American Airlines Lost Luggage Delivered By Man In ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Shirt, Political Statement Or Poor Taste? [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Let’s Go Brandon Guy delivering lost American Airlines luggage. You usually only hear that kind of chatter in the cockpit. American Airlines declined to comment.

  • Atlantis, The Palm responds to viral video of an Indian mom drying clothes on the hotel’s balcony

  • For those of you, like me, who oppose the death penalty… what’s the appropriate response to crimes against humanity?

  • In 2022 Hyatt announced a deal to partner with Lindner hotels, converting 30 European properties to Hyatt’s JdV brand. They’ve now acquired the me and all brand from Lindner and those properties “will become a standalone brand within Hyatt’s global lifestyle portfolio.”

  • To be fair, these aren’t places Canadians go in winter and who wants to go to Canada then either?

  • Not only is the Denver airport in the middle of nowhere, and security screening there a mess, but how often can its trains break down? Issues with its baggage system nearly 30 years ago should have been taken as a sign that the place is cursed as an origin and destination airport. Use it to connect, sure, and there are some good lounges. But you’ve got to reach the concourses first!

  • Amtrak removes cancel fees from award tickets

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. If the driver was wearing an Obama shirt with Hope written on it would be considered racist to criticize it.

  2. So, the luggage was delivered by a firm AA paid to deliver the bag (or a firm hired by a firm hired by AA). I find it hard to blame AA. And, while I think public-facing employees should not have political attire, this is one I care little about. My opinion is unaffected by whether the shirt is pro-Trump or pro-Biden (or anti either).

  3. It’s an inappropriate work shirt but likely the bag delivery is outsourced and the guy is not an American Airlines employee.

  4. I’d love it if there was a punishment for the barefoot slob. If that is first class and he’s up there on an upgrade, then no more upgrades. (Am I allowed to answer, as I want to keep the reduction in murders executions cause?)

  5. Is this person even employed by AA. My understanding is that the people who deliver misplaced bags are contracted to the Airline and not actual employees. Hard to understand why anyone would care what the person is wearing as long as they got their bags back. Did he feel the shirt harmed him or his bag in some way? Guess this proves how easily some people can be triggered.

  6. If pins in support of one group or another are allowed, shirts like that one should also be allowed. The best solution would be to ban all political or group based clothing and footwear. This would include rainbow colored and may even blue and red.

  7. As much as I hate trump and his cult of, I’d let this one slide.

    These are entry level workers; probably paid the bare minimum.

  8. Who knew?

    The first nice hotel I stayed at in Dubai, I had 2 balconies and one had a clothes drying rack on it. I’ve left stuff out to dry on several subsequent visits. I am now informed!

    OMG, you’d think Karen would just be happy to get her bags back and delivered. I bet she has a tshirt that says, Let Me Speak to your Manager.

  9. The White House has become a care home , with a sign 24 hour care to the infirm .

    Quite a change from Eisenhower and Kennedy , both of whom kept physically and mentally fit .

  10. They contract out different companies or APPS to do deliveries,he is not employed by AA by no means, if he was he would be required to were a AA uniform

  11. The baggage delivery people are not airline employees. In fact most airlines use a service, some with a national contract, that subcontracts local drivers. Frequently it is an Uber driver. Or even employees of another airline moonlighting with the delivery company.

    I managed one airport station where our bag delivery company (handled about a half dozen airlines) had a list of where lots of agents lived. Once they asked me if I would deliver a bag to someone in the building across the street from me downtown. Sure, I did it for $20 cash. Had a supervisor who lived in another major city about 40 miles away and she commonly made $50 taking a couple bags.

    If anything I’m not sure in a case like that American or Delta appreciated someone in a low cost airlines uniform delivering their bags.

  12. I talled to a baggage delivery person a couple of weeks back when my bag arrived late. All the airlines contract her company, ,and she had a list of deliveries across the state to do that day. The company has no uniform, and I was simply happy to see my bag again. Does everything have to be politicized?

  13. @ Alert — You’re a childish bully, just like the bag delivery person. Grow up.

  14. The controversy over the shirt represents a double standard because nobody would say a thing if it was a Biden or Obama shirt, but the principle stands that corporations have no interest in alienating any of their customers. I suspect that this guy is not an employee of AA but works for a 3rd party, but if I were AA I would insist on politically neutral dress for anybody working on behalf of the company.

  15. I’m reminded of the saying “When yah gotta to go, yah gotta go!” When even folks in his own party are saying he”s gotta go, he’s gotta go! Maybe a shirt with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr,. on it saying “Let go Biden!” would be more politically correct and trigger less people?

  16. The hatred of this website towards republican or anyone disagreeing with the dems is not surprising at all…….View from the LEFT wing.

    LETS GO BRANDON! Great debate by the way Brandon!

  17. Is anyone going to comment on the fact that the liberal Karen crying about the guy in a trump shirt literally lives a ghetto and their “luggage” were two beer coolers taped together?

  18. As a proud liberal who is anti-Trump and all things MAGA, I honestly don’t think wearing a t-shirt like this is offensive nor should it elicit much criticism. It may be questionable or inappropriate for an employee of a major corporation to wear any article of clothing with a political or religious statement on it, and that’s between that person and their employer, but it doesn’t merit mocking or condescending remarks, which only fan the regretful divisions that work to tear this country apart and represent the wrecking ball to just about everything. If that was my luggage being delivered and I saw the t-shirt, I might raise an eyebrow subtly, but I don’t think I would find the need to say something mean. I don’t agree, but of all the battles to be fought out there, this isn’t one that should merit priority.

  19. The tell here is “Very inclusive.” How tolerant is a person who freaks out about a t-shirt?

  20. The man delivering that luggage is more competent to run the country than Brandon.
    Do you want your luggage or not?

  21. As mentioned by several, not airline employees, it’s a delivery service. I’d imagine like most of these type operations there is a ton of turnover with employees, either quitting or getting fired for stealing or perpetually being late or no showing for a shift. If he’s doing his job who cares. He’s dropping off luggage the airline mishandled.

  22. When I have had luggage delivered in the past, I was happy enough to receive it intact.

    But, I suppose a more principled person could tell the delivery guy to pound sand for wearing the wrong shirt and patiently wait for someone more appropriately attired to deliver the luggage three days later.

  23. In big cities and in rural places, the airline-mishandled baggage delivery to passengers’ homes and offices is contracted out and subcontracted out and cost is king.

    About the anti-Biden shirt, it’s in a lower league than wearing an anti-Trump shirt that says “Don’t pass Go, Don, go directly to jail”.

  24. Now ring cameras are also getting butt hurt by opposing political views? Weird.

    Btw, Brandon’s dementia didn’t start a couple nights ago. Don’t pretend like you’re just finding out now, we’ve been saying this for 4 years. His handlers in the admin and media have just been lying to you and covering it up for 4 years, just like about everything else, like hunters laptop, Russia Russia, etc. Remember last week when they called videos of his incoherence “deep fakes”? And then they shamelessly call Trump a liar, because they know you’re stupid and will believe whatever they tell you. How does it feel to be used like a chump?

  25. It’s fitting that a Trump supporter can only find a job delivering lost bags. That should be a message in it’s self.

  26. CHRIS is very much mistaken.

    CHRIS obviously doesn’t know the obvious, but Biden has the kind of internalized knowledge, experience and connections useful for a President that the contracted/subcontracted Trump-lover bag delivery dude doesn’t.

    CHRIS can keep hating on America with love for Trump, but a Biden Admin is still better for America and more competent for the job of managing the country than the “you’re fired” convicted con-man from NY who shared more than one thing in common with sex predator Jeffrey Epstein.

  27. Why can’t people remember the lesson they learned in about third grade? “Stick and stones…”

  28. Karen’s bag would have ended up in a homeless camp if the person was wearing an Obummer HOPE tshirt

  29. I would ask …. If a person wearing a shirt disparaging Donald Trump is considered OK? Then why is a shirt disparaging Joe Biden NOT OK?

  30. Who cares. It’s just a damn shirt. Worry about something important, like the horrific performance by the president at the debate and the second most horrific by former president. And, why are these are only choices??????

  31. I think we need delivery people, plumbers, clerks, etc. in politics. dockworkers. All are populists are plutocrats who never dug a ditch in their lives.

  32. I’m with the half of the country that is pro Trump and I’ve used the Brandon phrase. However, if someone delivered my stuff wearing a pro Biden or pro Obama shirt I would be totally fine with it. There are way too many hypersensitive people getting triggered over nothing. It seems more left leaning people are more likely to be triggered over what they may call a “microaggression”. I blame the colleges implementing the Cloward Piven strategy to brainwash and destroy America from within so the globalists can proceed with their nefarious plans.

  33. This is a probably a gig job!!
    No benefits, no uniform, no job security!! .
    I would suspect the guy is getting a flat rate per piece of luggage or per address of delivery.
    Be happy it was delivered to the correct address in reasonable time.
    It could be worse, it could be FEDEX and lost for ever!!

  34. Who the frick cares. Get a life and quit crying. You got your bags so shutup. Seriously, some of you are so mentally ill and weak. Who the F cares!!!

  35. “Got my bags!” Those are your bags? No wonder it was “lost” . . . it looks more like “got my freight.” Did you upgrade from the plastic bags for this trip? And yes I am being mean spirited. You complain about a t-shirt a man is wearing, who is out trying to make a buck, and jeopardize his position by complaining to the airline. You may think you are a class act, you’re not. A tip would have been the classy thing to do.

  36. No airline does delivery with their employees. Airline employees are union and paid well. They outsource to the lowest bidder. The lowest bidder is lucky to get any workers at their pay let alone dress in a uniform. I’m glad to see a working man who knows how to vote.

  37. Remember Kathy Griffin posting a picture of herself holding a fake decapitated head of Trump complete with blood? She got cancelled (but eventually got re-hired by some dems) for that but her friends doubled down and sold merch like t-shirts with the print on it. Saw them in cities like SF, Austin, Seattle, Oklahoma city, Fort worth, wichita sold in shops and worn by people…. not one person …..not ONE complained about it. The HYPOCRISY OF THESE leftists!

  38. @CMorgan ‘ grateful that you got your bag back’

    One should be grateful to get one’s bag back after an airline has lost it? Then again, Trump fans like you are grateful to their master for scamming them, so probably have a low bar for gratitude.

    In my experience, lost Baggage delivery folks, regardless of politics, are generally rather obnoxious. I would personally ignore any political statements they might make, but I would certainly not be grateful to them.

  39. To Alert:
    Might want to check out your facts, although folks of your persuasion are usually dreadfully short on those!
    Common knowledge in DC that Prez and Dr Jill are at the WH gym every morning at 5:30 on the Peloton bikes for their daily workout.

    You’d think Herr Convicted Felon would follow suit, trying to stave off the Alzheimer’s that clearly runs in his family, signs of which are clearly visible.

  40. The whiny little biatch should just STFU and be glad she got her luggage delivered to her.

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