Houston Airport Offers $95,000 Internship

The City of Houston had a hiring freeze – no new police, first responders in the event of floods – but managed to create a new $95,000 a year internship for someone the Mayor has “a past working relationship” with, after initially claiming to have no idea who the intern was. The position allows the candidate to decide for themselves whether to stay on at the conclusion of the 12- to 18-month internship.

Curiously, the $95,000 internship isn’t at George Bush International Airport (IAH) or Houston Hobby (HOU) but at general aviation Houston Municipal Airport.

Houston Bush Intercontinental

Although the Mayor says the internship is necessary “to identify and train young professionals” and part of his efforts at “recruiting talented millennials to work in municipal government” the man holding the internship seems to already have been identified and is hardly new to government work. He previously worked for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and had already been employed by the City of Houston since 2014.

And while the Mayor’s office has also said the position was created “to attract new talent in the field of aviation” and it isn’t being filled with ‘new’ talent, it’s also not being filled by someone with any previous experience or listed familiarity with aviation.

At $95,000 per year plus no experience with no aviation experience, imagine how well you could do in the Executive Internship Program at the Houston Municipal Airport if you had aviation credentials? Well, aviation credentials and close ties to the Mayor.

(HT: Nicki N.)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. In Chicago this would be a $195,000 internship or $295,000 if you are related to Mike Madigan.

  2. After hearing about baby biden gassing it up on Ukraine and this, it makes me wonder if our government is basically a fractal of corruption.

  3. @Jason Wong

    Shoot did Eric get on the board of a billion dollar foreign company with no relevant experiences?


    The worst I heard is people are worried that it may be improper that some people may stay in his hotels that otherwise wouldn’t have if he was not president; but I figure that is probably balanced by the liberals who will now not stay at his hotlels due to “orange man bad” so its a wash and I’m not worried.

  4. Quid Pro Quo Joe. Not only did his druggie son get deals from both China and Ukraine, but his brother got a deal from Iraq. Moreover, I have heard that there are more such corrupt deals coming to light in other countries. Per Peter Schweizer’s book (published 3/20/1018) “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends”; foreign countries make many politician’s families (on both sides of the aisle) rich to influence the politicians in the USA. There is a whole chapter on Quid Pro Quo Joe in that book.

    Further, the obvious question is whether or not Quid Pro Quo Joe was selling out the USA security for kickbacks? And for how long? Moreover, since he was part of the Obama Administration: the second obvious question is, how deep does it go? Notably, Kerry’s (who negotiated secretly with North Vietnam) stepson was in on the Ukrainian deal. Quid Pro Quo Joe does not have any independent authority as Vice President. His authority comes from the Chosen One (Obama). Quid Pro Quo Joe has been bragging constantly about how close he was to the Chosen One. The third obvious question is did the Chosen One know anything about Quid Pro Quo Joe’s corrupt activities? [Yea right the Chosen One is Helen Keller (deaf dumb blind).]

    @A_B. Talking about Helen Keller, Jason Wong is purposely being death dumb and blind to support his Trump Derangement Syndrome. You cannot reason with these crazies. In any case, Orange Man Bad, does not excuse corruption by Quid Pro Quo Joe, other members of the Obama Administration, or the bi-partisan swamp in general.

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