News and notes from around the interweb:
- How can I avoid extra fees on award tickets?
- “The entire frequent flyer universe breathes a collective sigh of relief.”
- @gster78 tweeted that he successfully used this advice to get out of a non-refundable advance purchase booking. Sometimes the shelf life on blog posts is longer than I think!
- Hyatt is buying the Peabody Orlando attached to the Orlando convention center. When the transaction closes (expected October 1) it will be rebranded a Hyatt Regency. Unless I am mistaken this 1,641 room hotel will have the most guest rooms of any Hyatt. (Update: As pointed out by many of you emailing me, the Hyatt Regency on Wacker Street in Chicago remains the largest.)
- I frequently have bunches of web browser windows open throughout the day, things I intend to blog about, messages I intend to answer. And I have a bad tendency to accidentally close browser windows, realizing moments later I’ve just closed the wrong one – not every day mind you, but more often than I’d like.
It turns out CTRL-SHIFT-T reopens a just-closed browser window in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Supposedly COMMAND-SHIFT-T should work for Macs. Repeating should reopen the browser window closed before the last one that’s been reopened, and this can go back 10 times. Never knew that… (HT: The Volokh Conspiracy)
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Your posts have great shelf life — that’s why it was so great when you started to add actual dates to the posts, so I’d know just how current they were.
Ctrl-Shft-T works great for a just closed browser tab or window, but of you close the entire browser your all done.
Firefox has ability to re-open previous closed windows: History > Recently Closed Windows
Also all browsers support being able to reopen previously opened tabs. Chrome/FF do. And SessionSaver on FF can supercharge that.
Gary–I take it you haven’t had the pleasure of staying at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, which has 2,019 guest rooms and I believe holds the record for the largest Hyatt in the world in terms of number of rooms. See:
@Mark – I have not!
Give this a try:
If you accidentally close the full browser, open the browser again and create a new blank tab (by pressing Control + T). Once the new blank tab is open, then press Control + Shift + T. That will re-open the contents of the last browser session.
Gary – if you use Chrome and you don’t have the “Chrome Toolbox” (an add-on created by Google), give it a try. There is a setting that will create a pop-up asking you if you’re sure you want to close all your browser tabs.
‘The entire FF universe breaths a collective sigh of relief’ – well, apart from all of Europe, Canada and all the other countries which impose fuel surcharges on awards ….
chrome seems to crash often for me, (maybe too many tabs and an unwillingness to restart comp?) how do you get the last browsing session to restore if Chrome does not offer the prompt?