Jetsetters’ Edge: The Profile Tweak Every Frequent Flyer Should Use for Dating Success

There’s one tweak to your online profile that could turbocharge your right swipes and get potential dates sliding into your DMs.

Dating used to mean going out with someone that you’d met through an activity. Maybe you met them at church, or through friends, but odds on they’d been vetted by peers. Sure, you might meet at a bar or on vacation and that’s where things start to go south and wind up a made-for-tv movie on Lifetime.

A meme for the Tinder and Hinge era started this year that you can replace the screening that used to happen through close connections with government vetting. Just demand that your dates have TSA PreCheck because the government has already done a background check.

You can level up this advice by asking for Global Entry. The screening process is more rigorous. It comes with PreCheck and expedited entry at U.S. borders. Either way they won’t hold you back at the airport.

Don’t just ask them if they have Global Entry. Make your first date at the airport and check whether they have a boarding pass showing PreCheck and if it works at the checkpoint. The U.S. government monitors all Global Entry members every single day. The background check isn’t just a one-off. It’s current.

Key for this is that you need to actually book a ticket to fly somewhere. If you use one of airport programs that allows you to go airside through security without traveling, you won’t get PreCheck benefits for the day. One benefit for those with airline, credit card, or Priority Pass lounge access is that you can have a meal and drinks and it won’t even cost you anything.

Bar at the Chase Sapphire Lounge, Boston

Food at the Capital One Lounge, Washington Dulles

Normally spending on a date signals your financial security, but doesn’t a plane ticket and lounge access do an even better job of it – and you don’t even have to buy the meal?

Tinder’s highest-tier subscription costs $6,000 per year and gets you a badge on your profile. The primary benefit is proving that you can afford to spend $6,000 on Tinder. But that doesn’t come with a background check. So add your Global Entry card and airport lounge membership to your profile and watch the DMs come in.

Well, that and if you’re a man you’ll want to list yourself as being 6 feet tall. A large percentage of women use this as a dating criteria, but it’s a huge a mistake. Even if they prefer height over every other characteristic they’d be better off searching for 5’11” – basically just as tall, but overlooked by women focused primarily on height. Moneyball.

Delta Air Lines was actually early to the travel tie-in marketing itself with Tinder in 2017, and Thailand partnered with Tinder to promote a pandemic-era re-opening to tourism.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Gary referenced Moneyball?
    Now I know it is the end times.
    Exploit those market inefficiencies!

  2. Lots and lots of creeps have been approved for Global Entry and PreCheck, so do your own due diligence. Also if you can, get an assist from a young toddler and let the child profile the prospective interest — it will be as effective as those contract interrogators airlines have asking us questions on flights back to the US to see if we are “safe”.

  3. We’ve hit peak cringe on View From The Wing. Nothing like an old, ugly, longtime married guy trying to look hip by writing about dating apps.

    Dating apps are mostly irrelevant. Women use them for vanity because even the most homely woman will accrue thousands of likes a day in any major city. Men who aren’t 6’5” ripped Harvard MD/PhD orthopedic surgeon dog owners with Ikon passes and a side hustle as venture capital partner and founder of at least 2 post-Series D startups, need not apply.

  4. The only thing flaunting money online will get you is all the moochers and gold diggers and “sugar daddy” types and “mutually beneficial relationship” (I don’t see what’s so mutually beneficial when she gets sex AND money yet he only gets sex and probably STDs and loses money).

  5. @ Gary — The people are Delta who promted any connection between Delta, Thailand, and Tinder are stupid.

  6. Maryland, everybody on the dating market wants to date your wallet — or in more politically correct terms they want financial stability.

    What kind of woman is looking for a guy who makes $40k a year? Women in HCOL markets aren’t even happy with $400k a year, because in an expensive coastal city, you’re still firmly middle class on that income. I do not blame women for the preference of being financially secure.

  7. @HVC. ,
    Hey if you’re comfortable in your own skin, have your own money, you need not seek financial security from others. That is first step in happiness. Which is, in the long term valuable.

  8. Now I know why I waited so long to find the right woman to marry. If I had the right background check, women would have been throwing themselves at my feet (sarcasm).

  9. @ Gary — I realy shouldn’t try to post comments from my phone…earlier comment should read “The people at Delta who promoted any connection between Delta, Thailand, and Tinder are stupid.”

  10. Santa’s GE expired 4 years ago. No wonder I haven’t gotten any presents.

    Dating apps in the US are pretty useless now, mainly because American women have become virtually undatable. Terrible attitudes, bitchy, bossy, mannish, inflated opinion of themselves, probably just looking for money, or to sucker some poor sap into marrying them. Don’t do it! Now I only date while in Asia. Women still act like women there. Unfortunately they don’t know what GE is, so that doesn’t help…but a few profile pics sitting in int’l F does.

  11. Mantis is wrong on American women. The complaint gives off incel energy. Do remember that dating apps show you women who are algorithmically similar to you. If you’re a high value man, you will be presented with high value women. If you’re a low value man, you will be presented with equally low value women.

    The trope of American men finding women abroad is extremely repulsive. I am an American man. I like American women best. Our general lifestyle practices, pop culture knowledge, political sensibilities, and our food and language habits align. None of this is likely to hold with foreign women.

  12. Mantis,

    You make it sound like you flopped on the American dating scene and instead want to take your own set of encounters with American women to blame American women as a whole.

    People should look in the mirror before blaming others for their “game” level, because American women most certainly are not all or mostly cut from the same cookie cutter as you seem to believe.

  13. @GUW
    Who said anything about my game level? It’s about my preferences. You might like mannish, domineering, bitchy women, so have at it, they are all yours. I prefer feminine women, and American women are overwhelmingly not feminine anymore. You strike me though as one of those soi boy beta cucks that can’t even define a woman, so I’m not too concerned about your opinion on the matter.

  14. Once upon a time, I used to drink WAY too much. And that resulted in a LOT of legal expenses due to arrests for drunk driving. Hell, I was even kicked out of Canada after being released from prison there (a very brief stay while friends came up with bail money).
    And still, today, I have precheck and Global entry.
    Two reasons:
    1) AA really does work
    2) during the interview when they asked if I had ever been arrested, I said: yes. When asked why I said: “I grew up poor in Detroit. Doesn’t matter if you are black or white, you are going to jail”.
    Seemed like that was sufficient to get a hall pass.

  15. Just was clueing you in on how you don’t make yourself come across better in what you seem to suggest is a tight market. Surely you don’t want the market participants and independent market analysts to think the only market pickings acceptable to you that are accepting your bids are penny stocks in a foreign OTC market,

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