Entire British Airways Crew Nearly Kicked Out Of Resort After Drunken Fight In The Maldives

British Airways has some wild crew, and they seem to cause more commotion when they travel the world than employees of other airlines. BA recalled a flight attendant after a drunken altercation in the Maldives where her entire crew was nearly kicked off of the remote property.

The stewardess, her daughter and a friend had been staying at the Oblu Xperience Ailafushi with the rest of the BA flight team, who had flown from Heathrow to capital Malé last week.

…A fight was then said to have broken out after hotel management warned the trio about their behaviour. “There was a lot of pushing and shoving, then fists were flying. Onlookers got involved as they tried to break it up. It was the last straw for the hotel. BA was informed and the stewardess was ordered home.”

Credit: Oblu Xperience Ailafushi

The resumption of flights to the Maldives in fall 2022 has brought a number of incidents. First, one flight attendant passed out completely sauced at the beach. And then another ran naked around the hotel’s breakfast buffet.

BA antics are worldwide, however. In the fall a British Airways pilot snorted coke off of a topless woman, then tried to fly passengers to London. Then crew fabricated a mugging to cover up a wild night in Rio.

We’ve seen naked spin the bottle and bar fights in Singapore. And back in the day British Airways Mixed Fleet cabin crew reportedly would party pretty extensively at the Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi, but several international locations have been hot spots.

Several years ago flight attendants at BA were told they had to stop running naked through the halls of their layover hotels. But it’s usually just been antics in good fun, not hard drugs, fake police reports, or getting the entire crew kicked out of a remote resort.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Perhaps BA is to up-tight . Perhaps they are merely letting enjoying themselves . No problem at all .

  2. There is nothing new in this, back in the mid 70’s we were in the Holiday Inn on St George’s, Bermuda. We’d purloined two of the fridge racks off the aircraft to use for the barbecue for the “beach” room party. My wife and I were on the flight together, she was the A girl. After a lot of booze and rescuing the sausages that fell through the gaps in the rack onto the fire, we headed back to the hotel only to find one of our girls on the 9th green crying her eyes out, god only knows what could have happened to her, if we hadn’t come across her, she’d had a row with her boyfriend ( not a crew member ) who’d left her there and gone off to her room.
    Took her back to the hotel, but then he wouldn’t let her into her room, well she wasn’t sleeping in our room. So after a lot of discussion, I had to remind him whose room it was and if he did open the door I’d have him evicted, he finally he let her in. ( What a tosser he was by the way )
    It was a very quiet crew on our 747 back to LHR the next night.

    I can remember the hotel in Caracas was going to throw out the whole crew flight deck and all, after half the crew ran through the lobby starkers.
    It was only after the station manager talked them out of it.
    It was the skippers first trip in command, very embarrassing !!
    I’m so pleased that the current crews are keeping up to the standards of those who went before them .

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