Comment Here And You May Win a Briggs & Riley TORQ Bag

I’m a Briggs & Riley fan, my usual carry on is their Baseline CX bag. They’ve made a splash over the past month with a new bag, and I’ve arranged a giveaway.

As I explained earlier today, I’ll have a different Briggs & Riley bag to give away next week as well (different bags for different reasons, they’ve “got your business and leisure covered” as it were).

The Briggs & Riley TORQ is a departure from just functional offering a stylish hard shell that I think looks great (although it’s extra-reinforced to prevent damage, so functional too).

It has an extra wide wheel base to prevent tipping when overstuffed, and it’s a four wheel spinner for easy transport through the airport.

And it comes with Briggs & Riley’s unrivaled lifetime guarantee.

This time we’re going to try something different. Instead of answering one question, I’m going to ask you to answer two to be eligible to win.

  • Do you have different bags for different seasons?
  • Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?

Here are the rules:

  • You need to have answered both of those questions in your comment to this blog in order to be entered.

  • You may enter up to once per day — and I give you a bit of slack in this, I won’t disqualify any entry as long as you don’t make more than one entry per calendar day or as long as no entry is closer than 24 hours together from another one. And if you’re close, we’re cool. I’m not looking to disqualify people, just to make sure there’s no massive ballot stuffing.

  • All entries (comments) must be received no later than Thursday, June 6 at Noon Eastern time.

  • I will draw a winner at random in the days following the close of the contest from those that meet these guidelines. Make sure you provide a valid e-mail address when entering to be eligible to win (you do not need to leave an email address in the comments, but along with your name where it asks for your email that email must be ‘real’ or I will have no way of contacting you).

  • The winner acknowledges that this is a prize and is not for resale.

  • I’m the final arbiter in all matters related to this contest and in all matters of interpretation. There is no appeal. I’m doing this because there’s an opportunity to send out a pretty cool high-end bag, and not taking anything in return, so please don’t give me a hard time in the process.

Any questions? E-mail me. And hopefully the winner will also follow up with me to let me know their impressions of the bag. It looks great!

Hit the comments of this post to enter!

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I have a large bag and a medium size bag, for any season and for any mission. Gosh, it would be nice to have a choice, though 🙂

  2. I use different bags during different seasons

    I have different bags for different types of travel (i.e., one bag for vacation, one for business)

  3. Well is it too late? My poor, poor beat up old Samsonite luggage desperately needs to be replaced Gary. too late?

  4. I use different bags for different seasons

    I use different bags for holiday and business trips

  5. 1. Same bag for all seasons,
    2. but I do have a small bag for overnight trips and a bigger (albeit still a carry-on) for multiple nights.
    This would be awesome.
    Thanks Gary!

  6. No, I don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    Yes, I have different bags for different missions.

  7. 1. No, I use the same bags for all seasons
    2. No, I use the same bags for all types of trips

  8. I use different bags for different seasons, for vacations vs business and depending on the length of the trip.

  9. Do you have different bags for different seasons? No
    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work? Yes

  10. No, I do not have different bags for different seasons.
    No, I do not have different bags for vacation and work.

  11. 1. No, I use the same bag for all seasons.
    2. I sometimes take a hiking backpack instead of suitcase for certain trips.

  12. I don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    However, the bag for vacation is significantly larger than the one for work. 🙂

  13. I don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    I DO have different bags for travel/work. Both my roll aboard and the type of backpack I use are different.

  14. Don’t have a different bag for different seasons.

    Have different bags for different trips.

  15. I don’t have different bags depending on the season. I do have different bags depending on work or leisure.

  16. I don’t necessarily have different bags for different seasons. For me, it’s a matter of whether I need a small carry-on versus something larger that needs to be checked based upon length of stay. Of course, heading to a colder climate during the winter months may necessitate a checked bag for thicker sweaters and coats.

    I do have different bags however when it come to personal travel versus work. Suits and dress shirts require a different type of baggage versus a purely leisure vacation. Plus, I may have to bring an extra bag from work with my “work essentials” as well.

  17. No seasonal difference unless it is winter and I’ve got my ski gear with me.

    Yes, often use a different bag for work compared to leisure but not always. It depends more on distance and length of stay. Work is usually short while leisure is more days away from home.

  18. No and yes.

    I do not switch carryons depending on the season but I do switch depending on whether it is for work or leisure. I go with my nicer bag on work-related trips.

  19. 1. No I do not have different bags for different seasons.
    2. No I use the same bag all the time, for all trips.

  20. 1) Nope, one bag for all seasons.
    2) Yes, sometimes I’ll take a larger bag on vacations.

  21. 1. Nope.
    2. I always take a bigger bag when visiting family because I know it’ll come back full! Otherwise a small one usually does the trick.

  22. 1) One bag for all seasons, but
    2) different bag for work, as I usually travel just overnight for work, but longer for vacation.

  23. Seasonal luggage? Nope.

    Luggage for work or leisure? Nope, but Ido carry a different bag to bring along my laptop fr work

  24. 1. I do not have different bags for different seasons.
    2. I do not have different bags for work and leisure.

    That’s why I need a TORQ bag!!!

  25. Seasonally, there is really no difference in what I pack and the bags I pack them in.

    Traveling for longer trips requires, sometimes, larger bags to hold more stuff. We actually try to work a laundry session in the middle of longer trips. We can cut down on what we need to bring and work the laundry so it doesn’t really take anything away from the trip.

  26. 1. Same bag (Briggs & Riley!) for all seasons.
    2. Generally same bag for work and leisure, but often have to supplement the B&R for leisure with an awesome Marimekko set (strictly carry on) I got a million years ago at Anthropologie (and now wish I’d bought ten sets).

  27. Different bags for different seasons – no. Although colder climates might require I take and check the bigger bag rather than the medium. I don’t really travel for business, so no, I scheme only for length of the trip and the climates involved.

  28. 1. No, but I’d prefer a hardshell for the rainy time of the year;

    2. Yes, larger for vacation and carry-on for biz…….

  29. No and No! Just different bags depending on length of trip and clothing required.

  30. 1. Nope, my bags endure the four seasons we’re fortunate enough to get here in NYC.

    2. Yes, I have a smaller carry-on I mostly use for domestic travel and a large suitcase for international travel because I’m usually carrying gifts for family abroad. That bag is long overdue to be replaced!

  31. 1. No, I do not have different bags for different seasons; I differentiate around trip purpose/duration

    2. So far smaller backpack plus suit bag has been go to for the very sporadic business travel. Will soon switch to suitcase for business, and keep the backpacks for personal



  32. I use a small duffel bag and a messenger bag – all seasons and all missions. I’ve done 10 days in Norway in winter (with camera gear) with this combo. They’re light enough for me to stay under the LH 8 kg limit

  33. Do you have different bags for different seasons?


    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?

    Yes, definitely. I generally have a small carry on only bag for work, but I normally travel with a larger check-in bag for leisure

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