About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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United Wanted Favors From New Jersey. Apparently They Really Did Give a Politician His Own Flight in Exchange.

Apr 29 2015

In February it was revealed that federal prosecutors were investigating United Airlines operating twice-weekly service for the private benefit of the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who referred to this as “the Chairman’s flight.” It was a money loser and was cancelled three days after he stepped down amidst BridgeGate.

Now documents apparently draw a ‘direct link’ between providing this flight and obtaining approval for projects. And the story apparently begins with a dinner between the Chairman and United CEO Jeff Smisek…

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United Bringing Back Charlie Trotter’s Ghost to Rethink Meal Service in Both Economy and Premium Cabins

Apr 28 2015

United wants to brand its meals with the halo of chef Charlie Trotter. Trotter passed away, of course, in 2013. So they’re partnering with “alumni chefs of Charlie Trotter’s legendary Chicago restaurant and their culinary peers” instead.

Cue United’s partnership with The Trotter Project.

We’ve been down this road before, with the actual Charlie Trotter. From 2007 to 2010 United served Charlie Trotter meals…

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Looks Like Despite All the Trash Talk, American and Etihad Aren’t Breaking Up After All

Apr 28 2015

American is expanding its codesharing relationship with Etihad. And that’s a bigger deal – and better for flyers – than it might first appear from such otherwise minor news. That’s because it signals a strengthening relationship despite heated rhetoric against the major Gulf carriers by US airlines including American. And because it means more flights on which to earn American miles…

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The Economics of Airport Projects: Denver’s See No Evil Approach

Apr 28 2015

The new Denver airport hotel and related train station project are so far over budget that the project’s independent watchdog is incurring a 137% cost overrun.

Yet the airport doesn’t think it’s fair for an independent auditor to claim current projected costs (which could still rise) of $721 million off of a $500 million budget. With some creative accounting they’re ‘only’ over budget by 17%.

…Nonetheless, the airport contends that:

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Hyatt and Marriott Credit Cards Badly Need to Improve Their Annual Free Night Benefit

Marriott and Hyatt cap the hotel categories you can use their annual free night benefit at — which may have been fine years ago, but they’ve increased the cost of hotels since then. The benefit becomes worth less and less each year.

In contract, Hilton and IHG Rewards Club — two programs I don’t think of as cutting edge — actually do this one better..

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Social Media Doesn’t Matter

Apr 28 2015

When travel companies ask what their social media strategy should be, they’re missing the point. They need to understand their business, and do it well. Then they need to communicate authentically with their customers, wherever they happen to be.

Social media strategy isn’t even a thing. You have a business strategy, and then a willingness to be real with your customers. Anything else is a waste…

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