JetBlue had a passenger choose to urinate at their seat. So did an Air India passenger. Now that it’s happened a third time in eight months this is officially a thing.
On Saturday night’s later of two San Francisco – Charlotte redeyes, American Airlines flight AA1944, a passenger urinated on the floor of the aircraft.
The passenger, Jordan Gardner of Ludlow, Kentucky, reportedly pulled his pants down, arched his back, and then went to town. His seat opponent called over a flight attendant who saw him “pulling up his pants.” The flight attendant sent him to the bathroom.

Our Hero
After 15 minutes the flight attendant came knocking on the lavatory door. Eventually the door was opened and the passenger was found lying on the floor of the lav. I argue you shouldn’t even go into the lavatory without shoes.
Legacy US Airways Airbus A321 Economy — Right Next to the Lavatory
The flight was on an Airbus A321. Even on American’s Boeing 787 there’s not much space to curl up on the floor:
Nonetheless, the passenger claimed he wasn’t drunk — he was just chewing gum.
Police reported they could still smell alcohol on his breath 11 hours after the flight took off.
Gardner told them the smell “may have been caused by the gum he was chewing,” according to the report.
The man, whose criminal history includes ‘charges and arrests’ for “battery, trespassing, auto theft, passing bad checks, being under the influence and vandalism,” is being charged with criminal destruction of aircraft and is being detained pending a court hearing on Thursday.
The flight attendant should be saluted, going to lengths usually only seen on Asian carriers. They “tried to clean the urine with club soda,” but that didn’t eliminate the smell.
Ultimately, whatever happens, if you’ve got to go you go to the lavatory, even when the seat belt sign is on. If you’re a coach passenger, you use the first class lavatory. Or you hold it. Your seat is not an option.
(HT: Loyalty Lobby)
“going to lengths usually only seen on Asian carriers”
Seriously? You talked about three cases, two were in the U.S. And the other one is INDIA.
@SASSDF that refers to cleaning up inflight, not passenger behavior
Maybe this is legally an American flight, the SFO departure gate, aircraft, and destination indicate that it’s a US Airways flight. Same old, same old. Everything about CLT and US Airways is absolutely horrendous, including the flight attendants, the planes, and the passengers.
If ever there is a case for a lifetime ban, this is it. I can’t even imagine what the person next to him was experiencing.
On a positive note, he will earn double PQMs for the flight.
I had surgery and the doctor told me not to hold any urine as it might rip the stiches. I told the FA this while the Seat Belt light remained on, but she kept repeating I couldnt’ get up. An off duty pilot seated a few rows away told me to go if I had to but not expect the FA’s to say anything other than what they’re told to say. I still wonder if I could have been prosecuted?
Nothing surprising about this. American made the decision to compete with Spirit and these are the types of customers you get onboard when you compete with Spirit. Welcome to the future of air travel.
Wow Greg, you could have gotten uromysitisis poisoning and died. Didn’t you have your public urination pass on you?
If he had been on Swiss International Business he could have gone full stretch. Their lavs are twice as big as any US piece of s..t.
I know he probably did his time and paid his dues to society…but it is nice to know that there are people on the “no-fly” list simply due to their names, and this delinquent is free to fly and pee.
At least it wasn’t, um, post-rectal discharge
This passenger is so hot, thank God it wasn’t the gross one from the Taiwan story. I wouldn’t have minded assisting this man in his aftercare hygiene.
This is unethical. He should be punished for this behavior.
This is totaly wrong and unprofessional. Should be punished
This is one of the reasons I bring an empty plastic bottle on board – you never know,,,