Comment Here And You May Win a Briggs & Riley TORQ Bag

I’m a Briggs & Riley fan, my usual carry on is their Baseline CX bag. They’ve made a splash over the past month with a new bag, and I’ve arranged a giveaway.

As I explained earlier today, I’ll have a different Briggs & Riley bag to give away next week as well (different bags for different reasons, they’ve “got your business and leisure covered” as it were).

The Briggs & Riley TORQ is a departure from just functional offering a stylish hard shell that I think looks great (although it’s extra-reinforced to prevent damage, so functional too).

It has an extra wide wheel base to prevent tipping when overstuffed, and it’s a four wheel spinner for easy transport through the airport.

And it comes with Briggs & Riley’s unrivaled lifetime guarantee.

This time we’re going to try something different. Instead of answering one question, I’m going to ask you to answer two to be eligible to win.

  • Do you have different bags for different seasons?
  • Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?

Here are the rules:

  • You need to have answered both of those questions in your comment to this blog in order to be entered.

  • You may enter up to once per day — and I give you a bit of slack in this, I won’t disqualify any entry as long as you don’t make more than one entry per calendar day or as long as no entry is closer than 24 hours together from another one. And if you’re close, we’re cool. I’m not looking to disqualify people, just to make sure there’s no massive ballot stuffing.

  • All entries (comments) must be received no later than Thursday, June 6 at Noon Eastern time.

  • I will draw a winner at random in the days following the close of the contest from those that meet these guidelines. Make sure you provide a valid e-mail address when entering to be eligible to win (you do not need to leave an email address in the comments, but along with your name where it asks for your email that email must be ‘real’ or I will have no way of contacting you).

  • The winner acknowledges that this is a prize and is not for resale.

  • I’m the final arbiter in all matters related to this contest and in all matters of interpretation. There is no appeal. I’m doing this because there’s an opportunity to send out a pretty cool high-end bag, and not taking anything in return, so please don’t give me a hard time in the process.

Any questions? E-mail me. And hopefully the winner will also follow up with me to let me know their impressions of the bag. It looks great!

Hit the comments of this post to enter!

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. 1. I don’t have different bags for diff seasons.
    2. I have a small roller for work, and I usually use a larger one for play (especially on long vacations)!

    I have a couple Briggs and Riley bags and love them. Great giveaway!

  2. 1. No
    2. No (one older Briggs and Riley that I’m hopefully going to upgrade soon… hint hint 🙂

  3. I do have different bags for different seasons. Mainly because my winter trips tend to be to Europe for the Christmas markets therefore I need a larger bag. My summer trips require fewer clothes so a smaller bag.
    For work trips I always bring a carry on bag. For vacation I tend to bring either a larger bag or a 20″ bag plus a tote of some kind so I check the 20″.

  4. 1. Same bag for all seasons.
    2. But I do have different bags for different missions — the most important bag-selection variable for me is how much photo gear will be required for the mission.

  5. 1. I dont have different bags for every season, been using the same Bag for the last 10 years.

    2. I dont have Work related travel but i do use a different luggage for international trips. Hope i win….

  6. I don’t have seasonal bags.

    I sometimes use different bags for work & leisure travel, but it depends more on if I’ll have time to hike or bike (even on work trips) so I may need additional gear, which means a bigger bag. I’m too cheap to buy a nice bag because I get quite a few bags from work of decent quality, but it’d be nice to get something good for business travel.

  7. No, I don’t have different bags for different seasons.
    Yes, I have different bags for different missions–mostly depending on the length of stay.

  8. I do not have different bags for different seasons

    Yes, I do have different bags for different missions.


  9. 1) No.

    2) Not really although I have a smaller roller for shorter trips and a larger roller for longer trips. And some 1-2 night trips I just do with just a messenger bag.

  10. 1. I use the same bag for all seasons. I currently have a B&R bag that works for all seasons so there is really no need to change. I think its the best value on the market and I’m pretty big proponent of the bag to my fellow road warriors.

    2. Again, my B&R bag works for all occasions. If I’m taking a vacation I will just extend my current bag and it works great.

  11. 1) nope, seasons don’t matter
    2) mission, not really, more like length of time. Sometimes weekend getaways I dont need anything more than a duffel. Other wise i bring my carry-on for anything more than 3 nights.

  12. Q1: I do not use different bags based on season.
    Q2: I do have a different bag when traveling for work to Saudi cause it tends to get beat up more down there thru their airport.

  13. 1. No bags for different seasons
    2. Definitely have different bags for vacation and travel depending on length of stay.

  14. No, season doesn’t seem to matter. Although winter does mean more and bulkier clothes.

    Yes, smaller roller for shorter trips. Larger roller duffle for longer trips. Huge suitcase for monthlong trips.

  15. Thanks.
    Do you have different bags for different seasons? – NO
    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work? – YES

  16. 1. Flannel-lined bag for cold weather; unlined for warm.

    2. Lots of special shapes/sizes collected over 40 years of travel to match purpose/length of trip.

  17. Do you have different bags for different seasons?
    No. Lufthansa just broke one of my bags last month so I only have 1 left.

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?
    No, I don’t take bags for work travel, usually just a backpack.

  18. Do you have different bags for different seasons? No, I’ve never had a reason for this. Same bag(s) regardless of season.

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work? Again no. Same bag(s) for all missions.

  19. I usually use the same bag throughout the year. For vacations, it depends on the length of time for the trip. Shirt trip same suitcase. Long trip I use a larger one than my normal business trips.

  20. 1) No, I don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    2) Yes, I have 3 different bags I’ll pack depending on mission. I’ve got a 20″ rollaboard that I use for most purposes, a school-sized backpack I use for quick weekend trips, and an internal-frame backpack I use for vacations where a rolling suitcase doesn’t make sense (camping trips, some off-the-beaten path places where a taxi won’t take me to a hotel front entrance, etc.). Technically I also have a 24″ rolling Samsonite that I’ve only used once.

  21. No, I don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    Yes, I do use different bags for work and leisure, which also depends on the length of travel.

  22. 1. I use the same bag regardless of season. My Rick Steves brand backpack. Durable and light weight.
    2. Since The only mission I have when I travel is vacation I use the same bag every time.

    So why do I need another bag? Because I travel with two kids and need more luggage.

  23. Q1: I do not use different bags based on the season.

    Q2: I typically use the same bags for all of my travel. Sadly, the Samsonite roll-aboard I’ve had for years (10+) is starting to break down. If I’m travelling for a wedding, I’ll sometimes use a suiter rather than the roll-aboard.

  24. Do you have different bags for different seasons?
    – No, I use the same bag for the different seasons.

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?
    – Yes. The bag changes based on my trip. Roller carry-on (BR Baseline) for business and backpack (different sizes) for personal.

  25. I use the same bags year round and I generally use the same bags for all missions. (I will vary e-bags and other smaller bags inside, though.)

  26. I do not have different bags for different seasons.

    I do not have different bags for work/leisure.

  27. 1. I use the same bags year round.
    2. I may at times switch from a backpack to a rolling laptop bag as well as from a checked to a carry on bag.

  28. Do you have different bags for different seasons? Nope.

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work? Not exactly. I have 3 different sized bags and I tend to use the smallest for business and a bigger one for vacation.

  29. Do you have different bags for different seasons? – Same bags regardless of season.
    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work? – Overall, no. But due to the nature of the trips, vacations tend to call for larger suitcases, with additional carry-ons too, whereas work trips are commonly short and involve a carry-on only.

  30. 1. Definitely not
    2. Yes – I use my heavier, more professional looking one for business, but my fun, lightweight one for leisure.

  31. I don’t have a different bag for different seasons. Same bag set all the time.

    I do have different bags for different missions – Currently, I take my Tumi roll-aboard for my day-to-day work trips. A generic duffel bag stays at the hotel with some stuff. (I try to not take clean clothes home.) And I have a Ricardo set for when the Tumi is getting repaired. (Delta really tears up my luggage.)

  32. 1) Nope, no matter the temp outside it’s always winter on the plane.
    2) Work and play it’s all the same, except the garment bag within the suitcase varies in bulkiness, and the airlines keep breaking off bits of my luggage so they look worse and worse over time. If only I could win some new bags…

  33. 1) No, I don’t have different bags for different seasons
    2) I use the same bag for work/leisure

  34. 1) No I don’t have different bags for different seasons.
    2) Yes I have different bags for travel and work. If I’ll be hiking/trekking during the vacation, I opt to bring my backpacking bag (yep the huge ones a lot of backpackers use) but if I’ll be vacationing to a beach, then just a regular suitcase.

  35. I only use one bag for all seasons. I only use one bag for my travel. The worst part is that it is pink since this is the color my wonderful wife chose for our luggage set. Oh how I hope I win!!

  36. I do not have different bags for different seasons. I do have different bags for different missions — a backpack to go backpacking or touring around the world, and the normal carry-on/checked bag combo for traveling to visit family.

  37. Do you have different bags for different seasons? No

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work? Yes. Bigger bag for my work papers. A backpack for when I’m on vacation

  38. Do you have different bags for different seasons?
    No, I don’t pack different bags depending on the season.

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?
    Yes, I have 1 carry on and 1 check in, I generally limit work travel to the carry on and often find myself taking the check in for vacation (significant other always overpacks!)

  39. I don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    I do have different bags for different missions, I have a Britto (the one with Island Palm design)suitcase for luxury vacations to Beach destinations like annual Hawaii 1-2 week long trip, annual South Beach weekend trips, and every so often trips to beach destinations like Virgin Islands, Cancun, etc. This Britto bag is a really upbeat happy design. I use a backpack for trips where I will be doing an adventure trip like backpacking or camping. And I have the tried and true boring nondescript bag with the unique markings on it to identify it from all other similar boring nondescript bag at the baggage carrousel for all other travel.

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