Comment Here And You May Win a Briggs & Riley @work Bag

I’m a Briggs & Riley fan, my usual carry on is their Baseline CX bag. They’ve made a splash over the past month with a new bag, and I’ve arranged a giveaway.

As I explained last week, I have two different Briggs & Riley bags to give away (different bags for different reasons, they’ve “got your business and leisure covered” as it were).

Last week I gave away the hot new TORQ bag.

Of course Briggs & Riley is all about functional luggage, as much as I like the look of the new bags their bread and butter is the business market epitomized by their @work line.

Which of course comes with Briggs & Riley’s unrivaled lifetime guarantee.

Here’s how you can enter to win by commenting on this post. Given the strength of reputation for their guarantee, Answer the following question in the comments:

    Do you worry something is going to happen to your luggage?

Here are the rules:

  • You need to answer the above question in your comment to this blog to be entered.

  • You may enter up to once per day — and I give you a bit of slack in this, I won’t disqualify any entry as long as you don’t make more than one entry per calendar day or as long as no entry is closer than 24 hours together from another one. And if you’re close, we’re cool. I’m not looking to disqualify people, just to make sure there’s no massive ballot stuffing.

  • All entries (comments) must be received no later than Thursday, June 13 at Noon Eastern time.

  • I will draw a winner at random in the days following the close of the contest from those that meet these guidelines. Make sure you provide a valid e-mail address when entering to be eligible to win (you do not need to leave an email address in the comments, but along with your name where it asks for your email that email must be ‘real’ or I will have no way of contacting you).

  • The winner acknowledges that this is a prize and is not for resale.

  • I’m the final arbiter in all matters related to this contest and in all matters of interpretation. There is no appeal. I’m doing this because there’s an opportunity to send out a pretty cool high-end bag, and not taking anything in return, so please don’t give me a hard time in the process.

Any questions? E-mail me. And hopefully the winner will also follow up with me to let me know their impressions of the bag.

Hit the comments of this post to enter!

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Not really – it’s up there with worrying about being in a car crash, or a flight incident. Go with a plan and be prepared as much as possible, but me, worry?

  2. Generally, no I don’t worry about my bag. But 1) nothing has ever happened to it and 2) the bag itself was fairly inexpensive so it wouldn’t be a great loss.

  3. What me worry?

    Not really, unless I check it. Then I just worry about it showing up at all.

    I shouldn’t worry about gate checked bags, but since they’ve somehow been lost twice in the last 5 years it nags at me.

  4. Yes I worry. Always try to carry on, but terrified of having to gate check if I’m running late.

  5. I only worry on the outbound flights, I do not want to shop for clothes on vacation. On the return flights it is not a big deal.

  6. I don’t worry anything will happen, I only worry if it will arrive at the same time I do.

  7. Yes I worry that my handle will break and it will be stuck in a position that wont fit into the overhead bins.

  8. I have three worries with checked luggage. Most pressing — that the bag will be damaged with rough handling. I’m also concerned, but less so, that something will be taken from my luggage, or that it will be lost or delayed en route. I hate carrying on bags, but given new fees, it’s definitely the preferred route now.

  9. Do you worry something is going to happen to your luggage?

    Only that the checked luggage will show up on the other end.

  10. In over 350,000 miles flown, I’ve never had a bag delayed or disappear… I’m not worried about my bags… (Knock wood)…

  11. If I check it, I know something will happen to it. Bags never come back looking the same!

  12. Yeah, I worry because I’ve had so many bags rip or break on me recently. I was breaking 1 per international trip for a while.

  13. Always worried about my bag! You always hear horror stories and hope it doesn’t happen to you!

  14. I have a B.R. Transcend and a Explorer Backpack. I love BR, but wish their style was a bit “trendier.” I own a Tumi Vapor, and the stuff that Tumi makes looks more aesthetically pleasing. Just saying!

  15. I’m generally not worried about my luggage though I minimize connections to avoid having bags transferred between planes

  16. I worry about how its handled when its checked/gate checked. The highly publicized Alitalia/TSA bag thefts have also ensured that I never check a bag unless I have to

  17. Yes – Especially when I have to gate check my carry-on. Have you seen how your bags get to the belly of the plane from the cabin? They load the bags onto a steep slide and they crash to the bottom!

  18. I only have one bag I’m not worried about. If anything happened to the other two I owned, it would upset me. And that’s why I always carry on those bags.

  19. I don’t worry because when my luggage is misplaced, it finally gets to me and I never place anything valuable in my luggage. All valuables go in my carry-on. Thanks!

  20. I don’t worry because I never put anything that would be a “trip stopper” in my luggage. Everything in there is replaceable.

  21. I got off a flight in Lincoln NE, bag didn’t show, talked to the guy who unloaded the plane who asked for a description of my bag.
    “I yeah, I saw it. It looked like a flight attendant bag so I left it on the plane…”
    The new bar coded systems are much better… but humans still intercede… One night when I was whining to my wife she said, “Cut it out. You knew what you signed up for.”
    And so it goes…


  22. Yes! I had my luggage lost and never found on a direct flight once. I’m terrified it will happen again!

  23. I worry that someone will take something OUT of my luggage when I check it, that’s just one of the reasons I try to carry on as much as possible.

  24. The one part I worry the most about is the wheels. They always inevitably get damaged when I check a bag.

  25. I worry about my checked luggage until I see my bright yellow FlyerTalk tag on the belt.

  26. I worry that my luggage will be lost or stolen, particularly on tight connections and crazy routings with less reputable carriers. While I usually pack all my valuables in my carry-on bag(s), I don’t want to ruin a vacation buying clothes or filing claims.

  27. I don’t worry – I know something is going to happen to it sometime. It is just a matter of time. I work it to its full potential while it survives 🙂

  28. Not usually. I’ve been pretty lucky luggage wise. Although, I am a buy luggage on the cheap and replace as necessary type guy.

  29. I worry that my bag will break in the middle of a trip and then I am left trying to carry a bunch of stuff that was organized by hand in a mixed up pile.

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