Delta Flight Attendant’s OnlyFans Plan: Will It Cost Her Job?

A Delta Air Lines flight attendant is looking for advice as she considers starting an OnlyFans (subscription porn site).

She’s three years into her flight attendant career, already has a social media following of over 100,000 to sell to, and since flight attendant pay is very low until you gain seniority she’s looking to make extra money.

I get asked every single day, multiple times, when I am starting an OF. I know that if I made one, I would definitely do well and make more and be able to help some of my family members who are financially struggling.

She worries that if/when Delta found out, she’d get fired – even without appearing in uniform or mentioning her employer.

Apparently several Delta flight attendants have already been fired for OnlyFans.

  • Accidentally having a uniform in the background of a video was enough.

  • In another case reportedly their OnlyFans and Instagram accounts were connected, and the Instagram account mentioned Delta. Also, another crewmember took “videos in his layover hotel and they tried to investigate him because he was using the layover hotel to make his videos.”

  • Other crewmembers, ostensibly friends, snitch.

And working as a flight attendant for Delta has been better than being cabin crew at other airlines. Still, if you’re working reserve or holding a line of less than 80 hours per month, you have time on your hands. And you have a lot of sit time either way. Many pilots have side gigs (insurance is popular, though one at United ran brothels). More flight attendants should, though perhaps they should consider broader options.

In the early days of blogging, and before modern social media, Delta Air Lines flight attendant Ellen Simonetti became a poster child for the new online world colliding with work expectations. She started a blog, Queen of Sky: Diary of a Dysfunctional Flight Attendant in September 2003 but a year later was suspended and later fired for posing in uniform and on planes, combined with her online commentary (she never expressly identified her employer by name). Some of her photos were mildly suggestive. Part of the issue at the time was that in what was then a wild west of expectations, other flight attendants were escaping discipline for similar activities. SHe did self-publish a book.

OnlyFans now has a surprising nexus with the airline industry as its co-founder is an investor and board member in questionable Airbus A380 transatlantic startup Global Airlines. It’s probably both more lucrative for many and certainly safer than the onboard prostitution which was apparently happening on British Airways.

And there’s a niche for everything, as one American Airlines flight attendant was advising colleagues on how to successfully sell feet photos online – something that became popular during pandemic-era furloughs.

Airlines – like many large companies – are broadly concerned with reputation management. I’m not sure many of them have great reputations. Delta’s was harmed significantly enough during last week’s meltdown that this might improve it, but they won’t see it that way. You often have to make a choice between a regular job and OnlyFans.

(HT: Paddle Your Own Kanoo who notes that “a Delta Air Lines flight attendant was suspended and later fired after he hooked up with the now-disgraced adult film star Austin Wolf in the lavatory of one of the airline’s planes.”)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. If Delta (or any employer) wants to control off duty hours then pay them while off duty. Otherwise, as long as the employee does not specify or reference their employer in a video, then butt out. No employer should control what an employee legally does while off the clock.

  2. Delta should worry about its operations before worrying what their employees do on their own time.

  3. I agree with Ron. As long as they’re not posing in or utilizing company assets. Then, selling their own assets should be fair game.

  4. oh gee. Another woman sells her body for sex, but cries out for respect? Definitely fire her. She can make more as a whore.

  5. A useful reminder that the First Amendment does not apply to employers or even companies and customers, unless that employer or company has incorporated the First Amendment in its policies, regulations, rules, or contract.

    I really don’t understand why workers within certain industries, such as airlines, seem more inclined to try and be an online celebrity or influencer.

    I couldn’t imagine my administrative assistant trying to do the same. Or the medical billing assistant at my doctor’s office.

  6. She said she is asked often when she is going to make an OnlyFans? That right there tells you all about how she lives her life. That she would associate with people who would have the GALL to ask when she was going to start selling adult content is so very telling indeed.

  7. I’ll bet she’s really useful on the airplane and not glued to her phone the entire flight “influencing”.
    They really need to stop hiring people under 35.
    Yes, the old ones are jaded but the young ones are worse.

  8. I agree with Ron on this. Unless either one or both of the following is applicable:

    a) a (non-executive) employee’s off-the-clock conduct comes with them being unable to do their job when they are at work; and/or

    b) a (non-executive) employee is using employer-provided goods/facilities in violation of authorized use for employer’s assets,

    the employer should mind their own business and focus on at-work conduct and performance.

  9. Hey, if flight attendants decide to choose to go the *Adult* way in whoring themselves out with doing an OnlyFans thing on their time off,then that is there own business,but I don’t think that any airline company would wanna see any flight attendants go online whoring themselves out online because it would look bad on their company. Certainly NO One wants to hire women who *Whore* themselves out

  10. @luke re: “She said she is asked often when she is going to make an OnlyFans? That right there tells you all about how she lives her life. That she would associate with people who would have the GALL to ask when she was going to start selling adult content is so very telling indeed.”

    So, she hangs out with men 40+ with tons of disposable income whose wive’s no long make any attempt at all to satisfy their sexual needs.

  11. It may give unwanted attention when people recognize her and affect people behavior which may get her fired.

  12. I’m fine with her chosen side job. Maybe she should disguise her face a bit so as to not be recognizable when she is doing her main job as a flight attendant. Her chosen main job has a lot of unpaid hours waiting around so this job will allow her to work some of those hours. Of course, if the side job becomes very lucrative, she should consider quitting the main job. If she does that, I hope she sets aside a lot of retirement money.

  13. By the way, I suspect that she is fit enough to do all of the safety related requirements for her flight attendant job. I also suspect that she can do those requirements better than some of other flight attendants.

  14. After recently retiring after 36 years at Delta, I assure you that she will be fired as soon as she is exposed by one of her FA colleagues

  15. Very one-sided article. No mention of the company image and their attempt to project their employees as professionals. Nor does it mention the code of conduct she agreed to at the onset of her employment which no doubt has a section on or a morality clause.

    If the flight attendant wants to start the OnlyFans page, then she needs to quit her job at Delta and take the risk.

  16. I go back to what was said several years ago. A Delta flight attendant made provocative photographs in uniform but without any markings. She also did this aboard an aircraft that, although had no logos, etc., was clearly a Delta aircraft. She was terminated. Granted, the above article is not exactly the same scenario but the implied intent is the same. If a representative of a company is recognized by the public, in or out of context of the job (and a flight attendant is a representative of the company) and is exhibiting provocative poses, etc. that person runs a risk…NOTE “RISK”… of action by the employer. Whether the employer or the employee wins in court, either way…it’s risky. I’m not suggesting right or wrong, it would be up to a court to decide but still..RISK.

  17. Would the story be different if she was selling aviation-themed homemade broaches on Etsy?

  18. Not seeing the problem. Delta spent most of July screwing its customers over the internet.
    This is totally on-brand, but with more happy endings than Delta can provide.

    My only question is whether I can use my 225,000 Skypesos toward a subscription?

  19. So the airline is more triggered by production of sexual-oriented content off-hours more than it is of gun-oriented content off-hours even just after a gun-loving 20-year-old conservative Republican tried to assassinate the former President? Talk about weird priorities if you’re more freaked out about what consenting adults legally do sexually with each other in their spare time than about all the illegal gun violence using legal guns.

  20. Such a dirty TMZ-type blogger for page reads. No worry this stuff is ever going to catch up and impact your day job. Or your daughter will grow up and look back at what daddy’s blog was about?

  21. Why would this blog be a problem in relation to any work of his? Does this country have more of a sex problem than it has a violence and excessive coercion problem? It’s not like what consenting adults do with each other on a video call or whatever they do online in regards to sexual interests is each other puts my life at risk more than the aggressive drivers running late while using their phones in the driver seat or all the guns out there in the hands of easily-triggered lunatics and scaredy cats.

    Also, do you really want to see the country be one where people are afraid to talk up because of fear of what it may mean for their financial well-being or for their relatives? That’s a scary world more than our dear Señor Leff unleashing his inner Jerry Springer for entertainment purposes and more.

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