Congressman Confronted At The Airport By Q

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. @ Ryan — There is so much irony in all of this. The underclass is angry at “the elites”, which in their world is probably anyone with a college degree and/or salary over $100k. Most of these people probably barely pay any income taxes, yet they expect that things be taken away from said “elites” and given to them. Doesn’t that sound like the very “Chinese” “communism” they proclaim to hate? Don’t they see that their moron leader is the biggest elitist crook of anyone EVER? They are so stupid, they can’t understand basic concepts. Instead of civics and math, these people learned to bully others on the playground to get want they want.

  2. Confronting elected officials started with Maxine waters… what has this country come to ??!!??

  3. Did he catch a few hands? Lou probably went home and cried like most of the sad and broken leftwingers.

  4. “How many dead, illegal or underage unicorns voted for this man? I’ll bet Venezuela/Dominion/Black Panther counted all the unicorn votes using a secret algorithm that used 5G to quadruple the number of votes to cover up the time travel the North did to go back and steal victory from the confederacy!”

  5. Underclass? I don’t think so. These people in the Clown Coup are balding, big-bellied, goatee-wearing (and that’s just the women) middle- and upper-middle-class types….business owners, doctors, lawyers, etc., pissed that people who don’t look like them are displacing them in the economy and government and society. It takes money and free time to fly to DC for a weekend of cos-play and insurrection….those are things the underclass don’t have to spare. This is a bunch of aggrieved, middle aged white guys with plenty of money and tax breaks, eager to tell you how awful they’ve got it.

  6. @Gene – while I agree most of the radical Trump supporters (at least the ones dumb enough to not accept the election results) are likely lower income and blue collar type people (or military/law enforcement which is a different topic entirely).

    However, don’t make the mistake in believing all Trump voters (or people against Democratic initiatives) are in this group. Frankly, I’m a Mensa level individual who was a senior executive of 4 different national companies (retired now) and proudly part of the 1%. I am also someone that have voted for every Republican president since Ford. I’m basically a Libertarian and Trump was WAY down on my list of preferred candidates but I vote business, taxes and courts so any Republican IMHO is better than any Democrat.

    Don’t assume the recent election was a mandate that supports Democrats. Even the GA Senate election was due to Trump’s interference and mixed messaging (plus archaic GA laws that made Perdue have a run off). If you overstep and believe most of the country (even many that supported Biden) agree with the more radical Democratic initiatives then 2022 will be eye opening for you.

  7. FatLip, at what point in your life did you become a white supremicist?

    and AA Flyer above, , obviously racism doesn’t concern you either

  8. Ryan,

    “The underclass”? Last time I checked, the seditious Capitol-storming insurrectionists included people from a hodgepodge of socio-economic backgrounds, as has also shown in the matter of the Trump-supporters arrested so far for disgraceful, anti-American criminal activity involving the raiding of the Capitol.

    Given that the vast majority of the seditious Trump-supporters at the Capitol are perceived to be “white”, how are they truly “the underclass” in the US? If it was truly America’s “underclass” doing the raiding of the Capitol on January 6th, there would have been a lot more American blood on the ground around DC that day, and more people would be calling out those Trump-supporters in DC that day as terrorists or supporters of Trump terrorists.

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