 First Class seats for his goon squad, to then show up late?
No doubt.
Good squad. Another classy chap….
At least have the balls to use the N-word, eh?
You’re clearly not above it regardless of what you tell yourself. (and no, I don’t have a high opinion the pitcher who did cheat in that manner. He is dark-skinned although unfortunately his name is Michael Pineda. But I suppose it’s reasonable to call his friends and/or family members goons as well.)
Recommending this for CC on the flight home from Montego Bay:
The TMZ article that the NYP cited said he “arrived to the Newark International Airport on Saturday morning … only to be told they were too late to board the flight.”
That makes a lot more sense. EWR-MBJ is 1x daily at 8:55am. Plenty of time to rebook with a connection onto another airline (though not United) — most likely ATL or PHL
@Eric. I never did see the word “Black” used in Lantean’s original post. I think the word imbecile and idiot’s if that’s what he/she wants to use would pertain to any ethnicity. And then escalating it to the “N” word. Really! Stop playing the race card and reply on words that were actually used rather than speculating on what you think was said.
@Lantean – No, I do not think it was intelligent.
I took exception to the broad stroke you took in your commentary, especially when most of what we see on the internet is one-sided at best.
You said “these imbeciles” and “these mentally underdeveloped idiots”. What did you really mean by that? Just the 3 reference in the article – which you could have stated to be clear – or a much broader group?
No one group of people (race, class, occupation, etc.) are the same. We should all stay clear of commentary that implies otherwise.
Bill from Maine, I was literally writing the same reply to Eric when I read yours, spot on. I was also going to add that Eric was the only person to also use the term “n-word” and “dark-skinned.” In his defense, maybe Eric got light-headed while sitting on his high horse.
You wrote, “I don’t have a high opinion the pitcher who did cheat in that manner. He is dark-skinned although unfortunately his name is Michael Pineda. But I suppose it’s reasonable to call his friends and/or family members goons as well.”
Answer: Why don’t you go to Congress and ask to remove “Black”, “White”, “Hispanic”, and “Asian” from the US Government’s designations. When you finish that, the rest of us will be in the 10 Million Mile club.
In other words, kiss off, racist loser. Thanks.
P.S.: Pitcher Michael Pineda is a cheating neanderthal.
Too much hype on this one. I have no idea how much flying Sabathia does when he books his entourage like this. Maybe he is used to flying private. I can understand fully since he bascially booked the entire first class cabin that they would hold the flight. I guess people here have never interacted with any celebrities. I have on many occasions. In some cases they have no clue what time ti be there or anywhere unless somebody takes them there or sets things up for them. That is the way it is. Steve Carlton (Baseball HOF) wanted to fly into Philly to take a train for an appearance I set up in the Meadowlands. I told him to fly into Newark and take a cab. He was in his mid 40s and just did not have a clue. And guys you know what, prior to 911 and such more than likely they would have held the flight a few mins for 12 FIRST CLASS paying customers. I was on a plane two years ago 777-ER going Chicago to Tokyo, We rolled out to the taxi way. Then sent back to the gate. Sent to the gate to pick up one young girl with a backpack who was in the military. Later the captain was sitting in First and talking with us (me and my wife had entire first class cabin) He said the cost to roll back to the gate fuel wise was a FORTUNE. Why did they do that? Somebody high up called on the red bat line to American and told them to do that.