$16 M&Ms, New York Airport Shops Still Flouting Pricing Rules [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Those M & M’s better be pretty big at $16.00. I don’t have any old tags on my luggage and I don’t check bags anyway. I feel the same way about a cruise ship or an airplane (etc.) leaving me. I’d rather be a little early than a little late. Jump in that pretty water lady. Swim fast. It’s only been 5 minutes. Maybe you can catch them.

  2. That is a 10 ounce bag for the almond variety. The family size is 15 ounces for almond in my local Target and is priced at $8.49. The price is not too far out of line given the location but the weight is quite a bit light. It may be a special size for airports and other places or events. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about TSA pawing through it. I would not be a buyer but it may be safer than domestic airline food bought onboard.

  3. I don’t believe the rule applies to vendors, only dining establishments for food and drink you are intended to consume at the airport and thus often have little choice. You do have a choice with respect to $16 M&M’s – just say no.

  4. The $16 m&ms is still not a bad deal. What kills the deal is the self service kiosk while paying will demand a tip and not accept 0 as an option!

  5. The M&M’s are the very big size that can be purchased at Walmart for instance for just under $11.00. So the markup is not as extreme as it first seems. Plus, it’s NYC.

  6. Wow, too drunk to fly to Ireland. What does that say? That brings to mind the old saying that an Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold on to the ground.

  7. Good lord

    Family size bag here under $7.50.

    Maybe I should bring a few bags on my flight to JFK this week and fund my next trip

  8. C’mon, it’s the family size. It’s a mark up but not more than the price of chocolates you often find at a “duty free” shop at an overseas airport.

  9. Airport vendors can’t charge whatever they want. They are price controlled. In addition, every food item, every magazine or book, electronics, solvenirs, etc these vendors want to sell has to be approved by the airport. And there’s a max price they can charge. What’s going on here is the vendors know the airport doesn’t have the manpower to walk around and audit these businesses unless a passenger or another vendor complains.

  10. Good for Carnival. . .I’ve gotten tired of people inconvincing others. It’s about time we call out these people whining because they don’t know what time to board a plan or get on the ship, etc. . . .I’ve cruised since I was 16 (some 40 cruises later) and NEVER missed the boat.

    Start shaming these people and calling them out for being the idiots they are.

  11. Like sunviking82, I have cruised dozens of times( but not 40) and have no sympathy for a late passenger to keep a ship and a great many people waiting. However, it does appear that the water at the dock is still swirling, indicating the passenger might have got caught up in the initial security check which could be quite a distance away. I would be ok with a HARD 15 minute ( not 16) allowance. And a $200 donation to the ships crew.

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