Fee Fury At SFO? Green-Haired Passenger Ignites Spit-Fueled Standoff With Police

A green-haired man at the Frontier Airlines ticket counter at San Francisco airport spiraled into a state of distress, marked by continuous and shrill screaming directed at the airline’s check-in staff. Police were called and the man, sporting gray trousers and a red shirt, confronted the officers by spitting at their feet while demanding that they break his legs.

Eyewitness accounts and a video shared on social media highlight the different reactions of Frontier Airlines staff. One appears notably agitated, while another seems more bewildered than anything. The police, meanwhile, managed to respond with relative restraint, even while subduing the man.

While video of the incident doesn’t show what precipitated the altercation, several reports have highlighted ultra low cost carrier Frontier’s policies such as fees for printing boarding passes.

The green hair may be Bay Area but otherwise the behavior is far more Miami… or Frontier Airlines Philadelphia. I guess I’d just offer that if I’d learned I was about to fly Frontier Airlines and didn’t realize in advance that they had no inflight wifi, I might scream too?

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Sorry, Gary, that’s very San Francisco. Spend a little time downtown sometime.

  2. I’ve always said Frontier is gonna f**k around with the wrong passenger

  3. And people ask me why I purchased a remote cabin stockpiled with weapons and food for my retirement…….

  4. I’m glad I’m now retired from a “people facing” profession, and don’t get out too much anymore…especially flying!

  5. Lol poor kid. Hope things get better for them. Personally never had issues with fellow flyers nor staff while flying Frontier.

  6. I always fantasize that during the altercation, the suspect whips out an identification card that shows he is with the FAA and that he is a “compliance officer” who pretends to be an obnoxous , out of control individual, only to pleasantly smile at the officers investigating and say ” thanks folks, I’m Joe Blow with FAA northern field office, and you all have handled this faked situation well within our protocol.” Then they’d all go to the airport bar and he’d buy them all drinks! So I dream on….
    But seriously, can anyone put their finger on the drub this man is on, or his mental state?

  7. The officials should have shown more respect to a dead-heading Spirit pilot.

  8. Plane tickets are very cheap and the government hands out too much money in the name of economic, social and racial justice so people that should never be flying are now flying.

  9. A green haired howler monkey? Because our laws are different than most European countries (thank gawd but maybe not for long if the current administration stays in power), their police would have knocked the crap out of the guy, cuffed him and hauled his a** off! I loved his, “I can’t breathe” line. Hey, a**h***, pretending you are a victim like the real victim who WAS unable to breathe is a disservice to law enforcement and to that victim. Sadly, our airlines have been reduced to carrying “Ralph Kramden’s” bus clients. Then again, I doubt that Greyhound would put up with this goombah either.

  10. If you are reporting on these kinds of incidents, I suggest that periodically (maybe months later), there be a consolidated report on what the eventual outcomes are such as convictions, airline banning, etc.

  11. Ralph Kramden drove for Fifth Avenue Coach Lines, now part of New York City Transit since 1962, the M1, M2, M3 and M4 lines. These go along 5 Av and Madison Av, the ritzy Upper East Side. My experience riding them is that the passengers are well behaved.

  12. What does hair color have to do with anything. Let’s not try to be racist here.

    Discrimination based on hair color is the new woke.

    And is this brutality or excessive use of force? Liberals should see this as their 1st amendment rights?

    This is 2024 America, carry on.

  13. Attention shoppers: We have an Alphabet Mafia meltdown in aisle one.

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