“Crazy Plane Lady” Who Declared Passenger “Not Real” Offers Online Apology

On July 2, an American Airlines passenger declares that a man seated by her was “not real” and warned everyone that if they stayed on board the flight they would die.

@celebritynetwork Tiffany Gomas full airplane meltdown revealed in New video. #tiffanygomas #airplane #meltdown #fyp ♬ original sound – Celebrity Network Worldwide🌐

The incident that first made the marketing executive with an undergraduate degree from Oklahoma State go viral was an argument with family over Apple AirPods.

Last week the woman was doxxed in a broad array of worldwide media coverage. It was to treat it as news that the passenger was Tiffany Gomas, because this was revealed publicly as early as July 13. Much has been made online about her multi-million dollar Lakewood, Texas home. I spoke with her attorney on July 4th.

Now she has gone public with an online apology video. She calls her use of profanity unnecessary, and in particular calls out an apology to passengers on board “especially those who had children on board.” She jokes about the memes but chokes up calling them unkind, and expresses appreciation for her friends and family. And she hopes everyone lets her move on with her life.

The twitter version of the video alone has been viewed over four million times in about four hours.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Unless she has a mental issue and seek therapy she must face consequences for her action . She is not a child !

  2. Either she suffers from mental health issues or she had a bad reaction to alcohol, prescription pills for anxiety which people routinely take before traveling, or some other substance. Whatever the case there is no reason to blow this out of proportion. There is also a very small chance she really was telling the truth and saw something we don’t see.

    We have mobs of youths descending into stores and stealing tens of dollars of merchandise and they are let go by everyone because the police are more likely to arrest people who defend themselves or property than thieves and criminals. Let this woman be.

    It seems some groups are not allowed to be criticized for their bad behavior, scheming, and crimes but someone who harms no and uses words is hounded.

  3. The two utes were stealing from a store has nothing to do with this. Ask Vincent Gambini… he’ll tell yaz.

    This lady isn’t being criticized for not hurting anyone. EVERYONE WAS DEPLANED AND RESCREENED BY SECURITY THEATER. Do we blame the TSA for incompetence, overzeal, and just being nutty? We should. They used this lady’s histrionic meltdown as their excuse to inconvenience a PLANELOAD of pax.

    So, sorry, she’s not really responsible for TSA being asshats. She did give them the excuse tho. Should she get help — absolutely. As David and Jack have commented she needs to lay off whatever caused her to lose it. Also the airline needs to lay off the “we’ll divert for any reason anytime” and “OMG she said something so let’s rescreen everyone” mentality.

    Who’s to blame? Those of us who say nothing and acquiesce to TSA’s security theater and the US airlines “divert and deplane” crap. This lady needs help, and I’m glad I’m not her brother… because the protective side of me would want to react publicly.

  4. Or maybe she was hoping the plane would not have divert as a result of her having an allergic reaction to the dog that would require hospitalization.

  5. Funny how she only apologized after her name came out in public. That makes the apology dubious at best.

  6. Looks to me like her attorney did her job as you’ve edited your original post to remove the embedded video. I wonder if the same attorney will file suit on the basis of your bad faith in THIS post that contains her real name and the substantially same video you had previously removed.

  7. The woman went online in a very public way to post a public video in relation to the incident.

    She wants her time in the spotlight, including with her name out there, to influence the narrative about her and this incident.

    Acting out poorly in public has come with increasing risk for such persons to become “the talk of the town” and be publicly identified as a result of the ubiquitousness of digital cameras, the use of facial recognition technology and other technology tools and platforms, and the gossipy or back-biting nature of a lot of people.

  8. Critical info to know before processing this as an “apology.”

    1. She didn’t apologize until AFTER her identity was revealed via a FOIA request to the responding law enforcement agency. As most know, the revelation of her identity occurred a substantial time after the incident had occurred.

    2. Her first move was to endeavor, through her attorney, to keep as tight a lid on her identity as possible. Had that worked, it is fair to presume there would have been no “apology” (if this can even be considered one.)

    3. She is a successful marketing executive who owns her own company. She’s experienced in building narratives, etc.

  9. Now that it seems like she has assets, the airline and passengers should sue her for expenses incurred for the resulting delay and emotional distress and anxiety caused. Gotta be some lawyers willing to do on contingency. Certainly people have been sued for less.

  10. Good thing for her all the bloggers and such are giving her another 15 minutes of fame. I’m betting she was too high for the first 15 to remember them.

  11. Weird, bizarre and mildly-interesting story that was amplified by social media to receive attention about 100x greater than it deserved. On behalf of all Americans, I say “enough.”

    But now that she’s a top meme, I’m sure we’ll be occasionally seeing her for years.

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