Four Spirit Airlines Check-in Agents Give Passenger A Beat Down At BWI Airport

Four check-in agents working the Spirit Airlines counter at BWI airport delivered a beat down to a passenger this week. The heated exchange escalates into a physical confrontation that left the man on the ground, repeatedly attacked by employees of the contractor working for Spirit Airlines.

The fight took place late Tuesday afternoon, and the Maryland Transportation Authority confirmed that officers responded to reports of the altercation. Five individuals were identified as participants in the brawl, with the passenger sustaining minor injuries.

The video begins with a man approaching the Spirit check-in counter in an agitated state. As tensions rose, he squared off against several employees, who swarmed and attacked him. The men, weareing Spirit Airlines uniforms, took the man down to the ground, continuing to land punches and kicks even after he was subdued.

The men doing the beat down aren’t actually employed directly by the airline, but for a contractor managing check-in in Baltimore for Spirit. The airline reports, though, that the employees have been suspended pending further investigation, stating that “violence of any kind is not tolerated.”

We don’t know what events led up to the brawl, of course, since the passenger recording the incident didn’t know to press that button until things began getting out of hand. It’s hard to imagine that this level of violence was appropriate. And, while noting that these people weren’t employed by Spirit outsourcing customer-facing functions doesn’t make the airline less responsible for the passenger experience.

I’ve written about poor quality third party agents before, specifically Menzies Aviation working for Air Canada at BWI. At one point I believe Calspan Air Services had the contract for Spirit in Baltimore, but do not know if that is current. Are any of you aware?

In any case this is hardly the first brawl involving Spirit Airlines or the first altercation between a Spirit agent and passenger.

(HT: Live and Let’s Fly)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Spirit has used contract workers for their gate agents as well as other positions. A few years back I was an “Operations Agent” for Spirit at a Florida location at the same time my son was working for Spirit in their HQ down in South Florida.

  2. @ Gary — It is probably safe to assume that the customer provoked the agents. Regardless, they should probably be fired.

  3. I believe United used third party contractors for their DCA operations, at least they did last holiday season when I flew. The gate agent was the single nastiest customer service experience I have ever had, bar only the lady at the hot dog stand at the Nats stadium. If that’s your competition, you’re in pretty deep. I don’t think she spoke a word to me, just gestures, stink face firmly in place. I’m sure the contractors don’t pay these people enough to act like they care. Which directly translates to the airline not caring enough about you, the passenger, to pay.

  4. Some people deserve a beat down. I’m tired of the ongoing theme that violence is never appropriate. Sometimes it isn’t only appropriate but necessary and everyone should be prepared to deal it out.

  5. I’ve heard of two-spirit people but, wow, four-spirit airlines … way beyond my pay-grade.

  6. If the patron launched the first punch on the employees, game on. Beat down deserved!

  7. @Alert A news article said that the airline employees attacked the man because he was a Trump supporter who was upset over the verdict.

  8. It doesn’t matter whether they are direct employees or contractors, the company is responsible. They can’t outsource something and pretend it is out of their control. To a customer all it matters is the name on the uniform or the store/counter/etc. where the person is located.

    And yeah, there are a lot of wackos out there whether they are just wacko or on drugs/alcohol, they should not be flying or dealing with people.

  9. I can assume he was probably asking for it…and well, he got it. The last kick was unnecessary, but chalk that up to adrenaline.

  10. Management should relocate these four contractors to the Spirit Airlines gates in Florida so they will receive training and techniques from world-class fighters at the weekly Spirit Airlines gate fights.

  11. They got fired because they did the beat down for free. Spirit charges for that too.

  12. You square up on 4 guys, you get what you get. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  13. Looks staged for payout conveniently pushes railing away from face at the end so person with camera can film him

  14. These employees literally assaulted the passenger. They 100000% should be arrested. Being just fired is not the solution for such behavior.

    At most the employees should have just restrained the passenger and call security. The beat down was uncalled for and is destructive to Spirits reputation and the feeling of safety as a whole.

  15. ….slow clap….

    Gate agents and especially flight attendants should be allowed to deliver beat downs whenever necessary. Passengers are the worst.

  16. You want low cost air flights? Then you get low class employees. The airline hires contractors that pay minimum wage for minimum service. Whatever bag of crap walks in to for a job..HIRED. My company uses contract employees at some outlying stations but the contractors must follow my company’s rules. Whatever the case, call security and only defend yourself, don’t be an aggressor like shown in this scene. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE…that way you don’t have to pay unemployment benefits.

  17. “4 Agents Abandon Working A Check-in Desk In Favor of Working A Customer Over “

    I don’t know all the facts but I can’t help but think this is kind of awesome. Pax would be far more civil if they knew they were on the edge of getting a critical beat down.

  18. I didn’t watch the video. Were the employees that were behaving violently Karens?

  19. Funny you’d mention that the Menzies employees at BWI suck, because Menzies actually does Spirit ground handling at BWI as well.

  20. @ Biccus:

    I AM the trash. And you’ll be flying with me soon. Look out!*

    *This is sarcasm. I really am trashy, but not in a threatening manner.

  21. Calspan Air Services (nice job Googling Gary) hasn’t had Spirit at BWI (or even been in business) since about 2019. They are handled by ATS.

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