Diamond Member Kicked Out Of Hotel: “You’re Scum. You’re Nothing. You Can Leave.”

A Choice Privileges Diamond member filmed himself being kicked out of a Sleep Inn hotel. The front desk clerk tells the man, “You called me a b—- and you’re an absolute nobody. A piece of.. You’re scum. You’re nothing. You can leave.”

The man says he’s leaving, turns his phone around to point it at himself, and declares “This is how they treat their Diamond members.” Why yes, when you call the front desk clerk vulgarities it very much is. The amazing thing is that the man shared the video to TikTok (though since removed it) as though the exchange made him look good?

Hotel clerk went off after a guest (and Sleep Inn Diamond Member) called her a bitch
byu/Ezziboo inPublicFreakout

I wrote recently about a hotel clerk taking revenge on an entitled elite guest.

There are published benefits of elite programs, and it’s hard enough getting hotels to honor those. Poor treatment of employees is not a benefit. Remember that at Hilton, even late check out is not! One commenter on the video reminds,

I work for Hilton. Actually has a guest last night throw his status in my face and get pissy when I told him the latest check out time before getting charged a fee is noon. Yes even for the highest member status.

What do you think you get as a Diamond with Choice Privileges, when that’s how program rules work at Hilton? There’s a fairly undefined upgrade benefit and breakfast while many Choice properties provide free breakfast to.. everyone.

The tagline of the Kevin Smith film Clerks was, after all, “just because they serve you doesn’t mean they like you.” The corollary of this is that being a customer, even a frequent customer, doesn’t entitle you to mistreat people. Oddly, some people feel it is a mark of status not to treat others with respect. Sometimes they even get away with it. And other times they even get kicked out of a Sleep Inn.

(HT: Live and Let’s Fly)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I stand with the guest from what I can see.
    Her attitude is awful and she appears to escalate the situation
    Of course we don’t have the whole story but some team members and management can be abusive and hostile to guests even in a 5 star hotel
    And while guests can be demanding and difficult at times
    as long as they aren’t threatening anybody they are allowed to complain if someone is treating them unfairly.

  2. I just want to say, in some cultures, a paying guest has paid for the right to be rude and demanding.

    The United States is not such a culture, but I cannot be sure if that’s for better or for worse.

    I would align with Dwondermeant (commenter above me) and say for paying customers the line should be drawn only at actual threats.

  3. You can be a triple platinum super duper titanium member and it STILL doesn’t give you the right to be abusive to any staff member.

  4. We don’t know based on the video that the agent wasn’t abusive first to the guest
    In hospitality agents must be taught to de escalate a situation with any rational guest
    Some don’t belong working with the public
    I wasn’t there nor am I defending the guest but some hospitality front lines can bring the worst out in others.After 40 years on the road I’ve seen it all
    The vast majority are pretty good where I stay

  5. The customer might have some fault, but he’s the customer. If the Front Desk Clerk worked for me, I wouldn’t be happy with her behavior, without regard to whether the customer was right or wrong.

  6. “Diamond Member at Sleep Inn” has to be the most depressing attempt at showing off I’ve ever seen. Without even watching the video, I’m tempted to believe it’s fake because only intentional comedy could be as funny as touting that as anything other than a joke.

  7. If you are a Diamond member in anything (and especially choice), you probably have a very sad life of many nights on the road doing your corporate bossman’s bidding in crappy chain hotels behind you.]

    Enough to break anyone.

  8. Ever since the cell phone and online customer service has suffered. They get who they can to work these jobs. Even FA’s aren’t what they used to be but then neither is the flying public. Having worked mostly in CS jobs I loathe rude on both sides.

  9. First of all if you are a Dimond member why are you staying at a Sleep branded property? Second of all neither a guest or an employee have a right to revert to name calling or direct attacks on the other. Maybe she is not acting professionally? So leave the si and write a letter to Corporate CC the GM. Stay off Tic Toc with these posts unless you are an attention seeking “Karen”.

  10. Maybe there is a video of the whole situation taken at the front desk. Management should review it. If she keeps her job, it will indicate who was in the wrong.

  11. I’m guessing his diamond status was achieved due to work travel. My friend is a pharma rep and one portion of his territory is an area of East Texas with very few hotel options. Instead of driving the 3.5 hrs out, working all day, and then driving the 3.5 back home he routinely stays in low budget hotels out there. And due to that, he’s accumulated diamond status.

    Sometimes the options for work travel aren’t the best, especially if they pay and cap the rate based on the MSA.

  12. I don’t argue with them I simply dispute any extra charges or sometimes the whole bill with my CC company and 9 X out of 10 win. Much less stressful. Also a a little charm and some free candy goes a long way in getting what you asked for. Calling someone a bitch not so much.

  13. Love how the writer just assumes the man called her a bitch because the video doesn’t show that! Nice professionalism with that hat, it is like she thinks ahead is working at a 7-Eleven which uis probably where she deserves to be working with an attitude like that!

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