Creepy Dude Takes The Middle Seat Between Two Young Women – And Refuses To Move

When you book a flight you can usually also choose seats. Strangely, not everyone does this, even when seat assignments are free. And when the do pick seats, they make strange choices.

One of the oddest things people do is choose seats together with their travel partner. In a row of 3 coach seats, they’ll pick an aisle and middle or a window and middle. That just seems dumb.

Two women flying Emirates thought they were clever and selected a window and an aisle, with the open middle between them. Maybe they’d get lucky and have extra space if the flight wasn’t full, or worst case they could trade with whomever wound up with the middle seat – offering up a better window or aisle seat so they could still sit together.

Here’s what they learned: if you take the window and aisle seat, and leave the middle empty, you run the risk that someone winds up sitting there. You don’t get any extra room. And as this fellow shows, sometimes the passenger won’t move.

@sarliunlimited i dont get it???? #fyp #flypシ ♬ original sound – goldenbiscuit.tx

Live and Let’s Fly speculates that the many might just have figured if he sat between these ladies, they wouldn’t spend the whole flight gabbing he he might get some peace and quiet. That is not the reason.

A better strategy is to just assign yourselves two aisle seats across from each other. You’re still sitting together, with no passengers in between you, and you’re guaranteed that space. You can even hold hands across the aisle, when nobody is heading to or from the lavatory and flight attendant galley carts aren’t going by.

If you don’t like the seats that are available, that you do assign yourself, you can set a free email alert for a better seat. Virtually no one does this. here’s how to know which seat is best when deciding where to sit.

Of course you can also buy that extra empty seat if you wish on most airlines. Yet almost no one does this, either.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The middle seat guy == YUCK
    I book middle seats as a last resort and love when couples come on and ask if I’d like to switch so they can sit together. I’ve never turned down a couple yet and never will!

  2. The creepy people are the two women. Tried to pull a hack, got challenged, now crying in their soup. Boo Hoo Hoo
    For all we know, this was a stunt for social media clicks as in “click bait”.

    May have turned out the guy got the entire row to himself!!

  3. Not a creepy dude from the story. He probably read your posts about how the middle seat gets both arm rests and went with it. My guess is that all of the kissing between the girlfriends on the airplane didn’t happen. He also didn’t get bumped by people or carts. I wonder if he did the spreading thing.

  4. I’ve learned that I sometimes prefer a middle seat over a window seat in an exit row if the door is protruding too much into the window seat space.

  5. Apparently the resolution was the two women got reseated somewhere else… if those seats didn’t then fill with other passengers (which seems likely if there were aisle-middle seats elsewhere) then a masterful outcome by the middle seat passenger who got his own row!

  6. Stop selfishly gaming seating arrangements and you won’t have to deal with this, or at least offer something like $20 to move. When in doubt, I always take the side of the other party who didn’t post to social media.

  7. Man decides to stay: “creepy”
    Man decides to move: next article is “should you change your seat to accommodate other passengers?”

  8. So because these women did not get what they wanted, first having an empty middle seat and second, having the guy move, the GUY is the villain and deserves to be called a creep etc etc? Interesting. They’re going to have difficult and angry lives.

  9. He was not a gentleman , and ought to have offered to the FA to wait for the next flight .

  10. “One of the oddest things people do is choose seats together with their travel partner. In a row of 3 coach seats, they’ll pick an aisle and middle or a window and middle. That just seems dumb.”

    I’m a larger guy, I’d much rather be in my spouses space (or she in mine) than being bundled up next to a stranger. She also uses my shoulder to rest, we talk, etc. I get booking the aisle and window on a longer, wide open flight but if we feel the flight is going to be full it’s not worth it.

  11. Or maybe the guy can just sit wherever the F he wants and not have to worry about justifying his decision or being put on blast on social media. I swear people will pathologize ANY behavior these days esp when it comes to flying.

  12. I’m sorry but I don’t understand why the dude is creepy. Could someone explain it to me?

  13. No matter I’m traveling with we go with 2 aisle seats. And yes I have argued with others that which to switch. One dude continued his plea for 2 hours! My view? You book it it’s yours.

  14. The only thing better would have been if he weighed 300 lbs. I have sat on bags of food, purses and other personal items when I’m told the seat is being held for someone else (clearly Southwest). I simply say, “I’m sorry, this seat is taken and if they didn’t move their things I sit on them. Oops.

  15. Paper Boarding Pass is right. He’s not the creep. He was probably just being an asshole and teaching them a lesson for being so greedy. I might very well have done the same thing.

    I wonder if it even happened at all. She’s an influencer and probably just needed something to yak about.

  16. Gary, you’re completely wrong on this one. Dude took his assigned seat. Unless he acted substantially inappropriately after that the blame is all on the women who played a game and lost. Stuff like this is why I get the middle seat and my wife gets the window. My wife doesn’t want to sit by strangers so I take one for the team and deal with the middle. You pick your seat and deal with the consequences. That’s called being a grownup.

  17. Well, without looking for it I found actual creepy while browsing Boarding Area. It only took a minute.

    United Airlines Looks to Monetize the Investment It Has Made in Tech With Highly Personalized Ads Delivered On Seatback Screens

  18. You’re in your assigned seats; he’s in his. I’m tired of this game of using assigned seats simply as the first move in a game. If someone is willing to swap, OK, but if they say no, they are not some kind of a creep or jerk. They are entitled to the seat listed on their boarding pass.

  19. He’s creepy? How about those weirdos book window and middle and stfu. That’s what they get for trying to be slick.

  20. This guy has inspired me. As a single flyer I resolve to choose the middle seat between two already booked passengers, and will refuse to move unless they pay me $20, just so I can teach teach these entitled idiots who selfishly try to game the seating system. $20 minimum to move. If we all do our part, we can end this crap!

  21. Anything any male does now, including taking their assigned seats, is creepy, toxic, or whatever.
    The two women can go take a flying …

  22. New title:
    2 creepy women take aisle and window seat and leave poor guy who booked middle seat by accident stuck.

  23. This happened to my wife and me when we were taking a flight from Chisinau to Yerevan. Elderly, babushka wearing woman who refused to move from middle seat. There was a language barrier but she clearly understood we were offering her the window seat. She proceeded to hack up a lung with dry, phlegmy incessant coughing on both of us. We quickly both retreated to an empty row near the back of the plane and- mysteriously- her coughing stopped almost immediately. So we thought we were being smart but we were outsmarted.

  24. So a man gets on a SWA flight and takes a middle seat between two women he is automatically a creep regardless that all remaining seats are middle seats?
    Non-revs board last on SWA and usually find the only empty seat to be a middle seat. I’ve found that many “couples” travelers often take the window and aisle seat. Personally I make my selection by the size of the passengers and not by the gender. Choice of sitting between two women, rather than two “People of Size” (PoS as SWA called them), the PoS get the empty center seat in my world.

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