Bizarre Airline Upsell: $269 for Economy Snacks? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. They will undoubtedly be sold out / have not loaded of many of those snack boxes.

  2. If you pay $29 for a cheeseburger at a place called Horses on Sunset Boulevard you probably deserve a restaurant fee.

  3. I am initiating a “Me-Fee”. Simply for having the pleasure of living in a world with Thing 1, everyone owes me a $1.95 monthly fee. Twenty percent tips on top of this are appreciated, although not as appreciated as 25% tips. Thank you for your support.

  4. The minimum wage in Los Angeles is $16.78 so you can be sure that the price of all served food is higher due to the minimum wage. That minimum wage applies to all workers including servers. So giving a tip of 20% is probably like a 25% tip or more in many locations that use the federal minimum wage for servers. The one good thing about their suggested tips is that the tips are for food only.

  5. Yes, if Jason orders 16 snackboxes, 8 cans of Pringles, and multiple cans of the other snacks, as shown on the bill, he will indeed spend $295.

    The unviewable twitter comments probably say the same thing. Not news.

  6. The “restaurant fee” is a surcharge fee that restaurants use to pay for health care, etc. Many restaurants have done this, actually calling it other names like “health care for employees” to provide healthcare, etc., to employees.

    Well, it never helps employees. In CA, you need 30 hours a week to get healthcare, and the restaurant industry deliberately never schedules enough hours for front-of-house staff. It’s only for back-of-house staff.

    Also, I pay for my own healthcare, so why TF would I pay for yours?

    The restaurant owners that called it a healthcare charge got sued. I know this as I worked for one, and won a settlement.

    My guess is Horses does the same thing but calls it another name, and they are usually reversible. Any restaurant I go to, I ask for it to be removed because I now know it’s just lies.

    But not stating it can be removed is illegal in itself. There’s a lawsuit happening there.

    And the real reason they do this and not add it to the price of the food and drinks? is because their rent is based on sales. So if this would be added in, it would up their rent.

  7. @MF – “The “restaurant fee” is a surcharge fee that restaurants use to pay for health care, ”

    No, the fee is used to obscure the true price of the meal. Restaurant’s revenue is what is used to pay for health care.

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