Comment Here And You May Win a Briggs & Riley TORQ Bag

I’m a Briggs & Riley fan, my usual carry on is their Baseline CX bag. They’ve made a splash over the past month with a new bag, and I’ve arranged a giveaway.

As I explained earlier today, I’ll have a different Briggs & Riley bag to give away next week as well (different bags for different reasons, they’ve “got your business and leisure covered” as it were).

The Briggs & Riley TORQ is a departure from just functional offering a stylish hard shell that I think looks great (although it’s extra-reinforced to prevent damage, so functional too).

It has an extra wide wheel base to prevent tipping when overstuffed, and it’s a four wheel spinner for easy transport through the airport.

And it comes with Briggs & Riley’s unrivaled lifetime guarantee.

This time we’re going to try something different. Instead of answering one question, I’m going to ask you to answer two to be eligible to win.

  • Do you have different bags for different seasons?
  • Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?

Here are the rules:

  • You need to have answered both of those questions in your comment to this blog in order to be entered.

  • You may enter up to once per day — and I give you a bit of slack in this, I won’t disqualify any entry as long as you don’t make more than one entry per calendar day or as long as no entry is closer than 24 hours together from another one. And if you’re close, we’re cool. I’m not looking to disqualify people, just to make sure there’s no massive ballot stuffing.

  • All entries (comments) must be received no later than Thursday, June 6 at Noon Eastern time.

  • I will draw a winner at random in the days following the close of the contest from those that meet these guidelines. Make sure you provide a valid e-mail address when entering to be eligible to win (you do not need to leave an email address in the comments, but along with your name where it asks for your email that email must be ‘real’ or I will have no way of contacting you).

  • The winner acknowledges that this is a prize and is not for resale.

  • I’m the final arbiter in all matters related to this contest and in all matters of interpretation. There is no appeal. I’m doing this because there’s an opportunity to send out a pretty cool high-end bag, and not taking anything in return, so please don’t give me a hard time in the process.

Any questions? E-mail me. And hopefully the winner will also follow up with me to let me know their impressions of the bag. It looks great!

Hit the comments of this post to enter!

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. 1. No I do not have bags for different seasons.
    2. Yes I do have different bags for vacation and work.

  2. Nope

    I have a big as Delta allows carry on for short trips and a big as Delta allows rolling duffel type thing I take on long trips. Not one for vacation and work but more dependent on destination and duration.

  3. No–I travel with the same weight/volume of clothes in both seasons, just bring a coat in winter

    Yes–I have 2 carry on rollers and a variety of checkable luggage. Match my bag to the space I need!

  4. I do not have different bags for different seasons, but I do have different ones for work (for travelling with suits without crumpling) / leisure (photography equipment etc…)

  5. I do not have different bags for different seasons or different bags for travel and work. What can I say? I’m a master of one bag fits all travel 😉

  6. I have the same travel bags for all seasons. I vary it depending only on how much I’m going to bring with me aka the length of the trip.

    For work I usually bring a smaller bag, even a small duffle, and for longer vacations I have a shoulder bag and a suitcase, and I pick from those depending on how much I’m bringing. It depends on the trip, the right bag for the right job!

  7. I am a traveler on a ventilator and in a wheelchair so I have a kind of bag for clothing/miscellaneous travel and a kind of bag for medical supplies and vent batteries, electrical converters etc. I love the Briggs & Riley line for both but slightly better for my misc/clothing than the supplies. Since I bring my body, ventilator & wheelchair with me & need med supplies no matter the season or trip purpose, I use the same bags for every trip. I’m not one who can travel light — 3 of the largest spinners no matter what trip or how long.

  8. I do not have a different bag for different seasons
    I do have different bags for different missions

  9. 1. No, all purpose is good
    2. Yes, to the extent that work is carrying only and leisure is normally with a checked bag.

  10. 1. I do not have different bags for different seasons.

    2. I do have a different bag for work, particularly if I need to be suited up. My vacation bag is different, and I am in need of a new one.

    Hope to win!

  11. i don’t have different bags for different seasons.

    i do carry different bags for trips of different lengths, but since i’m retired no special bag for work.

    thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I do not have different bags for different seasons.

    I do have different bags for vacation (traveling w/ 2 kids under 4 requires much space w/ little desire to look professional). And for work I travel w/ carry on only and simple black.

  13. 1. No, not for different seasons
    2. Diiferent luggage for ski or golf trips; otherwise usually use the same luggage

  14. I don’t have different bags for different seasons but I do have different bags for travel vs business. On business my carry on is more of a leather suitcase and for vacation/pleasure it’s my Northface back pack. The suitcase is always my Tumi.

  15. I don’t maintain different bags for different seasons, but do have several bags for short, medium, long haul trips.

    Bags for different missions: I have several bags for the type of travel I am engaged in: leisure urban, adventure, business.

  16. I have a beat up bag for regular travel, and a nicer bag for trips with my wife.

  17. I have been using the same Ricardo hard shell rollaboard regardless of the season. Work or pleasure.

    I need a new one!

  18. 1. No, I do not have different seasonal bags.
    2. Yes, I use a larger bag for pleasure.

  19. 1) no, same bags for the same season
    2) yes, depending to length of vacation. Business travels usually a carry on. Travel with kids (3), luggages of all sizes are used.

  20. 1: Not specifically designated as such, but I do use my larger bags more in the winter & smaller bags more in the summer, simply due to volume of clothing involved.
    2: No – I have one set of bags for everything. However, most of my business travel is carry-on only, while my personal travel tends to be longer trips requiring checked luggage, so there are some bags I use more frequently for leisure than for business.

  21. I don’t have ‘seasonal’ bags but I have different carry on bags dependent where I go to because in some countries you don’t get away with the US carry on bags. I also have a small carry on bag for 1 night trips.

    I use the same for pleasure and business travel with the exception of my 7 year old having his own carry own with his name on it.

  22. 1. I do not have different bags for different seasons.
    2. Neither do I have different bags for different missions.

    That’s why I need this!

  23. 1. Nope, no bags based on season.
    2. Yes, just the size of the bag for business vs. vacation.

  24. 1. Nope…same bags for all seasons
    2. Yes. I use a carry on for business travel (which is usually short trips) and have a larger suitcase for longer trips.

  25. 1. No.
    2. No.

    Luggages aren’t cheap, especially a well-made one. When I travel, I pick the luggage by its size only. So, for my 10-day business trip or 10-day vacation, I’d end up using the same luggagef for its capacity.

  26. Do you have different bags for different seasons?

    Do you have different bags for different missions – such as vacation travel and work?
    I have many that I choose between depending on location, duration, situation and possible confrontation. That last one isn’t true, just needed one more thing ending in -ation.

  27. 1) NO, same bag for all season
    2) No, luggage is based on length of trip rather than type of trip.

  28. I don’t carry different bags for different seasons.
    I do carry a briefcase for work travel but otherwise bags vary according to length of travel.

  29. 1. No seasonal bags. But I have different types of bags based on travel need.
    2. No.

  30. 1. I do not have different bags for different seasons.

    2. Depending on the length of the business trip, I do have one that I might pull out instead.

  31. 1) Don’t have seasonal bags.

    2) Smaller carry-on for business travel while larger luggage for vacation/trips.

  32. 1. No, I don’t have different bags for different seasons.
    2. Yes, I do have different bags for vacation and travel, but mostly depends on how much gear I’m bringing.

  33. Great offer Gary, thanks for doing this.

    I don’t vary my bags by season, just retire them when they get too worn. Like many of the other posters, rather than business/leisure, I have different bags by size. For business I tend to use a carry-on, and pleasure a larger bag.

    Looking forward to the next B&R giveaway, they really make great bags.


  34. No, i don’t have different bags for different seasons.
    I use the same bags for business and vacation travel, trying to keep what I bring the lightest and the least for both.

  35. No bags for different seasons
    But I do have different bags for vacation versus business related ventures
    Business is a bag/briefcase while vacation is a garment bag

  36. 1. I don’t have different bags for the different seasons.
    2. I don’t have different bags for work and vacation; it depends on the needs of the trip.

  37. No, I do not have different bags for different seasons. But I most commonly travel within California, where we don’t really have seasons.

    I do have different bags for different missions. One is better for holding suits and short trips. One is better for my laptop and other electronics. One is more general purpose for short trips.

  38. 1. No
    2. No
    I use the same black boring bag for all my travel. I would love a beautiful bag like Tumi, which is too rich for my blood as a rule!
    Crossing my fingers!

  39. 1) Nope… though I could see a smaller “summer” bag for when I don’t need as many sweaters and jackets

    2) Absolutely. I have a smaller “bulletproof” rollerboard for business travel, and a much larger, less robust bag for vacation travel

  40. Q1 – I don’t have different bags for different seasons
    Q2 – I do have different bags for different missions. Business travel dictates a certain piece of luggage while family vacations use luggage for everything and the kitchen sink

  41. 1) No different bag by season
    2) Yes, different bags for different types of trips. Business vs. Leisure, longer stay vs. short trip

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