JetBlue’s Star Alliance Move? What To Make Of United’s Merger Denial And Lufthansa’s Interest

Is JetBlue joining Star Alliance? There’s a lot suggesting that this could be under discussion. The biggest argument against it is that it hasn’t happened yet, so might not come to fruition. That, and Betteridge’s law of headlines: since it’s still a question, some will presume the answer is no. But here’s the argument for yes:

While an outright acquisition would face anti-trust problems, alliance membership would not. Alaska and American both co-exist in oneworld together. United and US Airways used to both be members of Star. The judge in the American-JetBlue anti-trust case said that American’s ‘West Coast Alliance’ with Alaska is a model for a deal that passes muster, even as he argued that American-JetBlue did not. Alliance membership wouldn’t entail carving up routes across the carriers.

Since United’s strength is at Newark, and their New York JFK slots were leased out to Delta a decade ago, Star Alliance carriers lack feed at New York JFK. This would be a valuable partnership especially for Lufthansa Group carriers, but also for other more minor Star airlines.

And it would address a strong need of JetBlue’s. It would give them connecting traffic onto their U.S. domestic flights, and the ability to sell connections beyond their European destinations. They’re building lounges at New York JFK and Boston, and it would give them a lounge network. Their frequent flyer program would become more compelling, offering status recognition and award redemption globally (improving the value proposition of their credit card as well).

Star Alliance Lounge LAX Outdoor Deck

Global alliance membership makes sense. The scuttlebutt from Star Alliance partners of United’s that there’s consideration of a deal with JetBlue and that United only states there are no merger plans makes this a strong possibility. Edited to add that Enilria comes to a similar conclusion as well, noting that United “did not deny that JetBlue could be looking at joining Star Alliance.”

American and JetBlue made nods towards re-starting their partnership, potentially adjusting the model and taking advantage of a change in administration.

If United were to swipe this opportunity from under American, it would be another coup along the lines of Delta nabbing LATAM out from under them.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. First a code-share, then a complete acquisition of JetBlue. United can command far more of a premium for its international routes from JFK versus Newark. No one has seriously considered EWR since Thomas Crown…in 1999.

  2. Having connections under one roof once JFK Terminal 6 opens (where Lufthansa and other Star Alliance carriers [plus one world’s Cathay Pacific] have already announced they’ll be operating at) makes for a good fit for a partnership with JetBlue!

  3. I said this on Lucky’s site, but from a competitive standpoint, I think a United/B6 tie-up (whether a full merger or something like a partnership or an entrance into Star Alliance) is more attractive from a competitive standpoint than an American/JetBlue partnership. American and JetBlue are *competitors* at JFK and BOS, and to a lesser extent, LGA. What they were doing at those airports was collusion, removing competition. At least a United/B6 alliance of some kind gets United more meaningfully into those competitive northeast airports. If there is a merger/acquisition, the government should make UA/B6 sell NYC slots to AA.

  4. Would love to understand the nuances that make the AA-AS partnership ok but the AA-B6 partnership untenable.

  5. @Andy S

    I’m starting to think you just want chaos. Never read a ‘nice’ thing about anything from you. For once, could you actually share something useful, like be a ‘decent’ human being. What kind of world do you even want to live in?

    I still have hope for you. And I love it when you hate me. Feed me.

  6. again, LH might want a partner at JFK since UA wasn’t smart enough to stay there with their own metal but it doesn’t mean that B6 is interested.

    Even in an equity partnership, the real value comes from exclusivity and that means that B6 would have to give up multiple other partnerships at JFK including airlines for which it provides the domestic legs of international flights.

    AS did and does the same thing at SEA; ultimately, most foreign airlines which also have AS service to the same international destinations and for B6 from JFK will come to the conclusion that it isn’t worth expecting a US airline to do anything for them if they don’t either get exclusivity or get something in return. AS and B6 want to be international airlines but also massive feeder airlines for lots of international airlines.

    LH might want a partnership but it doesn’t mean much if B6 does the same thing with a dozen plus other airlines.

  7. @Joe, the reason that the last NEA (Northeast Alliance) between AA+B6 was disallowed is because the NEA was approved as a codeshare, but they in fact behaved as if they were a JV + ATI (joint venture with antitrust immunity), which was never applied for.

    Things like schedule and price coordination, route assignments, etc., are legally allowed in a JV, but codeshares don’t allow these benefits.

  8. I can’t imagine a future without an American/British , United/Lufthansa , and Delta/KLM/Air France merger based on the past. SWISS is always neutral. Maybe they merge with Singapore Airlines.

    The world only needs 4 airline conglomerates .

  9. @D3Kingg

    You are conflating airline alliances with parent companies. Swiss (the airline) is very much with Lufthansa, Austrian, and Brussels airlines, both via its parent company as well as Star Alliance. This is similar to to Air France and KLM, or International Airlines Group which is the multinational holding company for British, Iberian, Aer Lingus, and others.

  10. This is the path forward for B6. It has been obvious for some time now. They have a very competitive product and have some nice real estate in JFK and BOS. They need an alliance to make selling seats a little easier. And yes, all of a sudden, that premium card starts to look less crazy (but it is still pretty nuts). They can sell premium leisure to people originating in the Northeast. But if they also add some connecting traffic, they will be in much better shape. For anyone that has traveled both B6 and DL, they know B6 has the better in-flight experience.

  11. Interestingly UA filed an 8K that same day the rumor came about denying it all. Public companies as a whole generally don’t tend to respond to “internet rumors” by filing an official statement with the SEC. This goes to bloggers potentially releasing non public or non true information. Said blogger might want to be a bit careful with what he is saying/releasing. Unless he wants the weight of the SEC to come down on him.

  12. @George N Romey – I link to and reference that 8-K in the post. They said only that they aren’t in discussions to acquire/merger JetBlue. That’s part of the premise for ‘so what kind of an arrangement might be under discussion’

  13. Please stop putting up this rumor. B6 is not merging with UA, and will never merger with UA. B6 is currently reallocating all assets to the east coast. The jet forward plan is B6 becoming the number one airline on east coast. AS will merge with B6 in 1-2 years, and then AS will divest slots in BOS/JFK. That’s where UA will get JFK slots.

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